It's all good I'm not upset, results are what matters no wait, yes I am!!! This is unacceptable!!!!

People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.
Isn't the opposite also true?

You can't have been making a federal case out of moral and religious matters for over 4 decades, only to come up to Trump and say, "No, we don't need a priest, it's all good."

This is called being a hypocrite.
People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.
Isn't the opposite also true?

You can't have been making a federal case out of moral and religious matters for over 4 decades, only to come up to Trump and say, "No, we don't need a priest, it's all good."

This is called being a hypocrite.

What moral and religious matters where made into a federal case?
People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.
Isn't the opposite also true?

You can't have been making a federal case out of moral and religious matters for over 4 decades, only to come up to Trump and say, "No, we don't need a priest, it's all good."

This is called being a hypocrite.

Who are you talking to?
People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.

Perhaps it's called a false premise.

Rump may be a slut and all that, agreed. But that's got nothing to do with Presidenting. It may be (and is) repugnant but as regards the job it's also irrelevant. What you've done here is centered on one minor character flaw and ignored the major ones. Demonstrable mental illness (gross narcissism). Outright fabrication, denials of reality and self-delusion. Obsession with division. Crass demagoguery. Spitefulness and snowflakery. Complete inability to cope. Profound ignorance of what the job entails.

That sort of thing. You know, things that actually affect the day-to-day job. Directly.

In other words, to touch on your second point, it matters far FAR less to me that he's had failed businesses, left creditors holding the bag, etc, than that he stands there and bald-faced lies about it, denying it ever even happened. If you can't cope in the plane of reality, then you have no business being in a responsible position. Simple as that.

really Pogo?
I hope you realize just about your entire paragraph could equally describe Obama. If you can't see that, then you are blind.
I didn't want Trump to be President. The only thing I wanted less was Hillary to be President.
Trump is egotistical, gets far too hung up on personal matters and spends waaay too much time trashing people over trivial matters that are so completely beneath the office.
But he is the President of the United States. And he was voted in for a reason. I wish everyone would think more about that, then all of this white noise and faux outrage.

Of course "really". In fact "really" was the whole POINT there.

I've never seen O'bama --- or for that matter anyone anywhere --- float in a world of self-delusion and outright denial of reality to this extent. I've never seen O'bama or anyone in the world stand there look directly into a camera and flat-out lie about what he did or what he said or what he saw, literally every goddam day. Never seen O'bama or anyone else claim he saw "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" which never happened, claimed he "saw it on TV" which never happened, and when a reporter wouldn't lie for him to confirm it I never say O'bama or anyone else mock a congenital disability and THEN, not done yet, deny that's what he was doing. That's just one sample, and as you well know we could go on with these literally all day and by the time we got done there would be fresh ones.

COMPLETE denial of reality. Self-delusion.

The fact that he was "voted in" isn't even connected to the above, even if it is a statement on the electoral system itself. And oh yes he lied about that too, in myriad ways, and we could go on and on with that as well.

So yes, "really". LITERALLY really.

I am sorry then you must not have watched the news for the 8 years Obama was President.
"You will not lose your Doctor"
"Your premiums will decrease"
"ACA will decrease medical costs"
"I will run the most transparent administration in history"

This could go on for pages.

NONE of that is comparable to "very fine people" and "beat the crap out of 'em" and "fire the sumbitches" and "I like people who weren't captured OK" and "the (Indiana) judge is Mexican", and "blood coming out of her wherever/bleeding badly from a facelift" and "Pocahontas", nor are they in the same ballpark with "we got more done than anybody since Truman", "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan", "it wasn't raining", "I never went bankrupt", "I never pretended to be John Miller and John Baron", "maybe that wasn't my voice on the tape", "we have Trump steaks", and of course the whole Birther bullshit and the Central Park Five.... please, show us the O'bama Central Park Five willya?

I'm not talking "predictions" here, which is what you listed above -- although if we want to compare apples to apples, we could go down that road and examine suggesting Hillary Clinton should be shot and there should be "riots" if I don't get my way because it's "rigged" and I'll hold my breath 'til I turn blue, waaah waaaah.

