IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

I married a woman at age 20 when I was twenty five. She died at age 30 from diabetes. I have four grand children from my daughter the youngest looks like my wife. You all should back the fk up!

Gd make up shit much?
Virtually everything you say about Moore is an obvious lie.
In typical conservative fashion — you never learn. <smh>

It fun to watch them go down swinging. First they flail around wildly, then they double down on stupid. Finally they just slip away, too proud to admit what idiots they are.
So a man 30 dates a woman 25 she is a young lady!
He was 37 when he started dating his wife, who is in the same yearbook as the 16 year old he’s accused of sexually molesting. To his credit, with her, he st least waited until she was 23.
Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations. The yearbook is the only tangible evidence.

Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.

The yearbook doesn't prove anything there isn't an eyewitness to.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.

Virtually everything you say about Moore is an obvious lie.
In typical conservative fashion — you never learn. <smh>
I have learned. That's why I say everything he says is a lie. I also learned that whenever someone asks you a question you run away with your tail between your legs.
The stories of the 16 and 14 year olds are in serious doubt, and only the latter isn't of legal age.

If a 32 year old dating someone half his age isn't too young, Where do you draw the line? Moore was old enough to be the girls father.

BTW: Why did Moore get permission from the girls mother, and not from her father? Which is the usual custom. Unless there was no father in the family. Like in the case of divorce. And Moore was preying on young girls from broken homes.
Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations. The yearbook is the only tangible evidence.

Moore has already admitted to dating numerous teenagers in highschool while he was in his 30's. That he hung around malls, high schools, and other teen hangouts. That he went out with so many teenage girls he can't remember their names, only that they were "good girls" and so young, he had to ask their mothers permission.

The yearbook doesn't prove anything there isn't an eyewitness to.
No, he actually hasn't admitted that.

Virtually everything you say about Moore is an obvious lie.
In typical conservative fashion — you never learn. <smh>
I have learned. That's why I say everything he says is a lie.

Let’s watch the regression of your posts on this, shall we...?

  • That's theory, not reality.
  • Wrong. They have done nothing but make accusations.
  • No, he actually hasn't admitted that.
  • So perhaps he admitted to dating one 18 year old. That hardly equates to "numerous teenagers."
  • So perhaps he admitted to dating one 18 year old. That hardly equates to "numerous teenagers."
  • The stories of the 16 and 14 year olds are in serious doubt, and only the latter isn't of legal age.
You literally went from blindly deny everything to admitting, ok, so he dated one girl who wasn't of legal age, over the course of six posts.

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OK. I'm convinced. Our resident Klansman, Steve McFuckup actually *is* Jim Hoft.

All he does is his spam The Stupidest Man On The Internet.
OK. I'm convinced. Our resident Klansman, Steve McFuckup actually *is* Jim Hoft.

All he does is his spam The Stupidest Man On The Internet.
I'm not Hoft. I only post their articles because they are the epitome of truthful journalism. That's Why they've been given credentials to be prestigious members of the White House Press Pool.
OK. I'm convinced. Our resident Klansman, Steve McFuckup actually *is* Jim Hoft.

All he does is his spam The Stupidest Man On The Internet.
I'm not Hoft. I only post their articles because they are the epitome of truthful journalism. That's Why they've been given credentials to be prestigious members of the White House Press Pool.

Jim Guckert was given membership into the white house press pool.
I only post their articles because they are the epitome of truthful journalism. That's Why they've been given credentials to be prestigious members of the White House Press Pool.
Jeff Gannon - Wikipedia
James Dale Guckert (born May 22, 1957)[1]is an American conservative columnist better known by the pseudonym Jeff Gannon. Between 2003 and 2005, he was given credentials as a White House reporter. He was eventually employed by the conservative website Talon News during the latter part of this period. Gannon first gained national attention during a presidential press conference on January 26, 2005, when he askedUnited States President George W. Bush a question that some in the press corps considered "so friendly it might have been planted

Gannon routinely obtained daily passes to White House briefings, attending four Bush press conferences and appearing regularly at White House press briefings. Although he did not qualify for a Congressional press pass, Gannon was given daily passes to White House press briefings "after supplying his real name, date of birth and Social Security number."[4]Gannon came under public scrutiny for his lack of a journalistic background prior to his work with Talon[5][6] and his involvement with various gay escort service websites using the professional name "Bulldog."
No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.

You're delusional. The circumstantial evidence of 5 unrelated women coming forward, along with corroborating anecdotes from other sources, is more than enough to sink Roy Moore.

All it does is force Alabamans to decide if the want a creep to represent them

If that creep will confirm SCOTUS judges who would ban abortion, they're fine with it. They consider that a much more important moral issue.
And you would vote for Hillary if she barbecued and ate a child on the capital steps because she would appoint judges who would do the opposite.

Not're doing that thing again, wherein you have fooled yourself into thinking you are normal and therefore assume others are like you. You aren't, and they aren't.

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