It was an insurrection. The insurrectionists said so.

You got it!
Ties in neatly with the Second Amendment.. I did call for martial law..
Also I was suspended from Twitter on January 5th same exact time. As djt so I went to parlor and they got shut off at midnight
so you tell me is free speech healthy here?

I think it is.
Shutting down Parlor, banning The President and his supporters on Twitter was an Insurrection against Democracy and Free Speech.

Weird how all of that occurred in coordination with each other. Almost as weird as all the vote counting in all The Battleground states was halted at exactly the same time. I wonder if Dominion, like Parlor was using Amazon Web Services at the time. Now that would be interesting to find out. Would explain the coordinated shutdown of the vote counting in The Battleground States.

That's almost as weird as Epps urging people protesting to go in to The Capital Building but did not go in himself, and was never charged with anything. The Capital Police opened the doors and invited them in for a tour.

Almost as weird as Pelosi refusing reinforcements offered her from both The Capital Police and POTUS, and then The Capital Police in The Capital Building suddenly showing up in Swat Gear and attacking The Invited Visitors beating one unarmed woman to death, and shooting the other unarmed woman in the head and killing her.

Weird, Like someone planned it. Weird.
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So they're seditionists, not insurrectionists?
I was just about to bring up sedition it seems as if the two would go hand-in-hand but here's a question for you fabulous faun
or any of the riots during the summer Insurrection sedition or federal offense
Their plan was to prevent the duly elected president from being certified and to install the person of their choice as a replacement.
I know that is why Obama, Clinton and Biden paid for "Russian Collusion" by colluding with Putin, and then got their Russian Moles and puppets in The FBI to go along with The Scam.

And The DemNazis and their little insurrection kept on going all the way until December 2019, when they then shifted gears and invited Fauci and The Chi-Coms at Wuhan to fix "Their Little Orange Problem."
Shutting down Parlor, banning The President and his supporters on Twitter was an Insurrection against Democracy and Free Speech.

Weird how all of that occurred in coordination with each other. Almost as weird as all the vote counting in all The Battleground states was halted at exactly the same time.

Almost as weird as Epps urging people protesting to go in to The Capital Building but did not go in himself, The Capital Police opening the doors and inviting them in, Pelosi refusing reinforcements offered her from both The Capital Police and POTUS, and then The Capital Police in The Capital Building suddenly showing up in Swat Gear and attacking The Invited Visitors beating one unarmed woman to death, and shooting the other unarmed woman in the head and killing her.

Weird, Like someone planned it. Weird.
I know right???
I was suspended for harassing antifa

No, 1 was at the Capitol two were found at the grotto (summerhouse) and the fourth one is an Insurrection to be named at a later date...
Yes, 4 died there that day...

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