There's a reason the Constitution requires a POTUS to be 35 years old. We want an ADULT in the room.

Seems to me sometimes summa y'all don't get that the aversion to Rump has nothing to do with politics. He doesn't even have any politics, clearly, as he'll turn a 180 the moment the first direction isn't selling, then deny he was ever facing the first direction. 2000: he drops out of a race because David Duke is not what he wants to associate with. 2016: he doesn't know who David Duke even is, because he can't offend the new base. Charlottesville: David Duke has to remind him who his voters are at which point he obediently comes out with "very fine people". Yes absolutely he's a whore but not just in the sexual sense.

And that's the whole point, outright denial of reality. You can't oppose his politics because he doesn't have any. He'll stand wherever he can sell himself and then deny he was ever standing anywhere else. Outright denial of reality. I'm making the same point over and over here.
Last edited:
What about those who have been disappointed in and critical of all the recent Presidents?
What has the conduct of previous Presidents to do with defending the defects of the present one?
What kind of reasoning accepts reprehensible behavior after identifying it as such?
People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.

Perhaps it's called a false premise.

Rump may be a slut and all that, agreed. But that's got nothing to do with Presidenting. It may be (and is) repugnant but as regards the job it's also irrelevant. What you've done here is centered on one minor character flaw and ignored the major ones. Demonstrable mental illness (gross narcissism). Outright fabrication, denials of reality and self-delusion. Obsession with division. Crass demagoguery. Spitefulness and snowflakery. Complete inability to cope. Profound ignorance of what the job entails.

That sort of thing. You know, things that actually affect the day-to-day job. Directly.

In other words, to touch on your second point, it matters far FAR less to me that he's had failed businesses, left creditors holding the bag, etc, than that he stands there and bald-faced lies about it, denying it ever even happened. If you can't cope in the plane of reality, then you have no business being in a responsible position. Simple as that.

really Pogo?
I hope you realize just about your entire paragraph could equally describe Obama. If you can't see that, then you are blind.
I didn't want Trump to be President. The only thing I wanted less was Hillary to be President.
Trump is egotistical, gets far too hung up on personal matters and spends waaay too much time trashing people over trivial matters that are so completely beneath the office.
But he is the President of the United States. And he was voted in for a reason. I wish everyone would think more about that, then all of this white noise and faux outrage.

Of course "really". In fact "really" was the whole POINT there.

I've never seen O'bama --- or for that matter anyone anywhere --- float in a world of self-delusion and outright denial of reality to this extent. I've never seen O'bama or anyone in the world stand there look directly into a camera and flat-out lie about what he did or what he said or what he saw, literally every goddam day. Never seen O'bama or anyone else claim he saw "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" which never happened, claimed he "saw it on TV" which never happened, and when a reporter wouldn't lie for him to confirm it I never say O'bama or anyone else mock a congenital disability and THEN, not done yet, deny that's what he was doing. That's just one sample, and as you well know we could go on with these literally all day and by the time we got done there would be fresh ones.

COMPLETE denial of reality. Self-delusion.

The fact that he was "voted in" isn't even connected to the above, even if it is a statement on the electoral system itself. And oh yes he lied about that too, in myriad ways, and we could go on and on with that as well.

So yes, "really". LITERALLY really.

I am sorry then you must not have watched the news for the 8 years Obama was President.
"You will not lose your Doctor"
"Your premiums will decrease"
"ACA will decrease medical costs"
"I will run the most transparent administration in history"

This could go on for pages.

NONE of that is comparable to "very fine people" and "beat the crap out of 'em" and "fire the sumbitches" and "I like people who weren't captured OK" and "the (Indiana) judge is Mexican", and "blood coming out of her wherever/bleeding badly from a facelift", nor are they in the same ballpark with "we got more done than anybody since Truman", "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan", "it wasn't raining", "I never went bankrupt", "I never pretended to be John Miller and John Baron", "maybe that wasn't my voice on the tape", "we have Trump steaks", and of course the whole Birther bullshit and the Central Park Five.... please, show us the O'bama Central Park Five willya?

