It's almost June - countdown to the Supreme Court decision on ACA

Just because companies are made of citizens, that does not make companies citizens.

For someone who cries about liberty on a daily basis, you certainly don't care if people actualy have.any or not.


Companies exist to provide a good or service in the spirit of ECONOMIC liberty. IF they fail to offer what people wnat, need, desire at prices people can afford/ What happens to them?

THEY GO BANKRUPT...and no longer do business.

Where does the Government come off dictating terms already granted to them?

I honestly doubt he understands the question. After Obamacare if there was a mandate passed that everyone must buy a home so there are no homeless people DBS would prolly support it as long as Obama or a Democrat President wanted it. If DBS would not agree that everyone should buy a home then my question is on what grounds would DBT argue the Government can't do that, or would he just really really really hope they don't pass such a stupid law now that the restraint of the constitution no longer applies to the Congress/President?

Just up to US the informed to inform others and vote these tyrants OUT of office.
I would assume they would use the premiums from the.millions of new.customers to cover the costs.

But, what new costs are you referring to, exactly?
The new mandates for essential services, unlimited coverage well as higher administration costs for starters. Free birth control isn't really free you know.

February 24, 2012

Candidate Barack Obama promised to “lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year.” Instead, news reports today highlighted significant premium increases, with three states now seeing increases of at least 20 percent. Politico Pro reported, “HHS approved premium rate hikes of 26 percent in Alaska, 23.3 percent in Florida and 20.4 percent in Washington state, according to decisions posted on an HHS website. That’s after approving a hike of 18 percent for a Montana insurer in November.”

The Obama administration even admits the health care law’s mandates are to blame for the premium increases. As Politico reports, “The rate increase, HHS explained, was the result of the insurer adjusting to benefit changes required by federal law.”
House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans Press Release :: EXAM ROOM: As Obamacare Mandates Kick In, Insurance Premiums Spike

In other words, you can't name one cost that came about from the new law.

As for birth control, everyone knows condoms and pills are cheaper than unwanted pregnancies. Don't be stupid.

Here are more than one.......

Higher Health Insurance Premiums This Year? Blame ObamaCare - Forbes

ObamaCare raising health insurance premiums | The Money Times

Health Insurance Premiums Rise Sharply in 2011 - ABC News

Insurers Pin Rate Hikes on Health Law -

Insurance News - Second Anniversary of ObamaCare Marked with Higher Health Care Costs, Broken Promises

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Depends on if the Dems re-take the House. If they do, I see Obama and the Dems trying again and possibly bringing back the Public Option. If the GOP keeps the House, they will never allow a vote on anything for health care reform, so there would be no point in Obama trying anything.

So, he's not going to do anything

You didn't even read my post. Did you?

Yes, I did. And since the GOP is probably going to keep the house, I commented on that case.

Nice attempt to wuss out of addressing what Obama will do in his next four years with a GOP congress. *claps*
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If SCOTUS does not strike down ACA and it goes through, the government will finally OWN you lock, stock, and barrel.

If they don't want you to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or a joint, drink a beer, or engage in any hazardous sport like hunting, caving, rock climbing, hang gliding, or anything else they deem risky, you will not be able to and you will have no recourse because they will be the single payer insurance. It's bad enough with the private insurance companies; it will be worse with the Feds.

They will own you!

If you value your freedom and want to keep it, you'll be hoping and praying that the court strikes it down.
If SCOTUS does not strike down ACA and it goes through, the government will finally OWN you lock, stock, and barrel.

If they don't want you to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or a joint, drink a beer, or engage in any hazardous sport like hunting, caving, rock climbing, hang gliding, or anything else they deem risky, you will not be able to and you will have no recourse because they will be the single payer insurance. It's bad enough with the private insurance companies; it will be worse with the Feds.

They will own you!

If you value your freedom and want to keep it, you'll be hoping and praying that the court strikes it down.

And those WISHING someone else PAY for thier care? Guess what?

It won't be what you think it will will be bureaucrats [unelecteds] that will decide your FATE.

Careful what you wish for.
If SCOTUS does not strike down ACA and it goes through, the government will finally OWN you lock, stock, and barrel.

