"It’s a Happy Day at Kamala Harris’s House” – Tucker Carlson Compares Andrew Cuomo’s Demise to Current Regime Assault on Joe Biden

I've been telling my fellow Americans for decades that the real power in the D.istrict of C.orruption does NOT reside in the elected officials but within the RNC/DNC corporations themselves. This is WHY we as Americans NEED to look for candidates for federal positions that are constitutionally based TRUE independent candidates & also within our third party's for the same honorable constitutionally based candidates. AVOID the RNC/DNC corporations candidates to end the corruption!
I've been telling my fellow Americans for decades that the real power in the D.istrict of C.orruption does NOT reside in the elected officials but within the RNC/DNC corporations themselves. This is WHY we as Americans NEED to look for candidates for federal positions that are constitutionally based TRUE independent candidates & also within our third party's for the same honorable constitutionally based candidates. AVOID the RNC/DNC corporations candidates to end the corruption!
We had exactly what you describe in Donald J. Trump. And not only did the entire MSM, most of Congress and the RNC not support him, but they undercut him every chance they got and refused to defend him against absurd accusations.
Listen to Tucker's opening monologue. It makes perfect sense now what's happening to Biden by the Democrat tribe.

There is much more to that I think than just the DNC. I think there is an organized 'deep state' of current and past pols and other influential people who have a specific agenda and work it through the people they install in power to do that. We never know exactly who they are, they are never quoted, never seen in the light anywhere, but I'm pretty sure they don't want Uncle Joe to run again.

I'm thinking Gavin Newsome is likely the new designated head of state--it sure won't be Kamala and I don't think they'll put Hillary or Michelle out there--but we'll see how it goes. Would Kamala, given her very low approval ratings, even be able to get the required number of signatures in every state to run?

We most likely will never know if the DNC or deep state ordered the documents to be leaked to the media, but the timing is so suspicious it is really really hard to dismiss that as a possibility.
We had exactly what you describe in Donald J. Trump. And not only did the entire MSM, most of Congress and the RNC not support him, but they undercut him every chance they got and refused to defend him against absurd accusations.

It's shameful how easily brainwashed our population is.

We were told to hate Donald Trump and look what happened.

We were told to wear masks....



Just sheep. That's us. Well, most of us. But not all
Since it would be no different with Harris as President, the deep state establishment would still be pulling the strings of a nincompoop, we need to impeach both of them. I don't even want to imagine who Harris would appoint as VP. Karine Jean-Pierre, AOC, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Sharpton, Don Lemon, Bernie, Rachel Levine?
Since it would be no different with Harris as President, the deep state establishment would still be pulling the strings of a nincompoop, we need to impeach both of them. I don't even want to imagine who Harris would appoint as VP. Karine Jean-Pierre, AOC, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Sharpton, Don Lemon, Bernie, Rachel Levine?
Impeachment would only be portrayed by the MSM as ugly retaliation with no merit. And there is no way a Dem controlled Senate would convict.

Just look at the difference in the classified documents. Trump 'threat to democracy.' Biden: meh.

The GOP has to be smart, consistent, honest, and competent and will always have the deep state, Democrats, MSM, and the global establishment working to take them down.
Listen to Tucker's opening monologue. It makes perfect sense now what's happening to Biden by the Democrat tribe.

FOX news. :abgg2q.jpg: My dog is better informed than those who watch this nonsense.
It's shameful how easily brainwashed our population is.

We were told to hate Donald Trump and look what happened.

We were told to wear masks....



Just sheep. That's us. Well, most of us. But not all
IM not a sheep but sex with sheep is pretty ok...just saying yall
We had exactly what you describe in Donald J. Trump. And not only did the entire MSM, most of Congress and the RNC not support him, but they undercut him every chance they got and refused to defend him against absurd accusations.
Until our fellow Americans wake up & dump the RNC/DNC corporations & their RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) profe$$ional politician$ it will just get ever worse for ALL Americans. What you described above about Donald Trump's ordeal as POTUS happened also with congressman Ron Paul & his bid for the POTUS position. When the RNC could not ax Ron Paul they simply pulled enough of his delegates to tube him. Then the RNC gerrymandered his district to get rid of him once & for all. Spread the word; "vote for the candidate NOT the political party!"
There is much more to that I think than just the DNC. I think there is an organized 'deep state' of current and past pols and other influential people who have a specific agenda and work it through the people they install in power to do that. We never know exactly who they are, they are never quoted, never seen in the light anywhere, but I'm pretty sure they don't want Uncle Joe to run again.

I'm thinking Gavin Newsome is likely the new designated head of state--it sure won't be Kamala and I don't think they'll put Hillary or Michelle out there--but we'll see how it goes. Would Kamala, given her very low approval ratings, even be able to get the required number of signatures in every state to run?

We most likely will never know if the DNC or deep state ordered the documents to be leaked to the media, but the timing is so suspicious it is really really hard to dismiss that as a possibility.
YES, I agree with you. Both present & past profe$$ional politician$, wealthy elitists AND career BUREAUCRATS are no doubt involved in this up to their eyeballs, in conjunction with the RNC/DNC political corporations. The ace in the hole for the "Deep State organization" is that they have the American constituency DIVIDED(a divided house cannot stand). With the divided American constituency it's virtually a surety that the worst case scenario for the American constituency is yet to come.
Impeachment would only be portrayed by the MSM as ugly retaliation with no merit. And there is no way a Dem controlled Senate would convict.

Just look at the difference in the classified documents. Trump 'threat to democracy.' Biden: meh.

The GOP has to be smart, consistent, honest, and competent and will always have the deep state, Democrats, MSM, and the global establishment working to take them down.
There are something like 38 RINO's between the upper & lower House. Nobody has to take down the RNC for those RINO's already turned the RNC into an impotent organization. Sad but true. "If ya can't beat 'em then impotize them!"

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