IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

He's spot on. The writing above his signature is world's apart from the writing below.

creepy predators are creeeeepy... and so are their political agendas!

keep making make excuses for the inexcusable. it's the GOP way! :eusa_clap:

Gadsden locals say Moore's predatory behavior at mall, restaurants not a secret

Gadsden locals say Moore's predatory behavior at mall, restaurants not a secret

Report: Alabama Mall Banned Roy Moore in the ’80s for Pursuing Teens

Report: Alabama Mall Banned Roy Moore in the ’80s for Pursuing Teens

Roy Stewart Moore (born February 11, 1947) is an American politician and former Alabama state judge known for being twice elected to and twice removed from the Alabama Supreme Court. He also is the founder and president of the Foundation for Moral Law. Moore is the Republican nominee in the 2017 special election to fill the United States Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions and currently held by Luther Strange.

Moore was elected to the position of Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in 2001, but was removed from his position in November 2003 by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary for refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments commissioned by him from the Alabama Judicial Building, despite orders to do so by a federal court. Moore twice sought the Republican nomination for the governorship of Alabama (in 2006 and 2010), but lost in the primaries. Moore was again elected Chief Justice in 2013, but was suspended in May 2016, for directing probate judges to continue to enforce the state's ban on same-sex marriage despite the fact that this had been deemed unconstitutional.

Following an unsuccessful appeal, Moore resigned in April 2017, and announced that he would run for the United States Senate seat that was vacated by Jeff Sessions, upon Sessions's confirmation as Attorney General of the United States.[1][2] Moore won the Republican primary over Luther Strange.

During the Senate race, allegations surfaced that Moore had pursued or sexually assaulted five high school girls while in his 30s. One woman stated that when she was 14, a 32-year old Moore initiated a sexual encounter with her. Another woman said that Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 16.[3][4] Moore denied allegations of sexual assault, calling them fake news and a smear campaign. .[5] The controversy led some Republicans to call for Moore to drop out of the race.

Moore is a conspiracy theorist and an advocate of far-right politics.[6][7] He earned significant national attention and controversy over his strongly anti-homosexual, anti-Muslim, and far-right views, his belief that Christianity should order public policy,[8][9] as well as his past ties to neo-Confederates and white nationalist groups.[10][11][12][13][14] Moore was a leading voice in the birther movement, which promoted the debunked conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.[15][16]

Assistant District Attorney for Etowah County, Alabama
In office

Personal details
Roy Stewart Moore
February 11, 1947 (age 70)
Gadsden, Alabama, U.S.
Republicans in the Senate know this. He will be first elected Senator rejected and sent back since the Civil War if the shameless citizens of Alabama elect him.
If Moore had any honor, he would drop out for the sake of the party and the Republicans in Congress who are forced to speak on this subject.
What would you know about honor?
This is about Moore, remember?
Starskey changed the subject to honor.
During testimony you would have every right to establish if the witness for the other side understood what Honor is. Proceed
Honor is the heart of the matter, and Moore has shown he has none.
Why would someone put a date and location in a year book?

To help remember when and where it was written.

So the women who supposed worked in the restaurant didn't know how to spell the name?

Perhaps that was the way it was spelled 40 years ago. Restaurants do change things from time to time to try and stay current. If you can provide a picture of their sign from 40 years ago proving it is wrong, then we can talk.
You're the one who says they changed their name. You provide the picture.

I do not need to as it does not matter to me. Everything I need to know about Moore I learned when his long time friends did not deny the charges but instead used examples from the bible of older men and younger women to justify Moore's actions. If his friends and supporters think he did it, that is good enough for me.

Besides, according to their Facebook page, Mapquest has it wrong also.
gatewaypundit is alt right commie agitprop

The expert is not an expert is part of the problem.

There are many things problematic about the yearbook, the signature can/will be look at more in depth by experts as this moves forward.