I'm not talking "predictions" here, which is what you listed above -- although if we want to compare apples to apples, we could go down that road and examine suggesting Hillary Clinton should be shot and there should be "riots" if I don't get my way because it's "rigged" and I'll hold my breath 'til I turn blue, waaah waaaah.

There's a reason the Constitution requires a POTUS to be 35 years old. We want an ADULT in the room.

All of which effects you how?
This thread is only to point out the hypocrisy that is giong on right now with all of the faux outrage with Trump and paying off hush money. You do realize that Congress has an actual fund USING TAXPAYER DOLLARS to pay off hush money??? The very same people all up in arms over this?

Trump is not a polished politician. Making no actual comparison, but if you know your history, folks said the same thing about Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt and LBJ. Especially LBJ.
The biggest difference between Obama and him, is Obama was classy, Trump is "crassy". However they are both liars, both obfuscate reality, both are egomaniacs and borderline narcissist. Obama made an art form out of saying one thing while doing the complete opposite. Made masterpiece's out of claiming one thing, while also the opposite was reality. But he looked good doing it.
Trump is old, has a fat lip, doesn't know when to shut up...and loves to grandiose himself with exaggerated claims while trashing others. He is a dick.
But so was Obama. Just not so damn obvious about it.
But I will take Trump's results over Obama's anyday.
Perhaps it's called a false premise.

Rump may be a slut and all that, agreed. But that's got nothing to do with Presidenting. It may be (and is) repugnant but as regards the job it's also irrelevant. What you've done here is centered on one minor character flaw and ignored the major ones. Demonstrable mental illness (gross narcissism). Outright fabrication, denials of reality and self-delusion. Obsession with division. Crass demagoguery. Spitefulness and snowflakery. Complete inability to cope. Profound ignorance of what the job entails.

That sort of thing. You know, things that actually affect the day-to-day job. Directly.

In other words, to touch on your second point, it matters far FAR less to me that he's had failed businesses, left creditors holding the bag, etc, than that he stands there and bald-faced lies about it, denying it ever even happened. If you can't cope in the plane of reality, then you have no business being in a responsible position. Simple as that.

really Pogo?
I hope you realize just about your entire paragraph could equally describe Obama. If you can't see that, then you are blind.
I didn't want Trump to be President. The only thing I wanted less was Hillary to be President.
Trump is egotistical, gets far too hung up on personal matters and spends waaay too much time trashing people over trivial matters that are so completely beneath the office.
But he is the President of the United States. And he was voted in for a reason. I wish everyone would think more about that, then all of this white noise and faux outrage.

Of course "really". In fact "really" was the whole POINT there.

I've never seen O'bama --- or for that matter anyone anywhere --- float in a world of self-delusion and outright denial of reality to this extent. I've never seen O'bama or anyone in the world stand there look directly into a camera and flat-out lie about what he did or what he said or what he saw, literally every goddam day. Never seen O'bama or anyone else claim he saw "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" which never happened, claimed he "saw it on TV" which never happened, and when a reporter wouldn't lie for him to confirm it I never say O'bama or anyone else mock a congenital disability and THEN, not done yet, deny that's what he was doing. That's just one sample, and as you well know we could go on with these literally all day and by the time we got done there would be fresh ones.

COMPLETE denial of reality. Self-delusion.

The fact that he was "voted in" isn't even connected to the above, even if it is a statement on the electoral system itself. And oh yes he lied about that too, in myriad ways, and we could go on and on with that as well.

So yes, "really". LITERALLY really.

I am sorry then you must not have watched the news for the 8 years Obama was President.
"You will not lose your Doctor"
"Your premiums will decrease"
"ACA will decrease medical costs"
"I will run the most transparent administration in history"

This could go on for pages.

NONE of that is comparable to "very fine people" and "beat the crap out of 'em" and "fire the sumbitches" and "I like people who weren't captured OK" and "the (Indiana) judge is Mexican", and "blood coming out of her wherever/bleeding badly from a facelift", nor are they in the same ballpark with "we got more done than anybody since Truman", "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan", "it wasn't raining", "I never went bankrupt", "I never pretended to be John Miller and John Baron", "maybe that wasn't my voice on the tape", "we have Trump steaks", and of course the whole Birther bullshit and the Central Park Five.... please, show us the O'bama Central Park Five willya?

