It was a beautiful thing seeing obama getting disrespected

This thread shows the "mentality" of Americans who STILL see Obama as an undeserving, Black, Kenyan Muslim and probably agree with this sentiment below,,,,,,remember???


I'm not a "birther", Nat...I'm just someone who thinks Barry was nothing more than empty promises and catchy slogans. He didn't have a clue about how to do the job.
What president isn't?

To the degree that Obama was? I'm hard pressed to think of ANY President who was less qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama was, Moonie! If you honestly appraised his accomplishments since leaving Harvard Law School it's not something that stands up to scrutiny. He was a mediocre lawyer...a mediocre lecturer...and an awful legislator yet he was the darling of the left? Why? Because as Joe Biden so clumsily put it...he talked good for a black guy!
So when were you president, where are your accomplishments which dwarf his? I bet you have zero, yet you are an expert.....
LOL...what part of his foreign policy DO you agree with, Old Lady?
Not gonna get into it with you, Oldstyle. I'm pleased no one has bombed our mall or police station recently, though.

Gee, since you Progressives are in favor of letting in unvetted immigrants from regions of the world FILLED with Islamic'd best enjoy that while you can, Old Lady! Just sayin'...
They're not unvetted and we'll be fine once we hit the problem where it lives.

Ah, did you miss the part where the head of the FBI admitted to Congress that they have absolutely no way to adequately do background checks on those people, Old Lady?
I saw the interview when it happened, actually, and my recollection is that the head of the FBI said they had no way to ensure with 100% certainty that EVERY refugee was properly vetted. He didn't say we CAN'T vet ANY of them, which is the words a lot of people have put into his mouth since then.

Did you doze off while you were watching that, Old Lady? What the Head of the FBI stated was given the state of affairs in that region of the world the FBI had no possible way to properly check on people's backgrounds. I'd be happy to get his exact words if you like.
Not gonna get into it with you, Oldstyle. I'm pleased no one has bombed our mall or police station recently, though.

Gee, since you Progressives are in favor of letting in unvetted immigrants from regions of the world FILLED with Islamic'd best enjoy that while you can, Old Lady! Just sayin'...
They're not unvetted and we'll be fine once we hit the problem where it lives.

Ah, did you miss the part where the head of the FBI admitted to Congress that they have absolutely no way to adequately do background checks on those people, Old Lady?
I saw the interview when it happened, actually, and my recollection is that the head of the FBI said they had no way to ensure with 100% certainty that EVERY refugee was properly vetted. He didn't say we CAN'T vet ANY of them, which is the words a lot of people have put into his mouth since then.

Did you doze off while you were watching that, Old Lady? What the Head of the FBI stated was given the state of affairs in that region of the world the FBI had no possible way to properly check on people's backgrounds. I'd be happy to get his exact words if you like.
Then why let in Europeans, Asians or anyone for that fact...??
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"

Disrespecting the US president is disrespecting the US.
When should others respect him when the Republican Party and the American media disrespects him. When others see the way he is treated at home, they have no reason to respect him abroad.

Don't blame the Republican Party for the reason HE isn't being respected. Barry has offered the world MORE than enough reason on his own to mock and ridicule him.

- Presenting him with the Nobel Peace Prize (for potential) only to have him create his own drone assassination program, start unsanctioned wars in Libya and Syria, arming terrorists and Mexican Drug cartels

- Promising one of the most transparent administrations ever only to produce the least transparent administration ever - 70% criminal non-compliance with FOIA requests

- Running the most lawless administration ever: Refusal to enforce US law, protecting those who break US law, BREAKING US law himself, refusal to comply with US Court orders, being held in Contempt several times, protecting criminal politicians from judicial punishment (Holder, Castro, Reid, Clinton), turning this nation into a 'Banana Republic'

- The Obama Syrian 'Red Line' - blown off by Assad ,backing down in front of the world, then trying to blame 'The World' for HIS miscalculation

- Lie of the Year

- Giving the Queen an IPOD loaded with the 'Best Of Barry' Speeches (Talk about ego/arrogance)

- Being out-played by Putin

- Paying a Ransom to Iran

- Un-Constitutional 'Deal'-making with terrorist-supporting nations

- Allying himself with terrorists to help them tae over their own nations and to seek retribution / make up for his embarrassing 'Red Line' fiasco

So don't blame the GOP for Barry's F-Ups & lack of respect.
Not gonna get into it with you, Oldstyle. I'm pleased no one has bombed our mall or police station recently, though.