But thanks for repeating what the lynch mob have been chanting since this thread began.
If Moore had any honor, he would drop out for the sake of the party and the Republicans in Congress who are forced to speak on this subject.
What would you know about honor?
This is about Moore, remember?
Starskey changed the subject to honor.
During testimony you would have every right to establish if the witness for the other side understood what Honor is. Proceed
Honor is the heart of the matter, and Moore has shown he has none.

How would you know, I doubt your honor as well.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

There will be no coming back from this. The defense of a child molester is fatal for all who engage in it.


There were those that said that anyone who defended those involved in the McMartin preschool molestation case were themselves molestors. It ended up the people saying the charges were BS were correct.

More recently those defending the Duke lacrosse players accused of gang rape were called women haters. Those defending the players again were right.

Alleged or confirmed, it looks bad either way. Not to mention that it's a huge gamble to back Moore when the outcome is unknown.
More details are coming out from some very credible people.
I love how the media lie.. Even though you can see plain as day that the signatures don't match up at all.

Josh Barro‏Verified account @jbarro

Roy Moore's signature from that 1977 yearbook matches Roy Moore's signature on his US Term Limits pledge this year.



12:03 PM - 13 Nov 2017

The numbers don't look the same.
Of course they don’t, Moore didn’t write the date and location. He did write the creepy part though.

That she’s a lovely girl? That’s creepy?

Within the context of her allegations? Absolutely.
I love how the media lie.. Even though you can see plain as day that the signatures don't match up at all.

Josh Barro‏Verified account @jbarro

Roy Moore's signature from that 1977 yearbook matches Roy Moore's signature on his US Term Limits pledge this year.



12:03 PM - 13 Nov 2017

The numbers don't look the same.
Of course they don’t, Moore didn’t write the date and location. He did write the creepy part though.

That she’s a lovely girl? That’s creepy?

Within the context of her allegations? Absolutely.

So you already convicted. In context it is only creepy when proven guilty.

I doubt you would ever be considered for a judicial appointment and likely not allowed in the Jury box.

So there's that.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

There will be no coming back from this. The defense of a child molester is fatal for all who engage in it.
Republicans in the Senate know this. He will be first elected Senator rejected and sent back since the Civil War if the shameless citizens of Alabama elect him.

If Moore had any honor, he would drop out for the sake of the party and the Republicans in Congress who are forced to speak on this subject.

What would you know about honor?

Enough to know not to defend someone like Moore. He was problematic enough without all of this.
There will be no coming back from this. The defense of a child molester is fatal for all who engage in it.
Republicans in the Senate know this. He will be first elected Senator rejected and sent back since the Civil War if the shameless citizens of Alabama elect him.

If Moore had any honor, he would drop out for the sake of the party and the Republicans in Congress who are forced to speak on this subject.

What would you know about honor?
This is about Moore, remember?
Starskey changed the subject to honor.

Yes, regarding Moore, dope.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

There will be no coming back from this. The defense of a child molester is fatal for all who engage in it.


There were those that said that anyone who defended those involved in the McMartin preschool molestation case were themselves molestors. It ended up the people saying the charges were BS were correct.

More recently those defending the Duke lacrosse players accused of gang rape were called women haters. Those defending the players again were right.

Alleged or confirmed, it looks bad either way. Not to mention that it's a huge gamble to back Moore when the outcome is unknown.
More details are coming out from some very credible people.

That's the motivation isn't it? The gamble?

Does not matter what the truth is to you or the progs, just need to make it a HUGE GAMBLE.

Proves you don't give a crap about this country.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED


Who ever claimed both '7s' were written by the same person? It appears someone other than Moore added a date and location at the bottom.

Leave it to you to get duped yet again by thegatewaypundit. You just never learn.


Why would someone put a date and location in a year book?
Moron... someone wrote the date and location on there. Clearly, they had a reason.
Yeah, the reason was slandering Moore.
So? The right is well acquainted with slandering the left.
gatewaypundit is alt right commie agitprop

The expert is not an expert is part of the problem.

There are many things problematic about the yearbook, the signature can/will be look at more in depth by experts as this moves forward.

But thanks for repeating what the lynch mob have been chanting since this thread began.
Show us where the link mob chanted this. You are goofy.

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