I'm not talking "predictions" here, which is what you listed above -- although if we want to compare apples to apples, we could go down that road and examine suggesting Hillary Clinton should be shot and there should be "riots" if I don't get my way because it's "rigged" and I'll hold my breath 'til I turn blue, waaah waaaah.

There's a reason the Constitution requires a POTUS to be 35 years old. We want an ADULT in the room.

Seems to me sometimes summa y'all don't get that the aversion to Rump has nothing to do with politics. He doesn't even have any politics, clearly, as he'll turn a 180 the moment the first direction isn't selling, then deny he was ever facing the first direction. 2000: he drops out of a race because David Duke is not what he wants to associate with. 2016: he doesn't know who David Duke even is, because he can't offend the new base. Charlottesville: David Duke has to remind him who his voters are at which point he obediently comes out with "very fine people". Yes absolutely he's a whore but not just in the sexual sense.

And that's the whole point, outright denial of reality. You can't oppose his politics because he doesn't have any. He'll stand wherever he can sell himself and then deny he was ever standing anywhere else. Outright denial of reality. I'm making the same point over and over here.

All of which effects you how?
This thread is only to point out the hypocrisy that is giong on right now with all of the faux outrage with Trump and paying off hush money. You do realize that Congress has an actual fund USING TAXPAYER DOLLARS to pay off hush money??? The very same people all up in arms over this?

Trump is not a polished politician. Making no actual comparison, but if you know your history, folks said the same thing about Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt and LBJ. Especially LBJ.
The biggest difference between Obama and him, is Obama was classy, Trump is "crassy". However they are both liars, both obfuscate reality, both are egomaniacs and borderline narcissist. Obama made an art form out of saying one thing while doing the complete opposite. Made masterpiece's out of claiming one thing, while also the opposite was reality. But he looked good doing it.
Trump is old, has a fat lip, doesn't know when to shut up...and loves to grandiose himself with exaggerated claims while trashing others. He is a dick.
But so was Obama. Just not so damn obvious about it.
But I will take Trump's results over Obama's anyday.

Ya will huh? So you like division and bigotry and the whole "they'd be carried out on a stretcher" bullshit and "beat the crap out of 'em" and the rise of very fine skinheads, do ya?

You do know that the goons he instigated to beat up protesters at his rallies, reconciled and sued him for setting them up like that, right? Please, do tell us all about how O'bama held a rally and said his detractors "would be carried out on a stretcher" and bemoaned how "there used to be consequences" but "we've become weak" and suggested if he didn't win there should be "riots" because the system was "rigged" and maybe they should just shoot McCain or Romney. Then tell us where he stood on a stage and crowed "I alone can fix it" when he wasn't talking about the size of his Obamatron. And how he called for the banning of Jews (or whatever religion) "until our government can figure out what the hell is going on". Clearly I must have missed that while I was "not watching the news for 8 years".

Last edited:
People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.
When Clinton was president, I thought his flings on the side were his business and was a family matter.
Same as JFK, FDR, Ike and numerous other Presidents

We knew that Trump was a playboy, that was his image

Where Trump differs is is overall crudeness and his dimeaning atitude towards women and tendency to marry sluts. Women are just arm candy

JFK, FDR and Clinton fooled around but they married ladies. Women who knew how to comport themselves and came from strong backgrounds
People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.
I didn't vote for him because he was a virgin. I voted for him because he was the first Republican since Lincoln to bring the fight to the democrats, stop - then roll back- the Progressive Jihad on America
People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.
When Clinton was president, I thought his flings on the side were his business and was a family matter.
Same as JFK, FDR, Ike and numerous other Presidents

We knew that Trump was a playboy, that was his image

Where Trump differs is is overall crudeness and his dimeaning atitude towards women and tendency to marry sluts. Women are just arm candy

JFK, FDR and Clinton fooled around but they married ladies. Women who knew how to comport themselves and came from strong backgrounds
Let me know when Trump uses a White House interns vagina as his personal humidor.

