It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

You are the one that takes it in the ass in the NYC subway system.

I oppose Hagel because he hates Israel and is for slashing the DoD budget.

This is all too deep for your inferior ape mind.

You're a scumbag liberal that doesn't like Hagel for being from the GOP and his anti-gay statements.

You are still as stupid as obamination who supports Hagel.

I can understand why you are pissed about the "anti-gay" statements..faggot.

But don't'll get over it.

You're projected again about your last visit to NYC.

Ahhhh, you're a liberal Jew.

You can't figure out why Democraps oppose Israel and side with the islamic terrorists trying to destroy Israel.

You should seek help for being fucked up in the head supporting people that want Jews dead.

then shut your stupid mouth and don't comment on what you pretend i said.


seek help.

I don't waste my time reading your bullshit after seeing it before in other threads.

You're a kook, a moron, piece of shit, etc....

really moron?

how about you read this thread, wacko.
Projected what?

This isn't something new. Conservatives have smeared the war records of vets they don't like. From John Kerry to Tammy Duckworth.

Usually one waits for distasteful behavior before complaining about it. Unwad your panties and deal with the facts currently being discussed. Or are you just trying to avoid the jewish and gay issues?


I wear boxers.

And why the fuck are you concerned about that?


I really have no opinion to be honest. Hagel was a factor before I took an interest in politics so I'm not familiar enough with him to form a fair opinion. Having said that I have read a few of the things he has said and could understand any opposition to him by either side. What I don't understand is why he gets a pass from some on the left for his anti gay position. I have watched many on here hold politicians accountable for things said or done in the distant past but this is somehow different.

Why, then, should any of us freeze-frame Hagel’s comments 15 years ago — even as many of us, gay and straight, gladly acknowledge that America’s understanding of, and attitudes toward, sexual orientation and gender identity are changing rapidly?

I consider Hormel both a trailblazer and a mentor. Three years after his nomination, I became our country’s first openly gay Senate-confirmed ambassador. At the time, a number of people commented to me or, more often, behind my back that I shouldn’t serve as America’s face to the world for no other reason than I am gay.

Like Hagel’s apology to Hormel, many of these voices subsequently have admitted that they were wrong.

I cannot claim I know Hagel well. But as a career diplomat, I had occasions to work with him and his staff. In that work, I found Hagel to be a man of integrity — honest and direct in his assessments and willing to seek common ground.

He was true to his word. And if Hagel says he would fully implement the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” I take him at his word.

Don't judge Chuck Hagel by 1998 comment - Ambassador Michael Guest -
Why is Hagels position on gays being ignored in this thread? Had a poster on here aspoused the position he did you guys would be shreading that poster.

Lemmings much?

It's not being ignored. It's a non issue except for a few people with agendas. Hagel apologized and Hormel accepted his apology.

what more do you want?:eusa_shifty:

can you link me to where Hormel accepted his apology? the last statement i heard him make is that he absolutely did not accept his apology because a) it wasn't made to him; and b) it was only made so that hagel could get his appointment.

if that changed, i'd like to know.

"Hagel opposed the nomination on grounds that Hormel is “aggressively gay” — for which Hagel has since apologized. Hormel has accepted that apology and seems willing to move on."

Usually one waits for distasteful behavior before complaining about it. Unwad your panties and deal with the facts currently being discussed. Or are you just trying to avoid the jewish and gay issues?


I wear boxers.

And why the fuck are you concerned about that?


I really have no opinion to be honest. Hagel was a factor before I took an interest in politics so I'm not familiar enough with him to form a fair opinion. Having said that I have read a few of the things he has said and could understand any opposition to him by either side. What I don't understand is why he gets a pass from some on the left for his anti gay position. I have watched many on here hold politicians accountable for things said or done in the distant past but this is somehow different.

He gets no pass. He is being judged by his words and actions after that event 15 years ago.

The story is by an openly gay ambassador who has worked with Hagel


Why, then, should any of us freeze-frame Hagel’s comments 15 years ago — even as many of us, gay and straight, gladly acknowledge that America’s understanding of, and attitudes toward, sexual orientation and gender identity are changing rapidly?

