It's almost June - countdown to the Supreme Court decision on ACA

But if you are against authoritarian corporatism, you are shuffling on both dance floors, are you not?
But if you are against authoritarian corporatism, you are shuffling on both dance floors, are you not?

Are you sure you're not misunderstanding the term 'corporatist'? It's often misconstrued as government that acts to benefit corporations, as in 'incorporated businesses' - but that's not what the term actually means. It's a mode of using government to divvy up power in society and is only indirectly related to commerce. The wiki page on the term is a worthy read.
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Yes, if you mean it in a fascistic sense of weakening social cohesion opposed to government power, that's exactly how I mean it.
I did in the other thread on Catholic hospitals less than two minutes ago.

Amelia, you need to pay attention and step out from behind your ideological shield; it stops your brain from working.

You twist your philosophy to the facts and conditions, not the facts and conditions to your ideology.

You're being quite silly talking about my ideological shield. I'm about the most leftmost person here who people seem to believe is actually a Republican. If I were any more to the left I would have to vote for Obama.

And that brings us to you.
Populism would oppose that type of government-corporate attempt to weaken worker and popular unity.
I did in the other thread on Catholic hospitals less than two minutes ago.

Amelia, you need to pay attention and step out from behind your ideological shield; it stops your brain from working.

You twist your philosophy to the facts and conditions, not the facts and conditions to your ideology.

You're being quite silly talking about my ideological shield. I'm about the most leftmost person here who people seem to believe is actually a Republican. If I were any more to the left I would have to vote for Obama.

And that brings us to you.

If you think I am the left most person here or on the board or in the universe, you are wearing a tinfoil hat along with your ideological shield. I am a lib to you because you are hull down over the right horizon ideological twit. You are not mainstream, simply a far right reactionary wing nut pretending to be mainstream Republican.

You are not. Simply the truth.
I did in the other thread on Catholic hospitals less than two minutes ago.

Amelia, you need to pay attention and step out from behind your ideological shield; it stops your brain from working.

You twist your philosophy to the facts and conditions, not the facts and conditions to your ideology.

You're being quite silly talking about my ideological shield. I'm about the most leftmost person here who people seem to believe is actually a Republican. If I were any more to the left I would have to vote for Obama.

And that brings us to you.

If you think I am the left most person here or on the board or in the universe, you are wearing a tinfoil hat along with your ideological shield. I am a lib to you because you are hull down over the right horizon ideological twit. You are not mainstream, simply a far right reactionary wing nut pretending to be mainstream Republican.

You are not. Simply the truth.

Whoa there, pahdner. I didn't suggest that you were the leftmost person on the board. Only that you're to the left of me.

You're so far to the left that you call a RINO like me a "far right reactionary wing nut". That's left.
Populism would oppose that type of government-corporate attempt to weaken worker and popular unity.

Hmmm... I guess. That's certainly not my angle. But again, the "corporate" of corporatism doesn't mean "incorporated business". Instead it refers to any organized power block. So, depending on how it's arranged, corporatism can to work quite well for labor movements. In fact most of US labor law is corporatist in nature.

The key aspect of corporatism is that it eschews Rule of Law in favor of ad hoc delegation of power, usually through special privilege or exemption, to competing interests in society. RomneyCare, and Obama's federal version, are perfect examples of corporatist government. There was little pretense to the contrary with Obama openly declaring that all the "players" were be invited to "the table" for wheeling and dealing. ACA was as corporatist "bargain" at it's core, serving us all up to the insurance industry as mandated customers in exchange for something Obama could call "universal coverage". Of course all the other organized interests (AMA, Big Pharma, Hospitals, etc... ) got their piece of the pie as well.

It's this general view of "the people" as constituents of interest groups rather than individuals, that is the hallmark of the corporatist. It reinforces identity politics and fuels the growth of the regulatory regime.
Just wondering did Jake ever answer this question?

What has Obama done wrong which would cause you not to want to let him finish the job?
Populism would oppose that type of government-corporate attempt to weaken worker and popular unity.

Hmmm... I guess. That's certainly not my angle. But again, the "corporate" of corporatism doesn't mean "incorporated business". Instead it refers to any organized power block. So, depending on how it's arranged, corporatism can to work quite well for labor movements. In fact most of US labor law is corporatist in nature.

The key aspect of corporatism is that it eschews Rule of Law in favor of ad hoc delegation of power, usually through special privilege or exemption, to competing interests in society. RomneyCare, and Obama's federal version, are perfect examples of corporatist government. There was little pretense to the contrary with Obama openly declaring that all the "players" were be invited to "the table" for wheeling and dealing. ACA was as corporatist "bargain" at it's core, serving us all up to the insurance industry as mandated customers in exchange for something Obama could call "universal coverage". Of course all the other organized interests (AMA, Big Pharma, Hospitals, etc... ) got their piece of the pie as well.

It's this general view of "the people" as constituents of interest groups rather than individuals, that is the hallmark of the corporatist. It reinforces identity politics and fuels the growth of the regulatory regime.

I agree with much of that, except instead of "eschews" I would include "shifts". The issue is how to break the power blocs in a fashion that meets constitutional means.
You're being quite silly talking about my ideological shield. I'm about the most leftmost person here who people seem to believe is actually a Republican. If I were any more to the left I would have to vote for Obama.

And that brings us to you.

If you think I am the left most person here or on the board or in the universe, you are wearing a tinfoil hat along with your ideological shield. I am a lib to you because you are hull down over the right horizon ideological twit. You are not mainstream, simply a far right reactionary wing nut pretending to be mainstream Republican.

You are not. Simply the truth.

Whoa there, pahdner. I didn't suggest that you were the leftmost person on the board. Only that you're to the left of me.

You're so far to the left that you call a RINO like me a "far right reactionary wing nut". That's left.

If you are a tenther, a birther, or a truther, then yes you are exactly what I called you.
If you think I am the left most person here or on the board or in the universe, you are wearing a tinfoil hat along with your ideological shield. I am a lib to you because you are hull down over the right horizon ideological twit. You are not mainstream, simply a far right reactionary wing nut pretending to be mainstream Republican.

You are not. Simply the truth.

Whoa there, pahdner. I didn't suggest that you were the leftmost person on the board. Only that you're to the left of me.

You're so far to the left that you call a RINO like me a "far right reactionary wing nut". That's left.

If you are a tenther, a birther, or a truther, then yes you are exactly what I called you.

lol - I'm a RINO. And you're left of me.

That's left.
Whoa there, pahdner. I didn't suggest that you were the leftmost person on the board. Only that you're to the left of me.

You're so far to the left that you call a RINO like me a "far right reactionary wing nut". That's left.

If you are a tenther, a birther, or a truther, then yes you are exactly what I called you.

lol - I'm a RINO. And you're left of me.

That's left.


It's not hard to see why everyone looks like a far-right person to FakeJake the 0bama Defender/Supporter who's "Voting Romney"....

It's a perspective thing....​

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