Clinton was a fucking pig, but still a better President than both Bushes squared
really Pogo?
I hope you realize just about your entire paragraph could equally describe Obama. If you can't see that, then you are blind.
I didn't want Trump to be President. The only thing I wanted less was Hillary to be President.
Trump is egotistical, gets far too hung up on personal matters and spends waaay too much time trashing people over trivial matters that are so completely beneath the office.
But he is the President of the United States. And he was voted in for a reason. I wish everyone would think more about that, then all of this white noise and faux outrage.

Of course "really". In fact "really" was the whole POINT there.

I've never seen O'bama --- or for that matter anyone anywhere --- float in a world of self-delusion and outright denial of reality to this extent. I've never seen O'bama or anyone in the world stand there look directly into a camera and flat-out lie about what he did or what he said or what he saw, literally every goddam day. Never seen O'bama or anyone else claim he saw "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" which never happened, claimed he "saw it on TV" which never happened, and when a reporter wouldn't lie for him to confirm it I never say O'bama or anyone else mock a congenital disability and THEN, not done yet, deny that's what he was doing. That's just one sample, and as you well know we could go on with these literally all day and by the time we got done there would be fresh ones.

COMPLETE denial of reality. Self-delusion.

The fact that he was "voted in" isn't even connected to the above, even if it is a statement on the electoral system itself. And oh yes he lied about that too, in myriad ways, and we could go on and on with that as well.

So yes, "really". LITERALLY really.

I am sorry then you must not have watched the news for the 8 years Obama was President.
"You will not lose your Doctor"
"Your premiums will decrease"
"ACA will decrease medical costs"
"I will run the most transparent administration in history"

This could go on for pages.

NONE of that is comparable to "very fine people" and "beat the crap out of 'em" and "fire the sumbitches" and "I like people who weren't captured OK" and "the (Indiana) judge is Mexican", and "blood coming out of her wherever/bleeding badly from a facelift", nor are they in the same ballpark with "we got more done than anybody since Truman", "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan", "it wasn't raining", "I never went bankrupt", "I never pretended to be John Miller and John Baron", "maybe that wasn't my voice on the tape", "we have Trump steaks", and of course the whole Birther bullshit and the Central Park Five.... please, show us the O'bama Central Park Five willya?

I'm not talking "predictions" here, which is what you listed above -- although if we want to compare apples to apples, we could go down that road and examine suggesting Hillary Clinton should be shot and there should be "riots" if I don't get my way because it's "rigged" and I'll hold my breath 'til I turn blue, waaah waaaah.

There's a reason the Constitution requires a POTUS to be 35 years old. We want an ADULT in the room.

Seems to me sometimes summa y'all don't get that the aversion to Rump has nothing to do with politics. He doesn't even have any politics, clearly, as he'll turn a 180 the moment the first direction isn't selling, then deny he was ever facing the first direction. 2000: he drops out of a race because David Duke is not what he wants to associate with. 2016: he doesn't know who David Duke even is, because he can't offend the new base. Charlottesville: David Duke has to remind him who his voters are at which point he obediently comes out with "very fine people". Yes absolutely he's a whore but not just in the sexual sense.

And that's the whole point, outright denial of reality. You can't oppose his politics because he doesn't have any. He'll stand wherever he can sell himself and then deny he was ever standing anywhere else. Outright denial of reality. I'm making the same point over and over here.

All of which effects you how?
This thread is only to point out the hypocrisy that is giong on right now with all of the faux outrage with Trump and paying off hush money. You do realize that Congress has an actual fund USING TAXPAYER DOLLARS to pay off hush money??? The very same people all up in arms over this?

Trump is not a polished politician. Making no actual comparison, but if you know your history, folks said the same thing about Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt and LBJ. Especially LBJ.
The biggest difference between Obama and him, is Obama was classy, Trump is "crassy". However they are both liars, both obfuscate reality, both are egomaniacs and borderline narcissist. Obama made an art form out of saying one thing while doing the complete opposite. Made masterpiece's out of claiming one thing, while also the opposite was reality. But he looked good doing it.
Trump is old, has a fat lip, doesn't know when to shut up...and loves to grandiose himself with exaggerated claims while trashing others. He is a dick.
But so was Obama. Just not so damn obvious about it.
But I will take Trump's results over Obama's anyday.