Gee, since you Progressives are in favor of letting in unvetted immigrants from regions of the world FILLED with Islamic'd best enjoy that while you can, Old Lady! Just sayin'...
They're not unvetted and we'll be fine once we hit the problem where it lives.

Ah, did you miss the part where the head of the FBI admitted to Congress that they have absolutely no way to adequately do background checks on those people, Old Lady?
I saw the interview when it happened, actually, and my recollection is that the head of the FBI said they had no way to ensure with 100% certainty that EVERY refugee was properly vetted. He didn't say we CAN'T vet ANY of them, which is the words a lot of people have put into his mouth since then.

Did you doze off while you were watching that, Old Lady? What the Head of the FBI stated was given the state of affairs in that region of the world the FBI had no possible way to properly check on people's backgrounds. I'd be happy to get his exact words if you like.
Okay, that would be good. In context, please. The general gist of his message was what I said.
This thread shows the "mentality" of Americans who STILL see Obama as an undeserving, Black, Kenyan Muslim and probably agree with this sentiment below,,,,,,remember???


I'm not a "birther", Nat...I'm just someone who thinks Barry was nothing more than empty promises and catchy slogans. He didn't have a clue about how to do the job.
What president isn't?

To the degree that Obama was? I'm hard pressed to think of ANY President who was less qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama was, Moonie! If you honestly appraised his accomplishments since leaving Harvard Law School it's not something that stands up to scrutiny. He was a mediocre lawyer...a mediocre lecturer...and an awful legislator yet he was the darling of the left? Why? Because as Joe Biden so clumsily put it...he talked good for a black guy!
So when were you president, where are your accomplishments which dwarf his? I bet you have zero, yet you are an expert.....

I'm not President...nor do I deserve to be President. I am however intelligent enough to know when someone else is ALSO not deserving of the Presidency! I've said from the very beginning of Barack Obama's bid for office back in 2008 that I wasn't seeing accomplishments in his life since he left Harvard that made me think he was exceptional. What I saw when I looked hard was a man who was gifted a title "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" and used that title to get himself a six figure book deal...a job at a prestigious law firm in Chicago...a guest lecturer position at the University of Chicago...and a political career. I have no issue with any of that...he played the hand he was dealt extremely well. What I had issue with back then was the narrative that was put out by the Main Stream Media that Barack Obama was an exceptional human being because when I examined his "accomplishments" they either weren't very accomplished...or they were actually abysmal. He's the only President of the Law Review who never had his own work published in the Law Review. He was a nondescript lawyer. He was a college professor who never published anything in his field. He was such a bad legislator that he couldn't get a single bill passed his first two years in the Illinois State Senate and had to have legislation GIVEN to him to put his name on by Emile Jones, the black "Godfather" of Chicago politics...legislation that others had crafted! That's who Barack Obama WAS!

So is it any surprise that he's been in over his head as President? Not to me...
This thread shows the "mentality" of Americans who STILL see Obama as an undeserving, Black, Kenyan Muslim and probably agree with this sentiment below,,,,,,remember???


I'm not a "birther", Nat...I'm just someone who thinks Barry was nothing more than empty promises and catchy slogans. He didn't have a clue about how to do the job.
What president isn't?

To the degree that Obama was? I'm hard pressed to think of ANY President who was less qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama was, Moonie! If you honestly appraised his accomplishments since leaving Harvard Law School it's not something that stands up to scrutiny. He was a mediocre lawyer...a mediocre lecturer...and an awful legislator yet he was the darling of the left? Why? Because as Joe Biden so clumsily put it...he talked good for a black guy!
So when were you president, where are your accomplishments which dwarf his? I bet you have zero, yet you are an expert.....

I'm not President...nor do I deserve to be President. I am however intelligent enough to know when someone else is ALSO not deserving of the Presidency! I've said from the very beginning of Barack Obama's bid for office back in 2008 that I wasn't seeing accomplishments in his life since he left Harvard that made me think he was exceptional. What I saw when I looked hard was a man who was gifted a title "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" and used that title to get himself a six figure book deal...a job at a prestigious law firm in Chicago...a guest lecturer position at the University of Chicago...and a political career. I have no issue with any of that...he played the hand he was dealt extremely well. What I had issue with back then was the narrative that was put out by the Main Stream Media that Barack Obama was an exceptional human being because when I examined his "accomplishments" they either weren't very accomplished...or they were actually abysmal. He's the only President of the Law Review who never had his own work published in the Law Review. He was a nondescript lawyer. He was a college professor who never published anything in his field. He was such a bad legislator that he couldn't get a single bill passed his first two years in the Illinois State Senate and had to have legislation GIVEN to him to put his name on by Emile Jones, the black "Godfather" of Chicago politics...legislation that others had crafted! That's who Barack Obama WAS!

