It was a beautiful thing seeing obama getting disrespected

Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

His plane has its own stairs.

Eat shit, ass clown.
nobody said that the plane didnt have its own stairs. Of course planes have their own stairs.
That being said, the big stairs that roll up to the main entrance/exit door are not part of the plane, they are provided by the airport, the stairs that come with the plane are usually on the underside of the plane.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

His plane has its own stairs.

Eat shit, ass clown.
Nobody said the plane did not have its own stairs, the statement was that the staircase was not brought up to the plane.
The staircase lines up with the upper door, the one that happens to be on the same level as the main compartment of the plane.
The staircase that comes with the plane is on the lower level, it is just behind where the presidential seal is on the side of the plane, below and back of the main door. Essentially, on a normal plane, the cargo hold. Having never been on the presidential plane, as you can imagine, I have no clue what that level is.
That lower door is not the one that is normally used when the president exits during this type of trip. The hosting country will normally send the steps out, draped with the seal of the visiting country, the steps below are for the most part folding aluminum stairs with nothing draped across them.
It was a show of disrespect. Any other president we have ever had and I would be offended, with obama I understand them.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"
Go live there then.
So much for Barry's alleged "improvement" of relations between the US and foreign countries! Son of a whore in Manila and no red carpet in Red China...ouch!
Interesting, how the American right now usually aligns itself with the enemies of the USA.

I'm so old, I can remember when Republicans weren't proud of being treasonous.

It's almost like they threw a shoe at Obama

Well its not like anyone actually likes him.
I do.
people out there that enjoy the smell of a fart too.
Our President is highly reasonable, measured and consistent. He's also smart, respectful toward others and has a good sense of humor. I don't care for some of his foreign policy, but I figure he probably knows a lot more about what's really going on than I do.
Interesting, how the American right now usually aligns itself with the enemies of the USA.

I'm so old, I can remember when Republicans weren't proud of being treasonous.

It's almost like they threw a shoe at Obama

Well its not like anyone actually likes him.
I do.
people out there that enjoy the smell of a fart too.
Our President is highly reasonable, measured and consistent. He's also smart, respectful toward others and has a good sense of humor. I don't care for some of his foreign policy, but I figure he probably knows a lot more about what's really going on than I do.

LOL...what part of his foreign policy DO you agree with, Old Lady?
Everything he's touched has turned to shit. The only person with a worse record with foreign policy might be Hillary Clinton.
Interesting, how the American right now usually aligns itself with the enemies of the USA.

I'm so old, I can remember when Republicans weren't proud of being treasonous.
Obama s the traitor, and it and treats him accordingly.
The sight of Bonobo having to use the 'back stairs' was a perfect visual metaphor for how he's viewed by other country's leaders.
Pretty much sums up what 'The First AA President' is viewed as.
Thankfully there will be 'The First one armed blind midget' before there's another 'AA President.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Written by either an UN-American scum bucket.....OR
by a tacitly RACIST and hate-filled scum bucket.......

The ONLY 2 choices for this idiot.
Interesting, how the American right now usually aligns itself with the enemies of the USA.

I'm so old, I can remember when Republicans weren't proud of being treasonous.

It's almost like they threw a shoe at Obama

Well its not like anyone actually likes him.
I do.
people out there that enjoy the smell of a fart too.
Our President is highly reasonable, measured and consistent. He's also smart, respectful toward others and has a good sense of humor. I don't care for some of his foreign policy, but I figure he probably knows a lot more about what's really going on than I do.
Im sorry but, to the reasonable person, bamma has been the most disrespectful and the most divisive piece of shit to ever occupy the white house.
What exactly makes him a "right wing nut job"?

Because you are a right wing nut job and you support him against your own country and president.

Can't get any more right wing nut job than your kind.
Obama is our enemy. If our country wasn't full of like minded traitors, he would have been tried as a.traitor years ago, and shot.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Written by either an UN-American scum bucket.....OR
by a tacitly RACIST and hate-filled scum bucket.......

The ONLY 2 choices for this idiot.

Or someone who thinks Barry Obama never had a clue and isn't respected around the world like you all said he was?
It's almost like they threw a shoe at Obama

Well its not like anyone actually likes him.
I do.
people out there that enjoy the smell of a fart too.
Our President is highly reasonable, measured and consistent. He's also smart, respectful toward others and has a good sense of humor. I don't care for some of his foreign policy, but I figure he probably knows a lot more about what's really going on than I do.

LOL...what part of his foreign policy DO you agree with, Old Lady?
Not gonna get into it with you, Oldstyle. I'm pleased no one has bombed our mall or police station recently, though.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Written by either an UN-American scum bucket.....OR
by a tacitly RACIST and hate-filled scum bucket.......

The ONLY 2 choices for this idiot.

Or someone who thinks Barry Obama never had a clue and isn't respected around the world like you all said he was?

If you had an OUNCE of self-respect, you'd apologize................LOL

I personally get a kick out of the treasonous worms on this site calling Americans who refuse to kowtow to that garbage in the oval office, traitors. Pretty funny.
Well its not like anyone actually likes him.
I do.
people out there that enjoy the smell of a fart too.
Our President is highly reasonable, measured and consistent. He's also smart, respectful toward others and has a good sense of humor. I don't care for some of his foreign policy, but I figure he probably knows a lot more about what's really going on than I do.

LOL...what part of his foreign policy DO you agree with, Old Lady?
Not gonna get into it with you, Oldstyle. I'm pleased no one has bombed our mall or police station recently, though.

Gee, since you Progressives are in favor of letting in unvetted immigrants from regions of the world FILLED with Islamic'd best enjoy that while you can, Old Lady! Just sayin'...
If you were stupid enough to get caught up in the cult of personality of Obama and you voted for him in 2008, I get it.

If you voted for him twice, you are a complete moron
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"
And then the peerless leader of the Philippines backtracked, fell over and realized that after the White House cancelled a visit that Santa was going to pass him by...

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