IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations. The yearbook is the only tangible evidence.

Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.

The yearbook doesn't prove anything there isn't an eyewitness to.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.

Virtually everything you say about Moore is an obvious lie.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.

You're delusional. The circumstantial evidence of 5 unrelated women coming forward, along with corroborating anecdotes from other sources, is more than enough to sink Roy Moore.

All it does is force Alabamans to decide if the want a creep to represent them

If that creep will confirm SCOTUS judges who would ban abortion, they're fine with it. They consider that a much more important moral issue.
Fake an A
Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.
Listen to the Sean Hannity interview.
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?

That's theory, not reality. If the yearbook falls apart, then the public will assume the other accusers are equally bogus.
Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.
Listen to the Sean Hannity interview.
Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations. The yearbook is the only tangible evidence.

Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.

The yearbook doesn't prove anything there isn't an eyewitness to.
Gd make up shit much?
Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.
Listen to the Sean Hannity interview.
I watched it live.
Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations. The yearbook is the only tangible evidence.

Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.

The yearbook doesn't prove anything there isn't an eyewitness to.
Gd make up shit much?

That's all he does.
Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.

Virtually everything you say about Moore is an obvious lie.

MOORE: after my return from the military, I dated a lot of young ladies.
I do recognize however the names of two these young ladies, Debbie Wesson and Gloria Thacker

MOORE: I knew her as a friend. If we did go out on dates then we did. But I do not remember that.

MOORE: And I seem to remember her as a good girl or I seem to remember I had some sort of knowledge of her parents, her mother in particular.
Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.

Virtually everything you say about Moore is an obvious lie.

MOORE: after my return from the military, I dated a lot of young ladies.
I do recognize however the names of two these young ladies, Debbie Wesson and Gloria Thacker

MOORE: I knew her as a friend. If we did go out on dates then we did. But I do not remember that.

MOORE: And I seem to remember her as a good girl or I seem to remember I had some sort of knowledge of her parents, her mother in particular.

So perhaps he admitted to dating one 18 year old. That hardly equates to "numerous teenagers."
So perhaps he admitted to dating one 18 year old. That hardly equates to "numerous teenagers."

MOORE: after my return from the military, I dated a lot of young ladies.
I do recognize however the names of two these young ladies, Debbie Wesson and Gloria Thacker

One of them was 17
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?

That's theory, not reality. If the yearbook falls apart, then the public will assume the other accusers are equally bogus.
Moore could end that debate right now by taking a polygraph. Why doesn’t he?
Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations. The yearbook is the only tangible evidence.

Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.

The yearbook doesn't prove anything there isn't an eyewitness to.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.

Virtually everything you say about Moore is an obvious lie.
In typical conservative fashion — you never learn. <smh>

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