It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

And they'll probably become super hip in gay bars and bars where progressives hang out. I remember when PBR became a thing with dorky hipsters in the late 2000s. That'll be Bud Light.

What about Coors Light - gonna ban it, too?
Looks like America has found a line in the sand.

And it's so easy to do, just don't buy their swill.....Market share is a real thing in that business.

Now while I don't suspect A-B will have to sell their Clydesdales for slaughter horses it will serve as a shot across the bow for them and other companies.

Enough is enough, shit isn't funny anymore.
So, if your bar or liquor store stops selling Bud Light and someone is a Bud Light drinker….They will go to a bar or store that sells their favorite beer

The consumer drives the market not the seller
Some recently unemployed marketing faggots have already regretted this fuckup, no doubt.

Imagine that resume stuffer: I'm the one that came up with the campaign of "Budweiser is proud to be represented by Sluts with Nuts". :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Yep, congrats on being just the same as the Dems!

Seriously though. This is where astute Ds and Rs could celebrate their common ground. They should find solace in knowing that, under it all, despite significant differences, each side is committed to the idea of using the state to force their values on everyone else. That's what government is for, right?

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