It's All About Honor


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I love when Westboro gets their butts handed to them. They are not representatives of God's love or his mercy. These people whoever they are have my respect. The article below will describe how 2,000 people thwarted a Westboro Protest and defended a fallen soldier's honor and memory.

What This Crowd of 2,000+ Did to Honor a Fallen Army Ranger — and Thwart Westboro Baptist Church — Will Make Your Heart Thump

Westboro Baptist Church made a big show of its intention to protest the funeral Sunday of Army Ranger Cody James Patterson at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

Per usual, Westboro says Patterson and other fallen soldiers died in vain, slain by God’s wrath for “the homosexual and other sins of America,” adding that the U.S. “is nation of sodomite hypocrites,” notes KVAL-TV in Eugene, Ore.


But instead of putting on a big show, Westboro Baptist was a no-show.

Then again when more than 2,000 supporters of Patterson and his family and friends flood the street to block any planned Westboro activity, it’s understandable if the controversial group decided to sit this one out.


What This Crowd of 2,000+ Did to Honor a Fallen Army Ranger ? and Thwart Westboro Baptist Church ? Will Make Your Heart Thump | Video |
The liberal scum of this vile cult got shut down at the funerals and services in memory of the victims of the Boston Bombings.
The liberal scum of this vile cult got shut down at the funerals and services in memory of the victims of the Boston Bombings.

You just can't stop spreading your lying hate.

YOU, polly, YOU are no better than the westboro scum.

YOU are scum and all you know how to do is spread lying scum hate.
The liberal scum of this vile cult got shut down at the funerals and services in memory of the victims of the Boston Bombings.

You just can't stop spreading your lying hate.

YOU, polly, YOU are no better than the westboro scum.

YOU are scum and all you know how to do is spread lying scum hate.

And what exactly are you doing right now? Why so serious, ned?
The liberal scum of this vile cult got shut down at the funerals and services in memory of the victims of the Boston Bombings.

They are not liberal or conservative.

They are a far right reactionary perversion of social traditionalists.

The crowd handled it well.
The liberal scum of this vile cult got shut down at the funerals and services in memory of the victims of the Boston Bombings.

Asshole, these people are not liberal. They are not conservative. They are not even 'Conservative'. They are their own special kind of nut. And someone that tries to pidgeonhole other Americans with them on only his disagreement with those other Americans political view is much more like those special kinds of nuts than are the Americans that he disagrees with.
24 heroes to be upgraded to Medal of Honor...
Heroics detailed for 24 soon to receive Medal of Honor
March 17, 2014 ~ In a White House ceremony Tuesday, the U.S. will officially acknowledge that the selfless combat heroics of 24 soldiers always merited more than the nation’s second-highest medal for valor.
Spc. Santiago J. Erevia had orders to tend the wounded while the rest of the platoon pressed on attacking. But when he and the men under his care came under fire from four nearby Viet Cong bunkers on May 21, 1969, Erevia didn’t dive for cover. Instead, he gathered up spare weapons and ran into a storm of bullets. He knocked out one bunker after another with hand grenades as gunners in the others fired on him. Out of grenades and with one bunker still active, he took an M-16 in each hand and charged, shooting down the last defender at point blank range. “Having single-handedly destroyed four enemy bunkers and their occupants, Specialist Fourth Class Erevia then returned to the soldiers charged to his care and resumed treating their injuries,” reads Erevia’s citation for the Distinguished Service Cross he was later awarded.

In a White House ceremony Tuesday, the United States will officially acknowledge that the selfless combat heroics of 24 soldiers, including Erevia, always merited more than the nation’s second-highest medal for valor. Obama will present the Medal of Honor to Erevia and two other living recipients — former NCOs Melvin Morris and Jose Rodela. And he’ll present it posthumously to another 21 soldiers killed in battle or who died before they could receive the distinction they had earned. Because of the politics and prejudices of earlier decades, doubt has long lingered over whether Hispanic-Americans or Jewish-Americans had been given equal consideration with Anglo-Americans for the Medal of Honor.

So in the 2002 National Defense Authorization Act, Congress ordered the Army review the cases of all Jewish and Hispanic soldiers who had received the Distinguished Service Cross from World War 2 onward to see if their heroism actually merited the nation’s highest award. Army researchers combed through some 6,500 Distinguished Services Cross awards and zeroed in on 600 that went to soldiers who might be of either background. In the end, the Army singled out 19 Jewish and Hispanic soldiers who deserved Medal of Honor, along with five soldiers of other backgrounds. The action echoed an earlier review ordered in 1996, which found seven black soldiers deserved the Medal of Honor for actions in World War II. Before that, there no were African-American recipients of the medal for that war.

