IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
Why won't Creepy Roy swear on a bible that he never signed that book?
Would that change anything? Nope. Morons like you would still be after him.

If Creepy Roy is serious about this he can sue his accusers and claim they caused him to lose

Let him go to court and SWEAR that he never signed that book
He would never do it because he knows it can be proved he did

No, it can't, moron. That was just explained to you. Furthermore, it's almost impossible for politicians and other public figures to win such a lawsuit, and what would be the point, anyway? The defendant has no assets that Moore can seize.

Creepy Roy has an election coming up

All he has to do is undergo a polygraph and show that he never had any interest in young girls

Why don't we have you take a polygraph to see what you have committed?

Getting touchy there Fingerboy
Just look at the capital R and capital M
Unchanged over 40 years

The R's are remarkably different, and the Y's are incredibly different. More telling is how the o's in Moore are opposite in the two signatures. A simple overlay would show you that.
Given the two were written 40 years apart and most of the signature matches, plus the other handwriting, there’s no reason to doubt it’s his.

Or no reason to doubt that they are forged. That's where expert forensic examination is required.

Now that we agree that the two signatures don't match, what else can I help you with?

Actually, I never said the two signatures don’t match. You’re just speaking from a position of dementia again.

You said "most of the signature matches", how do you know that? I pointed out already that 5 (2 'Rs", the Y and 2 o's), two of which are very important, don't match. Roy Moore only has a total of 8 total letters. So three matching out of 8 is not most.....

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Those here still don't get it. What matters to decent people is a grown man trying to date teenage girls. That alone is more than enough to sink Moore into the pits of Hell where he belongs. And marrying a 24-year-old when he was 38 is more than proof enough of his "thing" for young meat. He's scum and so are those defending him.
Those here still don't get it. What matters to decent people is a grown man trying to date teenage girls. That alone is more than enough to sink Moore into the pits of Hell where he belongs. And marrying a 24-year-old when he was 38 is more than proof enough of his "thing" for young meat. He's scum and so are those defending him.

A grown man dating teens is enough to sink him for some people, for others the (R) in front of his name is more important. Also it seems many in Alabama have no issue with 30 year olds dating was good enough for Jesus’ mommy and daddy so it is good enough for them

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You know, there have been a lot of people who have been trying to say that what Franken did is the same as what Moore did.

Several differences. First off, Moore was going after teen age girls. Franken was sexually harassing full grown women.

And also, there is the FACT that Franken has said he will cooperate with an ethics investigation, but Moore won't allow any kind of investigation into his deeds.
It's hilarious to see the loons desperately clinging to this yearbook thing as if ALL of Moore's guilt or innocence hangs in the balance.
well it does. it validates it all. isn't that what you'd want? that would get him to step down immediately.

No, every individual accusation lives or dies on its own merits. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend?
not without evidence. sorry friend. the yearbook is all you got. if it's fake so is everything else. comes from the same reporter.
You know, there have been a lot of people who have been trying to say that what Franken did is the same as what Moore did.

Several differences. First off, Moore was going after teen age girls. Franken was sexually harassing full grown women.

And also, there is the FACT that Franken has said he will cooperate with an ethics investigation, but Moore won't allow any kind of investigation into his deeds.
Moore did not. link!!
You know, there have been a lot of people who have been trying to say that what Franken did is the same as what Moore did.

Several differences. First off, Moore was going after teen age girls. Franken was sexually harassing full grown women.

And also, there is the FACT that Franken has said he will cooperate with an ethics investigation, but Moore won't allow any kind of investigation into his deeds.
Moore did not. link!!

Here is the link where Franken is saying he welcomes a Senate probe........

I have yet to hear anything like that from Moore.
You know, there have been a lot of people who have been trying to say that what Franken did is the same as what Moore did.

Several differences. First off, Moore was going after teen age girls. Franken was sexually harassing full grown women.

And also, there is the FACT that Franken has said he will cooperate with an ethics investigation, but Moore won't allow any kind of investigation into his deeds.
Moore did not. link!!

Here is the link where Franken is saying he welcomes a Senate probe........

I have yet to hear anything like that from Moore.
Creepy Roy will catch a case of the .....can't remembers
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.
Duke was one person

Creepy Roy went after five so far
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.
Duke was one person

Creepy Roy went after five so far

The Bar Association should get involved. Allred has behaved very much like the Democrat Prosecutor in the Duke Lacrosse Team scam. Very unethical.
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so hell-bent on lynching those kids. Of course it turned out, it was all a lie. The Prosecutor and accuser were eventually arrested and prosecuted themselves. Hopefully something like that will happen with this lynching. I truly hope Allred is held accountable for her extremely unethical behavior.

Be specific - what behavior of Allred's has been "unethical"?

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