I consider Hormel both a trailblazer and a mentor. Three years after his nomination, I became our country’s first openly gay Senate-confirmed ambassador. At the time, a number of people commented to me or, more often, behind my back that I shouldn’t serve as America’s face to the world for no other reason than I am gay.

Like Hagel’s apology to Hormel, many of these voices subsequently have admitted that they were wrong.

I cannot claim I know Hagel well. But as a career diplomat, I had occasions to work with him and his staff. In that work, I found Hagel to be a man of integrity — honest and direct in his assessments and willing to seek common ground.

He was true to his word. And if Hagel says he would fully implement the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” I take him at his word.

Don't judge Chuck Hagel by 1998 comment - Ambassador Michael Guest -

Hagel opposed the nomination on grounds that Hormel is “aggressively gay” — for which Hagel has since apologized. Hormel has accepted that apology and seems willing to move on.

Don't judge Chuck Hagel by 1998 comment - Ambassador Michael Guest -
A politician apologizes for a comment that could hurt him politically. Whoda thunk it possible?

No, an admittedly gay ambassador has stood up for Hagel as "a man of integrity — honest and direct in his assessments and willing to seek common ground."

This gay man says "...a number of people commented to me or, more often, behind my back that I shouldn’t serve as America’s face to the world for no other reason than I am gay...Like Hagel’s apology to Hormel, many of these voices subsequently have admitted that they were wrong."

Why do you insist on being deceitful? You're nothing but a disgusting old fool who needs to self deport, if you catch my drift... :eusa_shifty:
A politician apologizes for a comment that could hurt him politically. Whoda thunk it possible?

No, an admittedly gay ambassador has stood up for Hagel as "a man of integrity — honest and direct in his assessments and willing to seek common ground."

This gay man says "...a number of people commented to me or, more often, behind my back that I shouldn’t serve as America’s face to the world for no other reason than I am gay...Like Hagel’s apology to Hormel, many of these voices subsequently have admitted that they were wrong."

Why do you insist on being deceitful? You're nothing but a disgusting old fool who needs to self deport, if you catch my drift... :eusa_shifty:

Words usually expose the heart. Apologies mask those TRUE feelings so you don't become the target.
Liberals and those they support are allowed to insult gay people, black people, handicapped people, etc......they just need to apologize after the fact or sometimes not at all.

Meanwhile people like Rush are called racists, homophobes, etc for never having said shit like Hagel but he is evil to liberals because he doesn't support obamination's view of the world like Hagel.

Liberals are two-faced hypocrites.

A politician apologizes for a comment that could hurt him politically. Whoda thunk it possible?

No, an admittedly gay ambassador has stood up for Hagel as "a man of integrity — honest and direct in his assessments and willing to seek common ground."

This gay man says "...a number of people commented to me or, more often, behind my back that I shouldn’t serve as America’s face to the world for no other reason than I am gay...Like Hagel’s apology to Hormel, many of these voices subsequently have admitted that they were wrong."

Why do you insist on being deceitful? You're nothing but a disgusting old fool who needs to self deport, if you catch my drift... :eusa_shifty:

Words usually expose the heart. Apologies mask those TRUE feelings so you don't become the target.

Why, then, should any of us freeze-frame Hagel’s comments 15 years ago — even as many of us, gay and straight, gladly acknowledge that America’s understanding of, and attitudes toward, sexual orientation and gender identity are changing rapidly?

I consider Hormel both a trailblazer and a mentor. Three years after his nomination, I became our country’s first openly gay Senate-confirmed ambassador. At the time, a number of people commented to me or, more often, behind my back that I shouldn’t serve as America’s face to the world for no other reason than I am gay.

Like Hagel’s apology to Hormel, many of these voices subsequently have admitted that they were wrong.

I cannot claim I know Hagel well. But as a career diplomat, I had occasions to work with him and his staff. In that work, I found Hagel to be a man of integrity — honest and direct in his assessments and willing to seek common ground.

He was true to his word. And if Hagel says he would fully implement the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” I take him at his word.

Don't judge Chuck Hagel by 1998 comment - Ambassador Michael Guest -
It's not being ignored. It's a non issue except for a few people with agendas. Hagel apologized and Hormel accepted his apology.

what more do you want?:eusa_shifty:

can you link me to where Hormel accepted his apology? the last statement i heard him make is that he absolutely did not accept his apology because a) it wasn't made to him; and b) it was only made so that hagel could get his appointment.

if that changed, i'd like to know.