Among the deserving soldiers found in the latest review was Former Special Forces NCO Melvin Morris, an African-American who had been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for action on Sept. 17, 1969. According to his medal citation, the staff sergeant was commanding a strike force in the Mekong Delta when he received word that the commander of another team had been killed near an enemy bunker. Soon, the two soldiers he’d set out with to recover the body had themselves been wounded, and Morris helped evacuate them. Then he turned around and charged a line of bunkers, destroying several with grenades and driving the remaining enemy fighters back. As he struggled back to the task force, he was shot three times but managed to make it back with the body of his fellow Green Beret. A number of the men who’ll be honored Tuesday never made it out of the battles in which they distinguished themselves for bravery.


See also:

Denied a Medal of Honor, a worthy soldier finds out why decades later
March 14, 2014 ~ Using an ammo crate as a chair and an Army tent as his office, Pfc. John "Mac" MacFarland set up his typewriter and began to write.
It was the sweltering summer of 1969, about a month after the fierce battle of Tam Ky in South Vietnam. MacFarland had been ordered to write a recommendation nominating Spc. 4 Santiago Jesse Erevia for the Medal of Honor, and he tried to put into words how Erevia's "conspicuous gallantry" had saved so many fellow soldiers. "Although Erevia could have taken cover with the rest of the group," MacFarland wrote, "he realized that action must be taken immediately if they were able to be relieved from the precarious situation they were now in."

MacFarland, a 23-year-old college student who had been drafted, spent weeks working on the nomination, sure that Erevia, a 23-year-old high school dropout who had enlisted, would be awarded the medal. MacFarland sent the recommendation up the chain of command. "And then I never heard another thing," MacFarland recalled decades later. Erevia knew that he had been nominated, and though admitting initial disappointment that he did not receive the Medal of Honor, he went home to Texas and never dwelt on it.

MacFarland did. Over the decades, he searched lists of Medal of Honor recipients, looking for Erevia's name. Again and again, he dug out his mimeographed copy of the recommendation, fearing he had failed to capture Erevia's extraordinary heroism. "I found myself … wondering how I could have done a better job," MacFarland said. He thought of writing Erevia to say he was sorry the recommendation fell short. But he never wrote. "This became one of the ghosts that haunted me," MacFarland said.

It wasn't until this year, 45 years after the battle, that MacFarland would learn the disturbing truth — the real reason Erevia had been denied the nation's highest military honor. They arrived at Company C with different backgrounds and under different circumstances. Erevia was born in Nordheim, Texas, and had dropped out in 10th grade. He enlisted in the Army at 22 after working as a cook and soda deliveryman. "I thought maybe I could better myself," he said.

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They're attorneys making money off of this crap. Their leaders should be executed and tossed in a ditch.

i love when simple starts a thread calling out the sins of others while ignoring his own

rc....the kids are fucking lawyers..that is how they make money...they go into small towns where they inflame the locals..the small town police department cant control the crowds and the crowds bust out windows and then they sue the town and police department for lack of protection..this is how phelps has traveled the world...

Westboro Baptist Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I love when Westboro gets their butts handed to them. They are not representatives of God's love or his mercy. These people whoever they are have my respect. The article below will describe how 2,000 people thwarted a Westboro Protest and defended a fallen soldier's honor and memory.

What This Crowd of 2,000+ Did to Honor a Fallen Army Ranger — and Thwart Westboro Baptist Church — Will Make Your Heart Thump

Westboro Baptist Church made a big show of its intention to protest the funeral Sunday of Army Ranger Cody James Patterson at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

Per usual, Westboro says Patterson and other fallen soldiers died in vain, slain by God’s wrath for “the homosexual and other sins of America,” adding that the U.S. “is nation of sodomite hypocrites,” notes KVAL-TV in Eugene, Ore.


But instead of putting on a big show, Westboro Baptist was a no-show.

Then again when more than 2,000 supporters of Patterson and his family and friends flood the street to block any planned Westboro activity, it’s understandable if the controversial group decided to sit this one out.


What This Crowd of 2,000+ Did to Honor a Fallen Army Ranger ? and Thwart Westboro Baptist Church ? Will Make Your Heart Thump | Video |

Patriot Guard riders crack those liberal heads if they show up to protest. Been there done that

Way back when Freddie was only picking on the queers and nobody gave a shit, we were blocking his protests. This was Matthew Shepard's funeral.


Poor Matty boy, a simple smack up the side his head would've sufficed, but those assholes really got carried away, must've been closet queers.

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