It's About Time! Patriotic Congressman Wants Federal Investigation Into Seth Rich's Murder

Moonglow, the problem with the claim they searched his laptop and found no connection to wikileaks is Kim Dotcom said he was the one who contacted wikileaks, not Seth Rich.
Watch the great interview and pushback from GOP Congressman Farenthold (Corpus Christi TX).

The fake news douchebags claim the Seth Rich being assassinated for giving Wikileaks DNC emails has been "debunked." Then they suggest free speech must be stopped. And the fake news has the chutzpah to claim they are a crucial part in keeping free speech protecting. Filthy hypocrites!

The word is not patriotic. The word is kook and crazy. I am glad that he is not my Congressman. I would hold my head in shame. It's amazing how many Inspector Clouseaus there are.

This is the Republican Party under Trump. Conspiracies Are Us.

busybee01, why can't you admit the most idiotic "conspiracy theory" is "Russian meddling?" What is the malfunction in your thought process that cannot grasp that reality?

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