It was an insurrection. The insurrectionists said so.

John Brown was put down by US Army soldiers.

There were no standing US Army soldiers back then, and each state provided their own divisions for federal use when necessary.
The troops were provided by West Virginia and were under the command of Robert E. Lee.
They also happened to be Marines, not Army.
There were no standing US Army soldiers back then, and each state provided their own divisions for federal use when necessary.
The troops were provided by West Virginia and were under the command of Robert E. Lee.
They also happened to be Marines, not Army.
We’re done.
They STOPPED it. That was their intent.

The only reason it was "delayed a bit" and only a bit, is because Pence and McConnell and Pelosi refused to be part of the coup and called the Congress back into session
I wish we could have stopped the federal riots in Portland
But that's another black lives matter
You mean doors like these...?

Sure but the front doors are much bigger

So Mike Pence should have approached Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists, stuck his neck out to those calling to hang him, and just let them do to him whatever they wanted?

Pence is never without armed guards.
He could easily have gone out on a balcony or something, to address them.
That likely would have ended it, peacefully.
The shot that Bryd fired to end it, could have been fired at any time, by any cop.
So there was nothing to risk or lose by not talking to the demonstrators.
Insurrection is the act of rebellion itself. Like bank robbery is the act of robbing the bank not what the perpetrator did with the money after.
Then we have that going on nearly every day. Ignore the speed limit? Rebellion against the government, insurrection. Take payment under the table to avoid taxes? Rebellion against the government, insurrection. Take over several city blocks and declare yourself free from the law? Rebellion against the government, insurrection. Burn police cars and police stations because you don't like the way they operate? Rebellion against the government, insurrection. Basically, if you're going to use that standard, you're going to have to apply it in an awful lot of areas, to many of which you won't want to have it applied.
Charges aren’t required for it to be an insurrection.

Sure but if it were actually an insurrection, those would have been the charges used.
They always try for the greatest charges possible.
The only reason they did not use insurrection charges is they knew they would not stick.
Which then means anyone using that charge is a liar.
So what was the next step in this grand plan?
Once the electoral count was stopped thewre were a number of options being bandied about by the Trump Admin.

One was the Eastman plan

The other was referred to as the Greenbay Sweep

Either accept alternative slates of electors and thus declare Trump the winner

Simply disallow any "contested" slates of electors creating a tie and throwing the election to the House where not members but STATES are Trump the win

Should the mob really go wild...declare martial law and then everything gets thrown into a cocked hat
So? Four people did die there that day.
No, they didn't die that day. Snitnik died a day later from a heart attack. One did three days later by suicide. Another cop also died by suicide.

Your attempt to blame the rioters falls far short of the facts.
This was their weapon...

You got it!
Ties in neatly with the Second Amendment.. I did call for martial law..
Also I was suspended from Twitter on January 5th same exact time. As djt so I went to parlor and they got shut off at midnight
so you tell me is free speech healthy here?

I think it is.
Can she order the doors closed, stuff like that ?
She's The Speaker of The House, as she likes to tell you, "The Third Most Powerful Person in America."

What do you think?

Can the "Third Most Powerful Person in America" order The Capital Doors closed?

She can order her fellow Congressmen to wear Facemasks even if they protest and don't want to.
Has ANY of them said they intended to topple the existing government and form a new one? Did they have a new Secretary of Defense picked out? Plans to dissolve Congress and elect brand new congresscritters?
Their plan was to prevent the duly elected president from being certified and to install the person of their choice as a replacement.
Once the electoral count was stopped thewre were a number of options being bandied about by the Trump Admin.

One was the Eastman plan

The other was referred to as the Greenbay Sweep

Either accept alternative slates of electors and thus declare Trump the winner

Simply disallow any "contested" slates of electors creating a tie and throwing the election to the House where not members but STATES are Trump the win

Should the mob really go wild...declare martial law and then everything gets thrown into a cocked hat
Washington already has a football team
Sure but if it were actually an insurrection, those would have been the charges used.
They always try for the greatest charges possible.
The only reason they did not use insurrection charges is they knew they would not stick.
Which then means anyone using that charge is a liar.
Not necessarily. Charges may still be filed when the planning of it is better understood. They are still wading through the lower offenders. There’s nothing stopping additional charges on those already charged if they are found to be part of a plot.

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