IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

That would make #3 and she's a criminal. True criminal. No creds.
You are such a shameless piece of human debris.

Very weak 'evidence.' It's a lynching. It's only all about politics and power. Hopefully Allred will be held accountable for actions. She's behaved very unethically. We'll see if the Bar Association gets involved. Like i said, very weak 'evidence' against Moore. Unlike this...

What is weak here is the outrage over this asinine picture. He is not groping her here at all - everyone is just looking for something to be outraged about. This bullshit turn in our society where everyone is a damn snowflake is getting old fast.

You're looking at a still picture. The guys is in the act of doing something, what would that something be? Peddling a bike? If you took a picture of him riding a bike, with feet on the peddles and he told you he was only coasting because a still picture did not show the actual rotation, would you simply take his work for it?

And why keep the photo if not to shame and humiliate?

God you people get nuttier and nuttier by the minute.

Seek help soon. If not for yourself, for those around you!
I am looking at a photo that he posed for - not some random snapped shot of him in the act of doing something.

If this was one of the guys in the dorms or on a drunk binge in college you would likely be looking at someone that was in the process of being teabagged.

Everyone is a damn prude now outraged immediately after identifying the letter in front of the name of the accused.

The woman he perved on, feels differently. She said it wasn't just the photo. She said he sexually harassed her the whole trip. She asked him to stop, but he didn't.
The Moore defenders are not just stumbling now but falling on their faces.

Very weak evidence. Unlike this..


Evidence of what? Fingertips touching a flak vest?

Look at the weirdo's face. What a perv psycho. :cuckoo:
Oh please. I've read your posts. You would have been one of the people cackling in the background, as he did this.

Nah, that's all you. But regardless, this woman doesn't think it's funny. She said he perved on her the whole trip. She repeatedly asked him to stop harassing her, but he refused.
And she was 14 and he placed her hand on his dick.

And she was 17 and he grabbed her by the neck and forced her face to his crouch.

Yup a real bad guy.

Franken will survive, and Moore will be thrown out of the Senate.
And she was 14 and he placed her hand on his dick.

And she was 17 and he grabbed her by the neck and forced her face to his crouch.

Yup a real bad guy.

Franken will survive, and Moore will be thrown out of the Senate.

You wish. Franken's a weird little pervert. Even Democrats understand that. Well, sane rational ones anyway. But we all know you aren't one of those. So it's no surprise you get off on what he did. But regardless, he'll go eventually.
The Moore defenders are not just stumbling now but falling on their faces.

Very weak evidence. Unlike this..


Evidence of what? Fingertips touching a flak vest?

Look at the weirdo's face. What a perv psycho. :cuckoo:
Oh please. I've read your posts. You would have been one of the people cackling in the background, as he did this.

Nah, that's all you. But regardless, this woman doesn't think it's funny. She said he perved on her the whole trip. She repeatedly asked him to stop harassing her, but he refused.

"But regardless, this woman doesn't think it's funny. She said he perved on her the whole trip. She repeatedly asked him to stop harassing her, but he refused."

right, and that does matter. It is inspirational to see you caring about someone's feelings. If you can, ANYBODY can.
And she was 14 and he placed her hand on his dick.

And she was 17 and he grabbed her by the neck and forced her face to his crouch.

Yup a real bad guy.

Franken will survive, and Moore will be thrown out of the Senate.

"Franken will survive, and Moore will be thrown out of the Senate."

I find that unlikely. I think Franken will resign.

The salient part of that autograph, a 30 something year old man telling a 15 year old girl, "To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore... Roy Moore, DA.," is clearly his signature...


It matters not if someone else added a date and location at the bottom to remember where and when that was signed. It might have even been the smitten 15 year old, for all we know.

No the R and the Y are completely different.

You poor thing. You're a desperate nutcase. The R is absolutely similar. I'll grant you the Y though. But then, you're talking about a person's signature, written twice, 40 years apart. A slight difference in one letter in one place is actually quite remarkable. My signature today barely resembles my signature from when I was in my young 30's; which is significantly more recent than 40 years ago.

The R and the Y loop together. It's up to the accuser to find a signature from that time period that would match her yearbook. Quite odd that anyone would be signing a yearbook in December.

She doesn't have to do shit. She's made her claim, along with the others; and potentially more coming. It's up to the Alabama electorate to decide who they believe. Assuming Moore is still running 4 weeks from now.

And no, there's nothing odd about signing a yearbook in December.

Up to the accuser to validate her claims.The forgery claims are spreading like wildfire. So some one has some explaining to do from her camp. Plus I think the boyfriend who picked her up after this incident needs to be tracked down and interviewed.

And to date there are only two accusers. I would love for the police to interview Leigh. The one that claimed he molested her at age 14. If he's done this and the police find her accusations credible charge him.

Or shut the fuck up.

They cannot charge him.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED


Who ever claimed both '7s' were written by the same person? It appears someone other than Moore added a date and location at the bottom.

Leave it to you to get duped yet again by thegatewaypundit. You just never learn.


Why would someone put a date and location in a year book?
I would....

Yeah, you would. Only a weirdo!
And she was 14 and he placed her hand on his dick.

And she was 17 and he grabbed her by the neck and forced her face to his crouch.

Yup a real bad guy.

Franken will survive, and Moore will be thrown out of the Senate.

"Franken will survive, and Moore will be thrown out of the Senate."

I find that unlikely. I think Franken will resign.
I don't.
And she was 14 and he placed her hand on his dick.

And she was 17 and he grabbed her by the neck and forced her face to his crouch.

Yup a real bad guy.

Franken will survive, and Moore will be thrown out of the Senate.

"Franken will survive, and Moore will be thrown out of the Senate."

I find that unlikely. I think Franken will resign.
I don't.

I do. The fact that he hasn't called her a liar for claiming he forced his tongue down her throat will be his undoing. He won't deny it. Sounds like he did it. And there you have it. Just like that...*poof* Al's gone.
Fox News polls states 68% of AL GOP women will not vote for Moore.

If that is more than a sentiment, he will lose, which is very hard for me to believe.

But . . . Trump won when that seemed incredible so the same may be true for Moore.
She said he perved on her the whole trip
If it were just one accuser [The first by the way is a Democrat operative] it would be irrelevant - but it seems the first accuser primed others to come out of the woodwork. They are not ALL deep state operatives. He has already been tried and convicted by the media. What I find as a titillating forethought is what if he is elected - will he get equal treatment with Franken or will Franken get a free pass once the media firestorm subsides - we all know that Democrats are held to lower standards
Moore is being tried in the court of public opinion, and apparently the public finds Moore more reprehensible than Franken.

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