So is it any surprise that he's been in over his head as President? Not to me...
Which president has ever made ME politics better?
Trump has zero experience, looks like he'll be a loser also...
Gee, since you Progressives are in favor of letting in unvetted immigrants from regions of the world FILLED with Islamic'd best enjoy that while you can, Old Lady! Just sayin'...
They're not unvetted and we'll be fine once we hit the problem where it lives.

Ah, did you miss the part where the head of the FBI admitted to Congress that they have absolutely no way to adequately do background checks on those people, Old Lady?
I saw the interview when it happened, actually, and my recollection is that the head of the FBI said they had no way to ensure with 100% certainty that EVERY refugee was properly vetted. He didn't say we CAN'T vet ANY of them, which is the words a lot of people have put into his mouth since then.

Did you doze off while you were watching that, Old Lady? What the Head of the FBI stated was given the state of affairs in that region of the world the FBI had no possible way to properly check on people's backgrounds. I'd be happy to get his exact words if you like.
Okay, that would be good. In context, please. The general gist of his message was what I said.
I'm not a "birther", Nat...I'm just someone who thinks Barry was nothing more than empty promises and catchy slogans. He didn't have a clue about how to do the job.
What president isn't?

To the degree that Obama was? I'm hard pressed to think of ANY President who was less qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama was, Moonie! If you honestly appraised his accomplishments since leaving Harvard Law School it's not something that stands up to scrutiny. He was a mediocre lawyer...a mediocre lecturer...and an awful legislator yet he was the darling of the left? Why? Because as Joe Biden so clumsily put it...he talked good for a black guy!
So when were you president, where are your accomplishments which dwarf his? I bet you have zero, yet you are an expert.....

I'm not President...nor do I deserve to be President. I am however intelligent enough to know when someone else is ALSO not deserving of the Presidency! I've said from the very beginning of Barack Obama's bid for office back in 2008 that I wasn't seeing accomplishments in his life since he left Harvard that made me think he was exceptional. What I saw when I looked hard was a man who was gifted a title "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" and used that title to get himself a six figure book deal...a job at a prestigious law firm in Chicago...a guest lecturer position at the University of Chicago...and a political career. I have no issue with any of that...he played the hand he was dealt extremely well. What I had issue with back then was the narrative that was put out by the Main Stream Media that Barack Obama was an exceptional human being because when I examined his "accomplishments" they either weren't very accomplished...or they were actually abysmal. He's the only President of the Law Review who never had his own work published in the Law Review. He was a nondescript lawyer. He was a college professor who never published anything in his field. He was such a bad legislator that he couldn't get a single bill passed his first two years in the Illinois State Senate and had to have legislation GIVEN to him to put his name on by Emile Jones, the black "Godfather" of Chicago politics...legislation that others had crafted! That's who Barack Obama WAS!

So is it any surprise that he's been in over his head as President? Not to me...
Which president has ever made ME politics better?
Trump has zero experience, looks like he'll be a loser also...

Jimmy Carter for one...
What president isn't?

To the degree that Obama was? I'm hard pressed to think of ANY President who was less qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama was, Moonie! If you honestly appraised his accomplishments since leaving Harvard Law School it's not something that stands up to scrutiny. He was a mediocre lawyer...a mediocre lecturer...and an awful legislator yet he was the darling of the left? Why? Because as Joe Biden so clumsily put it...he talked good for a black guy!
So when were you president, where are your accomplishments which dwarf his? I bet you have zero, yet you are an expert.....

