It's about freedom and capitalism. Not an over reaching government or cult of personality.


Silver Member
Jul 31, 2016
It is about freedom and capitalism. Not an over reaching government or a cult of personality (i.e. "Obama-nation" that many of you surrendered your peace, freedom and prosperity to by the stadium full). You are either winning or losing. Appeasement does not work. It WILL however get you killed, enslaved, diseased, mangled up, and in unparalleled debt. If you do not speak your mind you WILL be destroyed and enslaved and VERY bad things will happen to you and others. That is fear mongering for anyone who wants to attack me. There is nothing wrong with fear. It is the truth.
Who's against capitalism? I am only against unregulated capitalism.

Read a fucking history book about the Robber Barons to see that capitalism can be dark and abusive. Look at the capitalism in places like India or vietnam and look at the environmental damage done by not having any regulations. Look at the way the workers are treated...People like you're are the real brainwashed ones that believe such is better then the protections and easy life Americans enjoy today. Your idea of freedom is the freedom to abuse people and to sit in your own shit.

WTF do you want?
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Lol. Out of curiosity who said that there should be crony capitalism? You realize you just accused me of something I did not say, right? Angry much? What the phuck do I want? How about a government that does not enslave its people with debt? About an informed public who don't consistently and constantly vote for an over reaching government? How about not passing laws that no one understands or even know what they are? How about allowing our men and woman to win their wars instead of demonizing and sabotaging them? ...aaaaand how about fixing our decaying infrastructure since there are 90 million people out of work and no significant economic growth?
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You don't have quality of life without freedom and capitalism. As shown and proven by history.
You don't have quality of life without freedom and capitalism. As shown and proven by history.
As with everything else, it's a matter of degree.

Yes, we could have 100% freedom, no regulations on business, no safety nets for anyone, and many would suffer as some thrived.

For most of us, that is simply unacceptable, because we know that many simply don't have the capacity to build wealth. Therefore, we look for equilibrium and are willing to give something up in exchange.

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