"Hagel opposed the nomination on grounds that Hormel is “aggressively gay” — for which Hagel has since apologized. Hormel has accepted that apology and seems willing to move on."


i know that's what ambassador guest said. and i heard chuck todd say that this morning. but this is the last i heard from hormel, himself:

James Hormel: I question the sincerity of Chuck Hagel’s ‘so-called apology’


But in an interview this afternoon, the target of the 1998 slur, leading gay philanthropist James Hormel, told me he never received an apology from Hagel himself, questioned the sincerity of the apology, and said the incident should still raise questions about whether Hagel is the right man to oversee the repeal of don’t ask don’t tell.

“I have not received an apology,” Hormel, who is a major figure in Democratic politics, told me. “I thought this so-called apology, which I haven’t received, but which was made public, had the air of being a defensive move on his part.” Hormel added that the apology appeared to have been given “only in service of his attempt to get the nomination.”

James Hormel: I question the sincerity of Chuck Hagel’s ‘so-called apology’
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i know that israel hatred blinds you. but no, i don't hate him. i just don't think he should head the DOD.

you sound like the loons when you say things like that.
I certainly don't hate Israel. I just do not view Israel as any more special than any of our other allies, whether it's Britain, Japan, Canada, etc. But they wield outsized influence over this country that our other allies do not. And we get very little out of the relationship.

What sort of outsized influence are you talking about?

I don't remember huge coverage and outrage from FOX Newsertainment over whether Obama was going to make time to meet the Japanese PM, or whether Obama's outreach to China was a slap in the face of Japan.

Feel free to change those countries to South Korea/North Korea if you do not believe that Japan has faced a constant threat from China (they have).
I certainly don't hate Israel. I just do not view Israel as any more special than any of our other allies, whether it's Britain, Japan, Canada, etc. But they wield outsized influence over this country that our other allies do not. And we get very little out of the relationship.

What sort of outsized influence are you talking about?

I don't remember huge coverage and outrage from FOX Newsertainment over whether Obama was going to make time to meet the Japanese PM, or whether Obama's outreach to China was a slap in the face of Japan.

Feel free to change those countries to South Korea/North Korea if you do not believe that Japan has faced a constant threat from China (they have).

Fox News is posting on USMB?
Liberals have forgiven Hagel, but it doesn't look like gays have.

Hagel is opposed by democrats which is far more pertinent than his being opposed by republicans. obama is making the United States into an ineptocracy, so it follows that he would appoint only those unqualified to serve in their appointed offices. Accept it, move on and prepare for the effects.
The Republicans/Tea Party will label anyone Obama proposes as being "unqualified" because they have never accepted Obama as being "qualified" to be president!

This kind of "Civil War" thinking, combined with a shift in America's demographics, will result in the demise of the GOP as a national party.
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I certainly don't hate Israel. I just do not view Israel as any more special than any of our other allies, whether it's Britain, Japan, Canada, etc. But they wield outsized influence over this country that our other allies do not. And we get very little out of the relationship.

What sort of outsized influence are you talking about?

I don't remember huge coverage and outrage from FOX Newsertainment over whether Obama was going to make time to meet the Japanese PM, or whether Obama's outreach to China was a slap in the face of Japan.

Feel free to change those countries to South Korea/North Korea if you do not believe that Japan has faced a constant threat from China (they have).

our involvement in the region stems more from our oil interests than anything else. so keeping peace there is pretty important. and, frankly, sometimes people shoudl do the right thing because it's the right thing. last i checked, we also had a common interest in de-fanging the jihadis, as well. and israel is a huge source of intel for us.

as for japan and china, unfortunately or fortunately, china holds our debt... do you really think we're going to face off with them in regard to japan when our larger concern in the region is north korea and keeping things with china civil.

and if george bush has snubbed nelson mandela, you'd have been a bit shocked and surprised. snubbing netanyahu was like that for jews. it was like 'why are you doing that to a friend'?

as it happens, the lack of personal warmth in that relationship seems not to have escalated to crazy levels. but i suspect netanyahu would have been able to make more of a case for certain things of interest to israel had he not tried to embarass the president.
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