IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Here we are again with the theory that unless she's naked, it isn't sexual assault. This comes from the same gang that automatically assumes some accusation by an emotionally disturbed menopausal female about something that supposedely occurred 40 years ago couldn't possibly be false.

No boob was touched, dope. It's a stretch to label that as groping. I made no judgement of the woman either, liar.

While the picture is crass and in very poor taste, it doesn't really qualify as groping.

Tell ya what...............get your girlfriend to agree to be groped by you. Then, take and place a medium sized phone book (about 1 inch thick) over her breasts and then try to grope her through the phone book.

That is what it would be like to grope someone through a flak vest, which is what the picture with Franken is showing.

Then, remove the phone book, and ask your girlfriend to remove her shirt as well, and then try to grope her over her bra.

That is what Moore allegedly did to that 14 year old.

My wife was convinced he was touching her. I stacked four magazines on her chest and touched my fingertips to them. She couldn't even feel my touch.

Well, when this picture first came out, my room mate and I were talking about it, and I came up with the phonebook demonstration to illustrate the point for her quite nicely.

And yeah, she even agrees that it's kinda impossible to grope someone through a flak vest.

Your roomate agrees? Well, then it must be true!

It's hilarious watching all you snowflakes desperately trying to defend Frankenstein.

No one is defending him. Only speaking to your false claims.
Having cloths on isn't a defense against sexual assault, moron. The primary accuser against Roy Moore says she had cloths on.

Well, a flack jacket is a little different than a bra and panites.

Can you provide a list of clothing that doesn't allow it to be called sexual assault?

I do not care what you call it. Touching an adult on the chest through a flack jacket does not equate to feeling up a 14 year old when you are 32. And I think Franken should resign, but the acts are not similar in nature or severity.
It's sexual assault, moron, no matter how desperate you are to justify it.

There is no evidence Moore did anything inappropriate. That's the difference between Moore's case and Franken's.

If you think that feeling up a 14 year old is the same as what Franken did, then there is no hope for you, you are just as bad as both of them

Sent from my iPhone using
Where did I say it was the same? You're a sleazy lying idiot.
No boob was touched, dope. It's a stretch to label that as groping. I made no judgement of the woman either, liar.

While the picture is crass and in very poor taste, it doesn't really qualify as groping.

Tell ya what...............get your girlfriend to agree to be groped by you. Then, take and place a medium sized phone book (about 1 inch thick) over her breasts and then try to grope her through the phone book.

That is what it would be like to grope someone through a flak vest, which is what the picture with Franken is showing.

Then, remove the phone book, and ask your girlfriend to remove her shirt as well, and then try to grope her over her bra.

That is what Moore allegedly did to that 14 year old.

My wife was convinced he was touching her. I stacked four magazines on her chest and touched my fingertips to them. She couldn't even feel my touch.

Well, when this picture first came out, my room mate and I were talking about it, and I came up with the phonebook demonstration to illustrate the point for her quite nicely.

And yeah, she even agrees that it's kinda impossible to grope someone through a flak vest.

Your roomate agrees? Well, then it must be true!

It's hilarious watching all you snowflakes desperately trying to defend Frankenstein.

No one is defending him. Only speaking to your false claims.

Of course you are defending him, douchebag.
Very weak evidence. Unlike this..


Evidence of what? Fingertips touching a flak jacket?

Here we are again with the theory that unless she's naked, it isn't sexual assault. This comes from the same gang that automatically assumes some accusation by an emotionally disturbed menopausal female about something that supposedely occurred 40 years ago couldn't possibly be false.

No boob was touched, dope. It's a stretch to label that as groping. I made no judgement of the woman either, liar.

Having cloths on isn't a defense against sexual assault, moron. The primary accuser against Roy Moore says she had cloths on.

That picture does not show assault in any way. A flak vest isn't in any way similar to a little girl's panties, dope.

You just claimed you aren't defending him, and then you submit a post defending him.

You're a special kind of stupid.
Evidence of what? Fingertips touching a flak jacket?

Here we are again with the theory that unless she's naked, it isn't sexual assault. This comes from the same gang that automatically assumes some accusation by an emotionally disturbed menopausal female about something that supposedely occurred 40 years ago couldn't possibly be false.

No boob was touched, dope. It's a stretch to label that as groping. I made no judgement of the woman either, liar.

Having cloths on isn't a defense against sexual assault, moron. The primary accuser against Roy Moore says she had cloths on.

That picture does not show assault in any way. A flak vest isn't in any way similar to a little girl's panties, dope.

You just claimed you aren't defending him, and then you submit a post defending him.

You're a special kind of stupid.
I'm speaking to your lies, liar.
Day 3 of New York attorney Gloria Allred's refusal to turn over her fake yearbook for third party examination.
Here we are again with the theory that unless she's naked, it isn't sexual assault. This comes from the same gang that automatically assumes some accusation by an emotionally disturbed menopausal female about something that supposedely occurred 40 years ago couldn't possibly be false.

No boob was touched, dope. It's a stretch to label that as groping. I made no judgement of the woman either, liar.

Having cloths on isn't a defense against sexual assault, moron. The primary accuser against Roy Moore says she had cloths on.

That picture does not show assault in any way. A flak vest isn't in any way similar to a little girl's panties, dope.

You just claimed you aren't defending him, and then you submit a post defending him.

You're a special kind of stupid.
I'm speaking to your lies, liar.
ROFL! I'm the one who's lying?
No. 6....7?

I'm losing track/

New Roy Moore accuser: 'He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it'

New Roy Moore accuser: 'He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it'

This time when he was married.

