IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.

Be specific - what behavior of Allred's has been "unethical"?

If she possesses fraudulent 'evidence', and refuses to disclose that, she should be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement and the Bar Association.
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.

Be specific - what behavior of Allred's has been "unethical"?

If she possesses fraudulent 'evidence', and refuses to disclose that, she should be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement and the Bar Association.

Ummm.................hate to tell you dude, but if the evidence is fraudulent, it won't be allowed in court.

Do you just string words together? Because lots of your posts seem to be a bit incoherent.
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.

You're delusional. The circumstantial evidence of 5 unrelated women coming forward, along with corroborating anecdotes from other sources, is more than enough to sink Roy Moore.
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.

You're delusional. The circumstantial evidence of 5 unrelated women coming forward, along with corroborating anecdotes from other sources, is more than enough to sink Roy Moore.

Sadly, not in Alabama. They think dating 14 year olds make them like their bible heros.
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.

Be specific - what behavior of Allred's has been "unethical"?

If she possesses fraudulent 'evidence', and refuses to disclose that, she should be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement and the Bar Association.

Ummm.................hate to tell you dude, but if the evidence is fraudulent, it won't be allowed in court.

Do you just string words together? Because lots of your posts seem to be a bit incoherent.

She's exhibiting the same unethical behavior the Democrat Prosecutor exhibited in the Duke Lacrosse Team scam. Hopefully, she'll eventually be arrested and do some time too. Stay tuned.
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.
Duke was one person

Creepy Roy went after five so far

The Bar Association should get involved. Allred has behaved very much like the Democrat Prosecutor in the Duke Lacrosse Team scam. Very unethical.
Allred knows her shit
She' is not going to leave herself vulnerable on an easily proven fake

Why doesn't Creepy Roy come forward under oath and swear it was not him

Then we can see who goes to jail....Allred or Creepy Roy
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.

Be specific - what behavior of Allred's has been "unethical"?

If she possesses fraudulent 'evidence', and refuses to disclose that, she should be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement and the Bar Association.
“Fraudulent evidence?”

There’s no case.
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.

Be specific - what behavior of Allred's has been "unethical"?

If she possesses fraudulent 'evidence', and refuses to disclose that, she should be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement and the Bar Association.

She's going by what her client has told her. That's what lawyers do.

No factual assessment of the yearbook has been made - nor has Gloria Allred made any factual claims that the yearbook is "real" or not.
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.

Be specific - what behavior of Allred's has been "unethical"?

If she possesses fraudulent 'evidence', and refuses to disclose that, she should be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement and the Bar Association.

Ummm.................hate to tell you dude, but if the evidence is fraudulent, it won't be allowed in court.

Do you just string words together? Because lots of your posts seem to be a bit incoherent.

He is trying (and failing) to sound official and legal.
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.

Be specific - what behavior of Allred's has been "unethical"?

If she possesses fraudulent 'evidence', and refuses to disclose that, she should be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement and the Bar Association.

Ummm.................hate to tell you dude, but if the evidence is fraudulent, it won't be allowed in court.

Do you just string words together? Because lots of your posts seem to be a bit incoherent.

He is trying (and failing) to sound official and legal.
Then he should have just said, e pluribus unum.
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.

You're delusional. The circumstantial evidence of 5 unrelated women coming forward, along with corroborating anecdotes from other sources, is more than enough to sink Roy Moore.

All it does is force Alabamans to decide if the want a creep to represent them
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.

You're delusional. The circumstantial evidence of 5 unrelated women coming forward, along with corroborating anecdotes from other sources, is more than enough to sink Roy Moore.

All it does is force Alabamans to decide if the want a creep to represent them

If that creep will confirm SCOTUS judges who would ban abortion, they're fine with it. They consider that a much more important moral issue.
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?

That's theory, not reality. If the yearbook falls apart, then the public will assume the other accusers are equally bogus.
That's theory, not reality. If the yearbook falls apart, then the public will assume the other accusers are equally bogus.
Which is why they're so eager to attack the yearbook. But ignore that the yearbook isn't needed to support the accusation. Numerous witnesses have already done that.
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.

You're delusional. The circumstantial evidence of 5 unrelated women coming forward, along with corroborating anecdotes from other sources, is more than enough to sink Roy Moore.
Not if the year book turns out to be a forgery, which is why snowflakes like you are so desperate to prevent that from happening.
That's theory, not reality. If the yearbook falls apart, then the public will assume the other accusers are equally bogus.
Which is why they're so eager to attack the yearbook. But ignore that the yearbook isn't needed to support the accusation. Numerous witnesses have already done that.
Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations. The yearbook is the only tangible evidence.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.

You're delusional. The circumstantial evidence of 5 unrelated women coming forward, along with corroborating anecdotes from other sources, is more than enough to sink Roy Moore.

All it does is force Alabamans to decide if the want a creep to represent them

If that creep will confirm SCOTUS judges who would ban abortion, they're fine with it. They consider that a much more important moral issue.
And you would vote for Hillary if she barbecued and ate a child on the capital steps because she would appoint judges who would do the opposite.
Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations. The yearbook is the only tangible evidence.

Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.

The yearbook doesn't prove anything there isn't an eyewitness to.

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