It's a Refugee crisis, not an Immigration issue.

To any and all countries that we send aid to if you are sending your people here we will
cut your aid accordingly.

I can't see how any Lib would have a problem with that.
NONE of the Central American Countries are failed States. Not one. There are no wars and no pogroms going on in them. There is zero evidence that anyone from on of them deserves refugee status. Thus they are ALL illegal aliens. SEND them back.
NONE of the Central American Countries are failed States. Not one. There are no wars and no pogroms going on in them. There is zero evidence that anyone from on of them deserves refugee status. Thus they are ALL illegal aliens. SEND them back.

Somebody got the word out to start this.
I keep hearing all this clamor about immigration.

Now its Children from Central America, crossing our border, and this is described as an Immigration issue.

It is a Refugee crisis.

We went to war with Serbia over a Refugee crises.

It seems to me there are failed countries, like Mexico, and most of Central America, why are we not addressing this issue, as its Refugees fleeing, not Immigrants coming.

So have you volunteered your house and property to house some of these "refugee's"? Or is that going to far? How about are you donating all your disposable income to the red cross to help these "refugee's"?
This mess has been purposefully caused.

Absolutely! And Obama's policies are being touted by the media in Central America as basically the chance of a lifetime to move to the US.

America is fucked.

Central America Newspapers Tout Open US Door for Illegal Minors

Wednesday, 11 Jun 2014 08:47 AM

By Todd Beamon

Newspapers in El Salvador and Honduras are promoting policies by the Obama administration that defer deportation to minors brought to the United States as children by their parents — known as "Dreamers" — and those that are housing illegal children at military bases in the South and West.

"Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law," Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is quoted in a story about a new two-year extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy published by Diario El Mundo in El Salvador.

Central America Newspapers Promote Obama Policies on Illegals

The children, a few adults arecoming in through Texas, yes, it does look puposeful, and Gov. Perry wants 500 million......

No one is talking about where the money is coming from to pay for these people to be transported to the US. It has been reported to cost $800.00 per head, that is a huge sum for people in Central America, 2 or 3 years wages. Who is providing the funding?
And, its utter stupid to say
This mess has been purposefully caused.
or that Obama had anything to do with it.

I know this is over the heads of most RWs here but thank [MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] for this info-

President George W. Bush signed the TVPRA Law in 2008:

"The law recognizes that special care is demanded when dealing with the young and vulnerable. Under these laws, the Border Patrol is required to take unaccompanied children who are not from Mexico into custody, screen them and transfer them to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement."

William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

Administration: Bush-era law requires us to slow-walk deportations |

Its Obama who is wants the law changed and the refugees deported.
Yeah right, the left wing hypocrites are oh so emotional when they ship the "refugees" to some other neighborhood. Put them in camps in Hollywood.
Yeah right, the left wing hypocrites are oh so emotional when they ship the "refugees" to some other neighborhood. Put them in camps in Hollywood.

Lemme guess - You're anti-food stamps for children, anti-help for single working mothers, anti-abortion, anti-birth control, anti-basic human freedoms, christian RW, right?

IOW, kick hungry sick children out of the way on the sidewalk.
I'm sure the democrat plan was to say....
See we need immigration reform now more then ever.

Doesn't matter cuz the R has refused to even consider doing anything to control illegals BUT, for the GAZILLIONTH time for those who just can't read, these children are political refugees. See links I posted above, or, alternatively, keep posting lies. :cuckoo:
The conversation here right now is how much we wish we could ship the worthless RWs to some hell hole and keep the refugee children.

What a GOOD idea.

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