That would make #3 and she's a criminal. True criminal. No creds.
You are such a shameless piece of human debris.

Very weak 'evidence.' It's a lynching. It's only all about politics and power. Hopefully Allred will be held accountable for actions. She's behaved very unethically. We'll see if the Bar Association gets involved. Like i said, very weak 'evidence' against Moore. Unlike this...

What is weak here is the outrage over this asinine picture. He is not groping her here at all - everyone is just looking for something to be outraged about. This bullshit turn in our society where everyone is a damn snowflake is getting old fast.

You're looking at a still picture. The guys is in the act of doing something, what would that something be? Peddling a bike? If you took a picture of him riding a bike, with feet on the peddles and he told you he was only coasting because a still picture did not show the actual rotation, would you simply take his work for it?

And why keep the photo if not to shame and humiliate?

God you people get nuttier and nuttier by the minute.

Seek help soon. If not for yourself, for those around you!
I am looking at a photo that he posed for - not some random snapped shot of him in the act of doing something.

If this was one of the guys in the dorms or on a drunk binge in college you would likely be looking at someone that was in the process of being teabagged.

Everyone is a damn prude now outraged immediately after identifying the letter in front of the name of the accused.
Of course they’re not the same. Trump was grabbing women by the pussy as a lead in for sex. Franken was goofing off for the camera. It doesn’t make what he did right, but it’s not the same as grabbing who knows how many women by the pussy and trying to sleep with married women.

I got a photo of Frankens “prank”, what you got?
A confession from Trump.

Said to be a prank, just like AF.

But we have a photo.

Again, why is one easily excused as a prank, and the other not?

You seem to be having trouble with this.
I wonder what the prank is. do you get it? I don't.
I thought a prank was like opening a door and a bucket of water is dumped on your head.
That would be assault!!

Oh the humanity. One would need to be sent to jail right away!
Well, a flack jacket is a little different than a bra and panites.

Can you provide a list of clothing that doesn't allow it to be called sexual assault?

I do not care what you call it. Touching an adult on the chest through a flack jacket does not equate to feeling up a 14 year old when you are 32. And I think Franken should resign, but the acts are not similar in nature or severity.
It's sexual assault, moron, no matter how desperate you are to justify it.

There is no evidence Moore did anything inappropriate. That's the difference between Moore's case and Franken's.

If you think that feeling up a 14 year old is the same as what Franken did, then there is no hope for you, you are just as bad as both of them

Sent from my iPhone using
Where did I say it was the same? You're a sleazy lying idiot.

That is the implication you make with every post. If you are too stupid to realize that then you are truly beyond help
Can you provide a list of clothing that doesn't allow it to be called sexual assault?

I do not care what you call it. Touching an adult on the chest through a flack jacket does not equate to feeling up a 14 year old when you are 32. And I think Franken should resign, but the acts are not similar in nature or severity.
It's sexual assault, moron, no matter how desperate you are to justify it.

There is no evidence Moore did anything inappropriate. That's the difference between Moore's case and Franken's.

If you think that feeling up a 14 year old is the same as what Franken did, then there is no hope for you, you are just as bad as both of them

Sent from my iPhone using
Where did I say it was the same? You're a sleazy lying idiot.

That is the implication you make with every post. If you are too stupid to realize that then you are truly beyond help

You are a brain damaged cockroach. Your fantasies are not facts.
I do not care what you call it. Touching an adult on the chest through a flack jacket does not equate to feeling up a 14 year old when you are 32. And I think Franken should resign, but the acts are not similar in nature or severity.
It's sexual assault, moron, no matter how desperate you are to justify it.

There is no evidence Moore did anything inappropriate. That's the difference between Moore's case and Franken's.

If you think that feeling up a 14 year old is the same as what Franken did, then there is no hope for you, you are just as bad as both of them

Sent from my iPhone using
Where did I say it was the same? You're a sleazy lying idiot.

That is the implication you make with every post. If you are too stupid to realize that then you are truly beyond help

You are a brain damaged cockroach. Your fantasies are not facts.
That would make #3 and she's a criminal. True criminal. No creds.
You are such a shameless piece of human debris.

Very weak 'evidence.' It's a lynching. It's only all about politics and power. Hopefully Allred will be held accountable for actions. She's behaved very unethically. We'll see if the Bar Association gets involved. Like i said, very weak 'evidence' against Moore. Unlike this...

What is weak here is the outrage over this asinine picture. He is not groping her here at all - everyone is just looking for something to be outraged about. This bullshit turn in our society where everyone is a damn snowflake is getting old fast.

You're looking at a still picture. The guys is in the act of doing something, what would that something be? Peddling a bike? If you took a picture of him riding a bike, with feet on the peddles and he told you he was only coasting because a still picture did not show the actual rotation, would you simply take his work for it?

And why keep the photo if not to shame and humiliate?

God you people get nuttier and nuttier by the minute.

Seek help soon. If not for yourself, for those around you!

On keeping the do realize that this is HER copy of the pic, right? I doubt he gave two thoughts as to what he did. Obviously.

I hear there's more Franken perv photos out there. So stay tuned.
Franken will be handled by an ethics committee of his peers.
Moore will too if he is unfortunate to get that far.

Translation: You're defending the little perv jerk. Do some soul-searching, kid.
The senate ethics committee will deal with him, while you are defending the molester of young girls. Shame on you. :)

The 'evidence' against is Moore is very weak. Allred should be disbarred. Meanwhile, we have this...



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