Ya will huh? So you like division and bigotry and the whole "they'd be carried out on a stretcher" bullshit and "beat the crap out of 'em" and the rise of very fine skinheads, do ya?

You do know that the goons he instigated to beat up protesters at his rallies, reconciled and sued him for setting them up like that, right? Please, do tell us all about how O'bama held a rally and said his detractors "would be carried out on a stretcher" and bemoaned how "there used to be consequences" but "we've become weak". And how he called for the banning of Jews (or whatever religion) "until our government can figure out what the hell is going on". Clearly I must have missed that while I was "not watching the news for 8 years".


Seriously guy, are you having a hard time seeing my post for a reason?
Did I not say he is crass, lies, is egotistical and loves to self-aggrandize? What more do you want?
Did I not say I didn't want him to be President?
What claims of mine do you see where I say he is a super great President?

But as to Obama, the one you seem to defend...
Obama misused TARP funds to the tune of $billions. Billions Pogo. His administration continued to provide the markets $70 BILLION dollars per MONTH - even when the markets were seeing record profits!!! Obama is an elitist, corporatist and a globalist. He was the best friend to Wall Street than any other President in history. Only Bush II comes close, but that is because he was AWOL and let the vipers rule in his absence.
How classy the Obama's looked doesn't offset all of the bad he did. And it is monumental.
Of course "really". In fact "really" was the whole POINT there.

I've never seen O'bama --- or for that matter anyone anywhere --- float in a world of self-delusion and outright denial of reality to this extent. I've never seen O'bama or anyone in the world stand there look directly into a camera and flat-out lie about what he did or what he said or what he saw, literally every goddam day. Never seen O'bama or anyone else claim he saw "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" which never happened, claimed he "saw it on TV" which never happened, and when a reporter wouldn't lie for him to confirm it I never say O'bama or anyone else mock a congenital disability and THEN, not done yet, deny that's what he was doing. That's just one sample, and as you well know we could go on with these literally all day and by the time we got done there would be fresh ones.

COMPLETE denial of reality. Self-delusion.

The fact that he was "voted in" isn't even connected to the above, even if it is a statement on the electoral system itself. And oh yes he lied about that too, in myriad ways, and we could go on and on with that as well.

So yes, "really". LITERALLY really.

I am sorry then you must not have watched the news for the 8 years Obama was President.
"You will not lose your Doctor"
"Your premiums will decrease"
"ACA will decrease medical costs"
"I will run the most transparent administration in history"

This could go on for pages.

NONE of that is comparable to "very fine people" and "beat the crap out of 'em" and "fire the sumbitches" and "I like people who weren't captured OK" and "the (Indiana) judge is Mexican", and "blood coming out of her wherever/bleeding badly from a facelift", nor are they in the same ballpark with "we got more done than anybody since Truman", "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan", "it wasn't raining", "I never went bankrupt", "I never pretended to be John Miller and John Baron", "maybe that wasn't my voice on the tape", "we have Trump steaks", and of course the whole Birther bullshit and the Central Park Five.... please, show us the O'bama Central Park Five willya?

I'm not talking "predictions" here, which is what you listed above -- although if we want to compare apples to apples, we could go down that road and examine suggesting Hillary Clinton should be shot and there should be "riots" if I don't get my way because it's "rigged" and I'll hold my breath 'til I turn blue, waaah waaaah.

There's a reason the Constitution requires a POTUS to be 35 years old. We want an ADULT in the room.

Seems to me sometimes summa y'all don't get that the aversion to Rump has nothing to do with politics. He doesn't even have any politics, clearly, as he'll turn a 180 the moment the first direction isn't selling, then deny he was ever facing the first direction. 2000: he drops out of a race because David Duke is not what he wants to associate with. 2016: he doesn't know who David Duke even is, because he can't offend the new base. Charlottesville: David Duke has to remind him who his voters are at which point he obediently comes out with "very fine people". Yes absolutely he's a whore but not just in the sexual sense.