I'm not President...nor do I deserve to be President. I am however intelligent enough to know when someone else is ALSO not deserving of the Presidency! I've said from the very beginning of Barack Obama's bid for office back in 2008 that I wasn't seeing accomplishments in his life since he left Harvard that made me think he was exceptional. What I saw when I looked hard was a man who was gifted a title "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" and used that title to get himself a six figure book deal...a job at a prestigious law firm in Chicago...a guest lecturer position at the University of Chicago...and a political career. I have no issue with any of that...he played the hand he was dealt extremely well. What I had issue with back then was the narrative that was put out by the Main Stream Media that Barack Obama was an exceptional human being because when I examined his "accomplishments" they either weren't very accomplished...or they were actually abysmal. He's the only President of the Law Review who never had his own work published in the Law Review. He was a nondescript lawyer. He was a college professor who never published anything in his field. He was such a bad legislator that he couldn't get a single bill passed his first two years in the Illinois State Senate and had to have legislation GIVEN to him to put his name on by Emile Jones, the black "Godfather" of Chicago politics...legislation that others had crafted! That's who Barack Obama WAS!

So is it any surprise that he's been in over his head as President? Not to me...
Which president has ever made ME politics better?
Trump has zero experience, looks like he'll be a loser also...

Jimmy Carter for one...
Yet who died from Carter making peace? Which would lead one to believe that there was no peace....

- Is the son of an anti-Colonialist who declared he wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence
- Was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis
- Studied Saul Alynski even quoted him during his Inauguration Speech
- Was Mentored by a racist, hate-spewing, Anti-American for decades
- Was/Is friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, killing police

Since he has been in he has:
- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in over 500 dead, to include Americans
- Supported, Financed, Trained, Armed, Protected, and went to war as allies with terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS
- Cut an enemy-benefitting deal with Iran, paid a ransom to them
- Made violent illegals and 'refugees' a higher priority than needy American citizens

So what did you really expect from him?
Carter sucked as a President...but he has been an outstanding 'ambassador' since he left office, aside from the occasional bashing of the US while being outside the country.
I'm not a "birther", Nat...I'm just someone who thinks Barry was nothing more than empty promises and catchy slogans. He didn't have a clue about how to do the job.
What president isn't?

To the degree that Obama was? I'm hard pressed to think of ANY President who was less qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama was, Moonie! If you honestly appraised his accomplishments since leaving Harvard Law School it's not something that stands up to scrutiny. He was a mediocre lawyer...a mediocre lecturer...and an awful legislator yet he was the darling of the left? Why? Because as Joe Biden so clumsily put it...he talked good for a black guy!
So when were you president, where are your accomplishments which dwarf his? I bet you have zero, yet you are an expert.....

I'm not President...nor do I deserve to be President. I am however intelligent enough to know when someone else is ALSO not deserving of the Presidency! I've said from the very beginning of Barack Obama's bid for office back in 2008 that I wasn't seeing accomplishments in his life since he left Harvard that made me think he was exceptional. What I saw when I looked hard was a man who was gifted a title "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" and used that title to get himself a six figure book deal...a job at a prestigious law firm in Chicago...a guest lecturer position at the University of Chicago...and a political career. I have no issue with any of that...he played the hand he was dealt extremely well. What I had issue with back then was the narrative that was put out by the Main Stream Media that Barack Obama was an exceptional human being because when I examined his "accomplishments" they either weren't very accomplished...or they were actually abysmal. He's the only President of the Law Review who never had his own work published in the Law Review. He was a nondescript lawyer. He was a college professor who never published anything in his field. He was such a bad legislator that he couldn't get a single bill passed his first two years in the Illinois State Senate and had to have legislation GIVEN to him to put his name on by Emile Jones, the black "Godfather" of Chicago politics...legislation that others had crafted! That's who Barack Obama WAS!

So is it any surprise that he's been in over his head as President? Not to me...
Which president has ever made ME politics better?
Trump has zero experience, looks like he'll be a loser also...

My biggest problem with Obama wasn't his lack of was his surrounding himself with an inner circle that ALSO had a severe lack of experience but had the same ideological beliefs as he did. The resulting foreign policy was a disaster.
Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte absolutely shredding obama was a sweet thing. China disrespecting obama by not bringing a staircase to his jet, LOL, that was hilarious. It is great to see other countries see him for the worthless sack of shit he truly is. After all the division obama has caused, stabbing allies in the back, giving our Constitution and America the middle finger, it is just priceless the humiliation he suffered. The only thing is, he deserves far worse humiliation and disrespect than this.

Oh, and then obama trying to give Putin an ice cold stare down. What a joke! Putin probably had to everything humanly possible to not break out in laughter. In a physical confrontation, Putin knocks obama's ass out cold in under 3 seconds.