If they don't want you to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or a joint, drink a beer, or engage in any hazardous sport like hunting, caving, rock climbing, hang gliding, or anything else they deem risky, you will not be able to and you will have no recourse because they will be the single payer insurance. It's bad enough with the private insurance companies; it will be worse with the Feds.

They will own you!

If you value your freedom and want to keep it, you'll be hoping and praying that the court strikes it down.

And those WISHING someone else PAY for thier care? Guess what?

It won't be what you think it will will be bureaucrats [unelecteds] that will decide your FATE.

Careful what you wish for.

Yep! If you think we have problems with Medicaid and Medicare now, just wait until it applies to everyone.
Only the most feverish partisan supporters of Obama could spin 10% UE as a good thing for Obama, higher HI costs as a good thing for Obama, more wars a good thing for Obama, crazy higher deficit spending as a good thing for Obama...

Now I don't want Mitt to win, in fact I hope he loses to be honest so I don’t really want to trash Obama, I’m just pointing out his crazy ass nut job supporters.
Hopefully, My insurance premiums, which have increased by $350.00 per month in order to provide for all the mandates in Obamacare will go back down.

( yes, indulging in a little wishful thinking )

Your premiums did not go up because of Obamacare.

My prediction: since this Supreme Court is as fair and balances as Fox News, they will not only throw out the mandate, but over reach and throw out the entire law. Millions will lose their insurance over night as the GOP cheers and celebrates. This will fire up the Left and solidify an Obama win in the fall.

Bullshit ! Those premiums certainly did rise because of ObamaCare mandates. Did you think that the insurance companies were going to just absorb all the costs?

I'm all for healthcare reform because the costs have increased much higher than inflation and have done so long before Obamacare. BUT, that doesn't mean I'm for Obamamcare, I'm against the mandates 100%.
I'd rather the US do what other industrial wealthy nations do,,,,negotiate the costs with the healthcare providers. It doesn't cost the taxpayer anything and it would drastically reduce the cost of healthcare for people and businesses.
Anyway, the below chart shows two things, 1, Healthcare costs have been rising steeply before Obamacare. 2, The US is paying way too much for healthcare versus other wealthy industrial nations.
Do you know why health care is so much more expensive in the US?

Excessive government and insurance regulation and billing, and bureaucracy.

It costs money to have all of those administrative and supervisory people to deal with all of that bullshit.
If SCOTUS does not strike down ACA and it goes through, the government will finally OWN you lock, stock, and barrel.

If they don't want you to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or a joint, drink a beer, or engage in any hazardous sport like hunting, caving, rock climbing, hang gliding, or anything else they deem risky, you will not be able to and you will have no recourse because they will be the single payer insurance. It's bad enough with the private insurance companies; it will be worse with the Feds.

They will own you!

If you value your freedom and want to keep it, you'll be hoping and praying that the court strikes it down.

And those WISHING someone else PAY for thier care? Guess what?

It won't be what you think it will will be bureaucrats [unelecteds] that will decide your FATE.

Careful what you wish for.

Yep! If you think we have problems with Medicaid and Medicare now, just wait until it applies to everyone.

And they won't have any recourse...except to whine as usual knowing they were ALL for it until the bill for thier LIBERTY is presented as payment.
]and what will happen.[/B]

all those people who now got to keep their insurance will lose it.

they will thank the republicans for that one

Hopefully, My insurance premiums, which have increased by $350.00 per month in order to provide for all the mandates in Obamacare will go back down.

( yes, indulging in a little wishful thinking )

Your premiums did not go up because of Obamacare.

My prediction: since this Supreme Court is as fair and balances as Fox News, they will not only throw out the mandate, but over reach and throw out the entire law. Millions will lose their insurance over night as the GOP cheers and celebrates. This will fire up the Left and solidify an Obama win in the fall.

Then we get at least a public option or...single payer. Medicare for ALL!
Once our Government is "allowed" to force us to buy goods, and services, how long do you suppose they will wait before they exact that same authority on WHATEVER else they desire.
Once our Government is "allowed" to force us to buy goods, and services, how long do you suppose they will wait before they exact that same authority on WHATEVER else they desire.

Tax Code...:eusa_whistle:
If SCOTUS does not strike down ACA and it goes through, the government will finally OWN you lock, stock, and barrel.