And that's the whole point, outright denial of reality. You can't oppose his politics because he doesn't have any. He'll stand wherever he can sell himself and then deny he was ever standing anywhere else. Outright denial of reality. I'm making the same point over and over here.

All of which effects you how?
This thread is only to point out the hypocrisy that is giong on right now with all of the faux outrage with Trump and paying off hush money. You do realize that Congress has an actual fund USING TAXPAYER DOLLARS to pay off hush money??? The very same people all up in arms over this?

Trump is not a polished politician. Making no actual comparison, but if you know your history, folks said the same thing about Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt and LBJ. Especially LBJ.
The biggest difference between Obama and him, is Obama was classy, Trump is "crassy". However they are both liars, both obfuscate reality, both are egomaniacs and borderline narcissist. Obama made an art form out of saying one thing while doing the complete opposite. Made masterpiece's out of claiming one thing, while also the opposite was reality. But he looked good doing it.
Trump is old, has a fat lip, doesn't know when to shut up...and loves to grandiose himself with exaggerated claims while trashing others. He is a dick.
But so was Obama. Just not so damn obvious about it.
But I will take Trump's results over Obama's anyday.

Ya will huh? So you like division and bigotry and the whole "they'd be carried out on a stretcher" bullshit and "beat the crap out of 'em" and the rise of very fine skinheads, do ya?

You do know that the goons he instigated to beat up protesters at his rallies, reconciled and sued him for setting them up like that, right? Please, do tell us all about how O'bama held a rally and said his detractors "would be carried out on a stretcher" and bemoaned how "there used to be consequences" but "we've become weak" and suggested if he didn't win there should be "riots" because the system was "rigged" and maybe they should just shoot McCain or Romney. Then tell us where he stood on a stage and crowed "I alone can fix it" when he wasn't talking about the size of his Obamatron. And how he called for the banning of Jews (or whatever religion) "until our government can figure out what the hell is going on". Clearly I must have missed that while I was "not watching the news for 8 years".


Seriously guy, are you having a hard time seeing my post for a reason?
Did I not say he is crass, lies, is egotistical and loves to self-aggrandize? What more do you want?
Did I not say I didn't want him to be President?
What claims of mine do you see where I say he is a super great President?

But as to Obama, the one you seem to defend...
Obama misused TARP funds to the tune of $billions. Billions Pogo. His administration continued to provide the markets $70 BILLION dollars per MONTH - even when the markets were seeing record profits!!! Obama is an elitist, corporatist and a globalist. He was the best friend to Wall Street than any other President in history. Only Bush II comes close, but that is because he was AWOL and let the vipers rule in his absence.
How classy the Obama's looked doesn't offset all of the bad he did. And it is monumental.

You're just incapable of comparing apples to apples aintchya.

Did I not just spell out that this has nothing to do with politics? And yet you keep on going back to O'bama's................... politics?


Hell, even your own OP wasn't centered on politics. It focused on character. Now suddenly you want to switch-lane chicane to .... politics?
People who want their President to have a good ethical/moral character, be an upstanding citizen for all to look up to... you have a legitimate gripe against Trump.
He is not a ethical man. Not in most people's book anyway.
Most would agree to assume he is a serial adulterer, has a history of seeing woman as sex objects and generally speaking is a bit of a slut. (or as it appears to be)
Financially, there are more rumors of shaky going on's than one can count. It seems indeed he has made some of his money in questionable ways.
So...for people who are angry or upset about Trumps less than illustrious past... you have a legitimate complaint.
That's fair.

Having said that, however.......
What you can't do, is claim this matters to you now when it didn't matter to you during President Clinton's terms. You can't say his results is what mattered then, his personal life doesn't... but do the opposite with Trump!

This is called being a hypocrite.

Perhaps it's called a false premise.

Rump may be a slut and all that, agreed. But that's got nothing to do with Presidenting. It may be (and is) repugnant but as regards the job it's also irrelevant. What you've done here is centered on one minor character flaw and ignored the major ones. Demonstrable mental illness (gross narcissism). Outright fabrication, denials of reality and self-delusion. Obsession with division. Crass demagoguery. Spitefulness and snowflakery. Complete inability to cope. Profound ignorance of what the job entails.

