It's a Refugee crisis, not an Immigration issue.

Looks like respect for the opinions of others is down for the count.
I keep hearing all this clamor about immigration.

Now its Children from Central America, crossing our border, and this is described as an Immigration issue.

It is a Refugee crisis.

We went to war with Serbia over a Refugee crises.

It seems to me there are failed countries, like Mexico, and most of Central America, why are we not addressing this issue, as its Refugees fleeing, not Immigrants coming.

Sure. A refugee crisis.

[ame=]'If you make it to the US, your children can go to school' - YouTube[/ame]
Post FACTS and the RWs scatter.


What's hilarious is you and lakotas sudden affection for bush' law.

What's hilarious is that RWs believe that some laws should be enforced but not the ones they don't like.

Actually that would be Obama, he announced for all to see that any children crossing the border would NOT be deported. He announced an executive order that forbade the ICE and border patrol from deporting any family with children. And then he and you act surprised when hundreds of thousands of people arrive with children to take advantage of his announcement.

Obama caused this and you know it. You can claim otherwise all you want it just isn't true. Obama created this situation with his ignorance and stupidity. And you support him. NOT a single Country in Central America is at war, none have pograms and none are failed States. These people are NOT refugees by any stretch of the imagination or any attempt by you to claim otherwise.

Obama did not ask for money to deport these children he asked for a slush fund of 2 billion dollars with no explanation of what he intended to do with it. Going by his track record he would have used the money to encourage more illegals to cross the border illegally so that he could refuse to deport them as well.
Well, if you want to sallow what this administration run by Obama who won LIAR of the year is feeding you

have at it

It's a crime against us American citizens busing and flying these people all over the country and dropped off into OUR TOWNS WHILE , they are HELPING them to cross our border... but hey you all don't care
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I'm sure the democrat plan was to say....
See we need immigration reform now more then ever.

Doesn't matter cuz the R has refused to even consider doing anything to control illegals BUT, for the GAZILLIONTH time for those who just can't read, these children are political refugees. See links I posted above, or, alternatively, keep posting lies. :cuckoo:

That's a lie, many are saying they are here to join their parents who are already here illegally. Funny their parent left them in what you claim is a shit hole, what's that say about them?
again, it's never their Dear Leader, no matter what happens after six YEARS in office

you people are so pathetic
Sorry, it's an illegal alien crisis.

Like, from outer space?

Illegal Alien hardly even registers to me, that term is so far removed from the actuality of reality and all the details of what exactly is happening.

There is a prescribed process, and many have no sympathy, nor empathy with those who do not follow same. I have fears; the new "flood", "tide", or "flow", whichever term you prefer, are easy targets for all types of criminal enterprises.

Yes, there is a legal process, which like all things is controlled by the government. That you have no empathy or sympathy is indicative of the effectiveness of the propaganda campaign of the government controlled media.

It's time to remove the government from the process, pass a law and allow a private firm to implied the law.
I keep hearing all this clamor about immigration.

Now its Children from Central America, crossing our border, and this is described as an Immigration issue.

It is a Refugee crisis.

We went to war with Serbia over a Refugee crises.

It seems to me there are failed countries, like Mexico, and most of Central America, why are we not addressing this issue, as its Refugees fleeing, not Immigrants coming.

If you want to bomb Cental America into the stone age to solve this problem, then feel free to write your Congressman. That's what we did to Serbia. If you want to reward this illegals with food, clothing, housing, medical care, and amnesty, then do it on your own dime. Why should I pay or any of that?

These countries are barely a step out of the stone age, these countries are failures, that is the issue, not our immigration policy.

Yes , why should you pay for that, why should anyone pay for that, we are all paying, we all pay for an out of control government which uses people as pawns, in this case to divide us.

I feel bad for the pawns of a war.
If we took the governments boot off the throat of industry we could easily grow into the country we were destined to be, but instead we are dying a slow death. Our economy should be expanding, our need for workers should be expanding.

Would anyone care about these refugees if the politicians had not destroyed our manufacturing and industrial base.

If the usa is not growing, we are dying.

It is time to grow and be proud of our ability.

it is time to expand freedom, it's time to demand the third world south of us to speak English and step out of the stone age.

the issue is failed third world countries still speaking the language of the Spanish conquers which alienated them from the greatest source of wealth, freedom like that of the United States of America.
NONE of the Central American Countries are failed States. Not one. There are no wars and no pogroms going on in them. There is zero evidence that anyone from on of them deserves refugee status. Thus they are ALL illegal aliens. SEND them back.

I judge a failed Nation by its, "Slowest/weakest" person, or by the poorest potion of it's society.

For years the countries south of us have bled ten's of millions of people. Have they fled war, yes! There is still fighting in Mexico, fighting in Columbia, as well as a brutal drug war. So gunny, your idea of peace and success south of us is a fallacy.

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