If they don't want you to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or a joint, drink a beer, or engage in any hazardous sport like hunting, caving, rock climbing, hang gliding, or anything else they deem risky, you will not be able to and you will have no recourse because they will be the single payer insurance. It's bad enough with the private insurance companies; it will be worse with the Feds.

The ACA is the opposite of single-payer insurance.
If SCOTUS does not strike down ACA and it goes through, the government will finally OWN you lock, stock, and barrel.

If they don't want you to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or a joint, drink a beer, or engage in any hazardous sport like hunting, caving, rock climbing, hang gliding, or anything else they deem risky, you will not be able to and you will have no recourse because they will be the single payer insurance. It's bad enough with the private insurance companies; it will be worse with the Feds.

The ACA is the opposite of single-payer insurance.

Not for long.
Health insurance needs some regulations. I watched so many people who jumped through all of their provider's hoops so they could get needed treatments that their insurance companies approved to have the insurance companies deny payment after the treatment. Then while you are arguing with the insurance company over something they sent you written approval to get and they would pay for, the hospital sends you to collections because you are responsible for the bill above your insurance company. So you either had to pay off the bill to get your credit straight so you could do other things in your life, or you had to live with the bad credit for months or years until you could force the insurance company to pay for what thy contracted to pay for. It was a great way to save money because most people had to pay off their bills and never saw a dime from the insurance because there was no leverage. On top of that your insurance would drop you for making claims.

Then you deal with long term pre-existing conditions like pre-diabetic or pre-cancer. You are not even sick to the point where you need treatment, but you get diagnosed with these long term bullshit terms which oddly almost everyone has. Now at least you can get some coverage if you have this sort of bullshit if you pay a ton extra. Oh, but if you have a child who needs coverage and you have a pre-existing condition you cannot get coverage for your child without covering yourself. So you cannot even get coverage for your kid and try to save some money by risking your own health if you want to.

Yes, Obamacare is a bandaid on a gushing wound filled with shit. It was something, and it is something that the republicans will not do. These are not poor people who go through this either, because poor people do not have to worry about health insurance because they cannot afford it. No the real people who suffer are the middle class and lower wealthy because they have something that they can lose. The people who get wiped out by medical care expenses are people with houses and valuables to seize. They won't even bother with the shit in most poor people's rentals. For some reason republicans think this is an issue about the coverage of poor people's medicine. Poor people go in when they are dying to an emergency room and get a bill for it they never pay. It is the middle class who will have their property seized, their bank accounts stripped, and finally when their credit is shit they will not be able to get another job because employers check your credit history now.

Romney does not give a fuck about any of that. When you fall to medical expenses you become one of those good for nothing liberal welfare addicts no matter how many years you have paid your bills and done the right thing.
If you're saying that our health care system drastically needs reform, you'll find me at the head of that line. I work in the health care system and I've been saying that for years. It did NOT need a government takeover.
Please oh please oh please, let them strike it down.

What is Obama's campaign team going to do when the verdict comes out?

The Court will indeed invalidate the ACA, and conservatives will be unpleasantly surprised to not realize the political ‘benefit’ they anticipated; it will in fact backfire.

Conservatives should have left well enough alone.

The lawsuits against the ACA in particular, and rightist opposition to the Act in general, had nothing to do with the Constitution or ‘individual liberty,’ it was merely a partisan ploy to ‘attack’ Obama. Republicans will only succeed in unwittingly removing from their arsenal a potent political weapon, energize the president’s base, and will likely anger a significant number of voters against the GOP for eliminating popular provisions of the measure addressing preexisting conditions and coverage for adult children, for example.

If by some chance Obama gets another term, will he have another go at HCR?

That’s not Obama’s problem: he fulfilled his campaign promise and delivered the ACA. Congress will be responsible for any new reform plan. And if republicans are in control of one or both Houses of Congress, the right has delivered to the president a weapon he may use against the GOP, challenging republican leadership to enact legislation (which republicans don’t want to do, and they don’t even have a plan in any event…), and calling on the American people to demand a republican Congress act on healthcare reform.

The lawsuits were a major miscalculation on the part of the right.

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