Between China, the Philippines and Russia, they all but said to obama what so many of us have been saying, which is: "fuck off!"
USMB Right Wingers once again show their incredible ignorance. This time about China and Obama.

Just when I think you guys are incredibly stupid, you show that it's so much worse.

China and Russia are NOT friends to America. Russia has become pretty much a dictatorship and China is a communist country. Right wingers support for the enemies of our way of life and their hatred for the first black president shows without a doubt they are screaming and flaming ignorant fucktards.

Well, for these ignorant turds, it's only gonna get worse:

What president isn't?

To the degree that Obama was? I'm hard pressed to think of ANY President who was less qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama was, Moonie! If you honestly appraised his accomplishments since leaving Harvard Law School it's not something that stands up to scrutiny. He was a mediocre lawyer...a mediocre lecturer...and an awful legislator yet he was the darling of the left? Why? Because as Joe Biden so clumsily put it...he talked good for a black guy!
So when were you president, where are your accomplishments which dwarf his? I bet you have zero, yet you are an expert.....

I'm not President...nor do I deserve to be President. I am however intelligent enough to know when someone else is ALSO not deserving of the Presidency! I've said from the very beginning of Barack Obama's bid for office back in 2008 that I wasn't seeing accomplishments in his life since he left Harvard that made me think he was exceptional. What I saw when I looked hard was a man who was gifted a title "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" and used that title to get himself a six figure book deal...a job at a prestigious law firm in Chicago...a guest lecturer position at the University of Chicago...and a political career. I have no issue with any of that...he played the hand he was dealt extremely well. What I had issue with back then was the narrative that was put out by the Main Stream Media that Barack Obama was an exceptional human being because when I examined his "accomplishments" they either weren't very accomplished...or they were actually abysmal. He's the only President of the Law Review who never had his own work published in the Law Review. He was a nondescript lawyer. He was a college professor who never published anything in his field. He was such a bad legislator that he couldn't get a single bill passed his first two years in the Illinois State Senate and had to have legislation GIVEN to him to put his name on by Emile Jones, the black "Godfather" of Chicago politics...legislation that others had crafted! That's who Barack Obama WAS!

So is it any surprise that he's been in over his head as President? Not to me...
Which president has ever made ME politics better?
Trump has zero experience, looks like he'll be a loser also...

My biggest problem with Obama wasn't his lack of was his surrounding himself with an inner circle that ALSO had a severe lack of experience but had the same ideological beliefs as he did. The resulting foreign policy was a disaster.
Unlike Bush and Reagan.
Carter sucked as a President...but he has been an outstanding 'ambassador' since he left office, aside from the occasional bashing of the US while being outside the country.
I know. Imagine, not a single war for 4 years and only 10 million in job growth. Horrible.

- Is the son of an anti-Colonialist who declared he wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence
- Was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis
- Studied Saul Alynski even quoted him during his Inauguration Speech
- Was Mentored by a racist, hate-spewing, Anti-American for decades
- Was/Is friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, killing police

Since he has been in he has:
- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in over 500 dead, to include Americans
- Supported, Financed, Trained, Armed, Protected, and went to war as allies with terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS
- Cut an enemy-benefitting deal with Iran, paid a ransom to them
- Made violent illegals and 'refugees' a higher priority than needy American citizens

So what did you really expect from him?
That's all bullshit. You can't possibly believe that nonsense. You can't prove any of it because it's retarded. And it would take a tard to believe it.

- Is the son of an anti-Colonialist who declared he wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence
- Was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis
- Studied Saul Alynski even quoted him during his Inauguration Speech
- Was Mentored by a racist, hate-spewing, Anti-American for decades
- Was/Is friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, killing police

Since he has been in he has:
- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in over 500 dead, to include Americans
- Supported, Financed, Trained, Armed, Protected, and went to war as allies with terrorists like The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS
- Cut an enemy-benefitting deal with Iran, paid a ransom to them
- Made violent illegals and 'refugees' a higher priority than needy American citizens

So what did you really expect from him?
That's all bullshit. You can't possibly believe that nonsense. You can't prove any of it because it's retarded. And it would take a tard to believe it.
I have posted the links numerous times.
It has been proven.
I don't really care if you believe it or not.
I don't care if you look it up or not.
Believe it or not.
I refuse to try to convince you because you will never accept it.

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