IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED
It really won't matter at this point the damage has already been done - the DEMS steal another election

Don't blame the Dems

Moore primaried against a highly qualified Conservative. But the republican voters said no........we want the guy who hates fags and loves Jesus
She said he perved on her the whole trip
If it were just one accuser [The first by the way is a Democrat operative] it would be irrelevant - but it seems the first accuser primed others to come out of the woodwork. They are not ALL deep state operatives. He has already been tried and convicted by the media. What I find as a titillating forethought is what if he is elected - will he get equal treatment with Franken or will Franken get a free pass once the media firestorm subsides - we all know that Democrats are held to lower standards
Oh yes......all just a vast conspiracy
Just like the one against Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein
She said he perved on her the whole trip
If it were just one accuser [The first by the way is a Democrat operative] it would be irrelevant - but it seems the first accuser primed others to come out of the woodwork. They are not ALL deep state operatives. He has already been tried and convicted by the media. What I find as a titillating forethought is what if he is elected - will he get equal treatment with Franken or will Franken get a free pass once the media firestorm subsides - we all know that Democrats are held to lower standards
Oh yes......all just a vast conspiracy
Just like the one against Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein
WOW - how you got that out of what I typed is mind boggling. You been huffing those sewer fumes again Norton ?
Very weak evidence. Unlike this..


Evidence of what? Fingertips touching a flak jacket?

Here we are again with the theory that unless she's naked, it isn't sexual assault. This comes from the same gang that automatically assumes some accusation by an emotionally disturbed menopausal female about something that supposedely occurred 40 years ago couldn't possibly be false.

No boob was touched, dope. It's a stretch to label that as groping. I made no judgement of the woman either, liar.

Having cloths on isn't a defense against sexual assault, moron. The primary accuser against Roy Moore says she had cloths on.

Well, a flack jacket is a little different than a bra and panites.
That's NOT the point you moron!
It's Franken's action to belittle and humiliate the woman.
Even he admits what he did was despicable.
He's a very well known asshole to his staff and a misogynist creep.
When a LIB senator was asked whether he was surprised by Franken's boorish behaviour he replied: "Not really".
The reply was shown on CNN.
Can anyone imagine having Franken sitting in a public hearing watching him berating witnesses???????
Never will happen again.
The POS is done!
She said he perved on her the whole trip
If it were just one accuser [The first by the way is a Democrat operative] it would be irrelevant - but it seems the first accuser primed others to come out of the woodwork. They are not ALL deep state operatives. He has already been tried and convicted by the media. What I find as a titillating forethought is what if he is elected - will he get equal treatment with Franken or will Franken get a free pass once the media firestorm subsides - we all know that Democrats are held to lower standards
Oh yes......all just a vast conspiracy
Just like the one against Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein
WOW - how you got that out of what I typed is mind boggling. You been huffing those sewer fumes again Norton ?
Deep state operatives?

Now, where the hell did I leave my tin foil hat?
She said he perved on her the whole trip
If it were just one accuser [The first by the way is a Democrat operative] it would be irrelevant - but it seems the first accuser primed others to come out of the woodwork. They are not ALL deep state operatives. He has already been tried and convicted by the media. What I find as a titillating forethought is what if he is elected - will he get equal treatment with Franken or will Franken get a free pass once the media firestorm subsides - we all know that Democrats are held to lower standards
Oh yes......all just a vast conspiracy
Just like the one against Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein
WOW - how you got that out of what I typed is mind boggling. You been huffing those sewer fumes again Norton ?
Deep state operatives?

Now, where the hell did I leave my tin foil hat?
I got ya covered bro:

I'm just wondering. Did Hillary sell the DNC to someone or does she still own it? Remember. She's already paid twenty two million for the ownership of the DNC.
I wonder what George Soros would be willing to pay? It surely can't be worth much today.
I doubt she'd make much of a profit.
where the hell did I leave my tin foil hat?
Back in the Sewer in a deep state of muck and mire for hire
You funny!

Deep State operatives

Why don't you tell us about the New World Order?
This should be right up your silly little alley

North Korea, Syria and Ukraine—Are Trump and Putin planning a new world order at next week's meeting?

Hey ma!

Where'd ya put my tin foil hat?
Some guy on the interweb is talk'n New World Order
Why is Creepy Roy signing a yearbook for a child?

Its not known that he did.

He signed it

How many Creepy Roy's are there?

And you know that's really his signature? To the best of my knowledge, it's not been verified, and probably won't be until it loses its value.
Well....if you put it that way

How do we know that Roy Moore is really Roy Moore and not some imposter?
You never know for sure
The alt right and far right silliness continues to abound and threaten the nation.

The current climate has plusses and minuses. On the one hand, we can see men destroyed on the basis of little more than an accusation, but on the other, we're finally seeing members of both parties get in trouble for harassment.

One of the frustrating things from the campaign was watching Hillary campaign with her history of denigrating the very same women she was claiming to champion. Democrats seemed to not only get away with the same types of behavior that forced Republicans to resign, but were lauded for it. Feminists even sold out to protect Bubba Clinton.

Maybe we'll see something good come out of this and powerful politicians will think twice before harassing someone, and maybe we'll get a definition of harassment that everyone can live with, and everyone's rights can be protected.
Why is Creepy Roy signing a yearbook for a child?

Its not known that he did.

He signed it

How many Creepy Roy's are there?

And you know that's really his signature? To the best of my knowledge, it's not been verified, and probably won't be until it loses its value.
Well....if you put it that way

How do we know that Roy Moore is really Roy Moore and not some imposter?
You never know for sure

A signature can be verified, if those in possession are willing to put it to the test.
Hadit gives us a rather distorted view of Dem politics, but he is right that we seem to at least be moving in the right direction concerning sexual harassment and politics.
Why is Creepy Roy signing a yearbook for a child?

Its not known that he did.

He signed it

How many Creepy Roy's are there?

And you know that's really his signature? To the best of my knowledge, it's not been verified, and probably won't be until it loses its value.
Well....if you put it that way

How do we know that Roy Moore is really Roy Moore and not some imposter?
You never know for sure

A signature can be verified, if those in possession are willing to put it to the test.
Let's be honest here
How do we know that is the REAL Roy Moore?
Whoever this guy is, does anyone believe someone can be that clueless?
The real Roy Moore must be locked away somewhere

I will not believe it until I see his fingerprints

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