That sort of thing. You know, things that actually affect the day-to-day job. Directly.

In other words, to touch on your second point, it matters far FAR less to me that he's had failed businesses, left creditors holding the bag, etc, than that he stands there and bald-faced lies about it, denying it ever even happened. If you can't cope in the plane of reality, then you have no business being in a responsible position. Simple as that.

really Pogo?
I hope you realize just about your entire paragraph could equally describe Obama. If you can't see that, then you are blind.
I didn't want Trump to be President. The only thing I wanted less was Hillary to be President.
Trump is egotistical, gets far too hung up on personal matters and spends waaay too much time trashing people over trivial matters that are so completely beneath the office.
But he is the President of the United States. And he was voted in for a reason. I wish everyone would think more about that, then all of this white noise and faux outrage.

Of course "really". In fact "really" was the whole POINT there.

I've never seen O'bama --- or for that matter anyone anywhere --- float in a world of self-delusion and outright denial of reality to this extent. I've never seen O'bama or anyone in the world stand there look directly into a camera and flat-out lie about what he did or what he said or what he saw, literally every goddam day. Never seen O'bama or anyone else claim he saw "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" which never happened, claimed he "saw it on TV" which never happened, and when a reporter wouldn't lie for him to confirm it I never say O'bama or anyone else mock a congenital disability and THEN, not done yet, deny that's what he was doing. That's just one sample, and as you well know we could go on with these literally all day and by the time we got done there would be fresh ones.

COMPLETE denial of reality. Self-delusion.

The fact that he was "voted in" isn't even connected to the above, even if it is a statement on the electoral system itself. And oh yes he lied about that too, in myriad ways, and we could go on and on with that as well.

So yes, "really". LITERALLY really.

I am sorry then you must not have watched the news for the 8 years Obama was President.
"You will not lose your Doctor"
"Your premiums will decrease"
"ACA will decrease medical costs"
"I will run the most transparent administration in history"

This could go on for pages.

NONE of that is comparable to "very fine people" and "beat the crap out of 'em" and "fire the sumbitches" and "I like people who weren't captured OK" and "the (Indiana) judge is Mexican", and "blood coming out of her wherever/bleeding badly from a facelift" and "Pocahontas", nor are they in the same ballpark with "we got more done than anybody since Truman", "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan", "it wasn't raining", "I never went bankrupt", "I never pretended to be John Miller and John Baron", "maybe that wasn't my voice on the tape", "we have Trump steaks", and of course the whole Birther bullshit and the Central Park Five.... please, show us the O'bama Central Park Five willya?

I'm not talking "predictions" here, which is what you listed above -- although if we want to compare apples to apples, we could go down that road and examine suggesting Hillary Clinton should be shot and there should be "riots" if I don't get my way because it's "rigged" and I'll hold my breath 'til I turn blue, waaah waaaah.

There's a reason the Constitution requires a POTUS to be 35 years old. We want an ADULT in the room.

Seems to me sometimes summa y'all don't get that the aversion to Rump has nothing to do with politics. He doesn't even have any politics, clearly, as he'll turn a 180 the moment the first direction isn't selling, then deny he was ever facing the first direction. 2000: he drops out of a race because David Duke is not what he wants to associate with. 2016: he doesn't know who David Duke even is, because he can't offend the new base. Charlottesville: David Duke has to remind him who his voters are at which point he obediently comes out with "very fine people". Yes absolutely he's a whore but not just in the sexual sense.

And that's the whole point, outright denial of reality. You can't oppose his politics because he doesn't have any. He'll stand wherever he can sell himself and then deny he was ever standing anywhere else. Outright denial of reality. I'm making the same point over and over here.
so you're telling 63 million voters fk you and your decision?
What about those who have been disappointed in and critical of all the recent Presidents?
What has the conduct of previous Presidents to do with defending the defects of the present one?
What kind of reasoning accepts reprehensible behavior after identifying it as such?

Why don't you tell us about the presidents or prime ministers of whatever hole you call your country instead of sniping at your betters all day long?

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