IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Franken will be handled by an ethics committee of his peers.
Moore will too if he is unfortunate to get that far.
No. 6....7?

I'm losing track/

New Roy Moore accuser: 'He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it'

New Roy Moore accuser: 'He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it'

This time when he was married.

That would make #3 and she's a criminal. True criminal. No creds.
You are such a shameless piece of human debris.

Very weak 'evidence.' It's a lynching. It's only all about politics and power. Hopefully Allred will be held accountable for actions. She's behaved very unethically. We'll see if the Bar Association gets involved. Like i said, very weak 'evidence' against Moore. Unlike this...

What is weak here is the outrage over this asinine picture. He is not groping her here at all - everyone is just looking for something to be outraged about. This bullshit turn in our society where everyone is a damn snowflake is getting old fast.

You're looking at a still picture. The guys is in the act of doing something, what would that something be? Peddling a bike? If you took a picture of him riding a bike, with feet on the peddles and he told you he was only coasting because a still picture did not show the actual rotation, would you simply take his work for it?

And why keep the photo if not to shame and humiliate?

God you people get nuttier and nuttier by the minute.

Seek help soon. If not for yourself, for those around you!

On keeping the do realize that this is HER copy of the pic, right? I doubt he gave two thoughts as to what he did. Obviously.
What is weak here is the outrage over this asinine picture. He is not groping her here at all - everyone is just looking for something to be outraged about. This bullshit turn in our society where everyone is a damn snowflake is getting old fast.

Oh, you condone molesting women while they sleep. You're one of those, ay? Franken's a washed up comedian pervert. He shouldn't have ever become a US Senator. Hopefully that grievous error will be corrected soon.
No, I don't.

Then again, if you think this is a picture of him molesting a women then you are an immeasurable idiot.
ok, explain what it is he's doing. I highly doubt you will. you are someone willing to allow this kind of garbage. you're a sick fk.

He was posing for the camera, ya dumbass. It was a stupid prank, nothing more.

Trump said his comments to Billy Bush were also a stupid prank (locker room talk), so you now believe him?

Please, be so kind to explain this conflict?
You think adultery is a stupid prank?
One doesnt have to be guilty under the law to be shunned from a prominent position such as Senator. If that's your standard, I'll be watching for your OJ campaign donation. ;)

If something like this happened to you, i seriously doubt you'd be so gung-ho about throwing away due process. You would expect to be considered innocent till proven guilty.

5 unrelated women all accusing me of this behavior? You can bet that would never happen to me. And to what "due process" are you referring? That's not appropriate. Nobody is denying him due process. He can still stay in the race. And the Senate can engage due process and kick him out, if he wins the election. There's your due process.

It's a lynching. It's all about politics and power. But it's gonna come back to bite many who've joined the lynch-mob. Al Franken's only the tip of the iceberg.

This IS the bite back and you yahoos on the right were the lynch mob when you pulled this shit on Clinton. Look at what you started.

Actually, y'all Democrats opened this ugly can of worms. Like i said, many are gonna regret joining the lynch-mob. This guy's only the beginning...

Nope, this is not a new can of worms. This can was opened in the 90’s.
The Roy Moore signature looks authentic. The R in Roy and the M in Moore are unique

Someone obviously annotated when and where he signed the yearbook
But it is the stuff above that is damning
Oh, you condone molesting women while they sleep. You're one of those, ay? Franken's a washed up comedian pervert. He shouldn't have ever become a US Senator. Hopefully that grievous error will be corrected soon.
No, I don't.

Then again, if you think this is a picture of him molesting a women then you are an immeasurable idiot.
ok, explain what it is he's doing. I highly doubt you will. you are someone willing to allow this kind of garbage. you're a sick fk.

He was posing for the camera, ya dumbass. It was a stupid prank, nothing more.

Trump said his comments to Billy Bush were also a stupid prank (locker room talk), so you now believe him?

Please, be so kind to explain this conflict?
You think adultery is a stupid prank?

Why the deflection

Were they both pranks or not?

If not, why not?
No, I don't.

Then again, if you think this is a picture of him molesting a women then you are an immeasurable idiot.
ok, explain what it is he's doing. I highly doubt you will. you are someone willing to allow this kind of garbage. you're a sick fk.

He was posing for the camera, ya dumbass. It was a stupid prank, nothing more.

Trump said his comments to Billy Bush were also a stupid prank (locker room talk), so you now believe him?

Please, be so kind to explain this conflict?
You think adultery is a stupid prank?

Why the deflection

Were they both pranks or not?

If not, why not?
Of course they’re not the same. Trump was grabbing women by the pussy as a lead in for sex. Franken was goofing off for the camera. It doesn’t make what he did right, but it’s not the same as grabbing who knows how many women by the pussy and trying to sleep with married women.
Pop, y ou and the Moore defenders are toast, just waiting to be buttered and tossed in the trash.
ok, explain what it is he's doing. I highly doubt you will. you are someone willing to allow this kind of garbage. you're a sick fk.

He was posing for the camera, ya dumbass. It was a stupid prank, nothing more.

Trump said his comments to Billy Bush were also a stupid prank (locker room talk), so you now believe him?

Please, be so kind to explain this conflict?
You think adultery is a stupid prank?

Why the deflection

Were they both pranks or not?

If not, why not?
Of course they’re not the same. Trump was grabbing women by the pussy as a lead in for sex. Franken was goofing off for the camera. It doesn’t make what he did right, but it’s not the same as grabbing who knows how many women by the pussy and trying to sleep with married women.

I got a photo of Frankens “prank”, what you got?

He was posing for the camera, ya dumbass. It was a stupid prank, nothing more.

Trump said his comments to Billy Bush were also a stupid prank (locker room talk), so you now believe him?

Please, be so kind to explain this conflict?
You think adultery is a stupid prank?

Why the deflection

Were they both pranks or not?

If not, why not?
Of course they’re not the same. Trump was grabbing women by the pussy as a lead in for sex. Franken was goofing off for the camera. It doesn’t make what he did right, but it’s not the same as grabbing who knows how many women by the pussy and trying to sleep with married women.

I got a photo of Frankens “prank”, what you got?
A confession from Trump.
Trump said his comments to Billy Bush were also a stupid prank (locker room talk), so you now believe him?

Please, be so kind to explain this conflict?
You think adultery is a stupid prank?

Why the deflection

Were they both pranks or not?

If not, why not?
Of course they’re not the same. Trump was grabbing women by the pussy as a lead in for sex. Franken was goofing off for the camera. It doesn’t make what he did right, but it’s not the same as grabbing who knows how many women by the pussy and trying to sleep with married women.

I got a photo of Frankens “prank”, what you got?
A confession from Trump.

Said to be a prank, just like AF.

But we have a photo.

Again, why is one easily excused as a prank, and the other not?

You seem to be having trouble with this.
You think adultery is a stupid prank?

Why the deflection

Were they both pranks or not?

If not, why not?
Of course they’re not the same. Trump was grabbing women by the pussy as a lead in for sex. Franken was goofing off for the camera. It doesn’t make what he did right, but it’s not the same as grabbing who knows how many women by the pussy and trying to sleep with married women.

I got a photo of Frankens “prank”, what you got?
A confession from Trump.

Said to be a prank, just like AF.

But we have a photo.

Again, why is one easily excused as a prank, and the other not?

You seem to be having trouble with this.
I wonder what the prank is. do you get it? I don't.

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