It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

So, if your bar or liquor store stops selling Bud Light and someone is a Bud Light drinker….They will go to a bar or store that sells their favorite beer

The consumer drives the market not the seller
The consumer IS the bar. Bud light didn't sell the beer to the patron.
They will NEVER make this mistake again.
First I don't drink Bud Light never have nor do I care they decided to put this whatever you want to call it on the can. What I am curious about though is what is the target demographic they are trying to reach with this ad. I doubt there is this huge untapped transgender beer drinking group out there if you like the look and taste of Bud Light I highly doubt this will turn that many of them off to it and if you thought Bud Light looked like horse piss and tasted like sewer water I also doubt this will make you change your mind about that.
Looks like America has found a line in the sand.

And it's so easy to do, just don't buy their swill.....Market share is a real thing in that business.

Now while I don't suspect A-B will have to sell their Clydesdales for slaughter horses it will serve as a shot across the bow for them and other companies.

Enough is enough, shit isn't funny anymore.
See you next month with the next MAGAt poutrage.
If people would realize that they are consumers and they are the ones with the ultimate power to fail any company by NOT buying from them............

Good ol' Bud. The name is practically synonymous with BEER. Some of the Bud commercials at the Super Bowl are legionary. That said, I think Budweiser was the first or only beer I ever drank growing up that gave me a headache from the additives. Let's face it--- outside of a few premium lines they've produced, Budweiser is cheap swill.

Still, I never buy Bud. I might have considered trying some of their high end stuff, but now that ship has sailed--- too many other excellent beers out there. Funny, having a 'Bud' was one of the most macho things you could say, so why did they convince themselves to go transsexual/gay, I can only guess some bad advise from within, but you are right, Kitten Murderpaws, over the years, I've divested myself from brand after brand, company after company who have expressed or gone radical left.

Apparently they don't mind offending customers, viewing wokeness as with going green as an "investment," even if comes at an expense, but it costs them, like the NFL, people keep paying and going despite the insane high prices and woke bullshit, but they don't get a dime from me, and isn't that really the ultimate democracy?

Now I'm just trying to figure out how all of us can stop paying our school, state and federal taxes until THEY start representing us again--- it can be done, but not unless we get the participation of most of the people as they can't put all of us in jail.
Cancel culture at its finest.

Not really, Goofy.
  • The Left's Cancel Culture was created as an organized way to put people out of business as punishment for not towing the Party Line. You guys literally attacked companies, CEOs, their families and advertisers, threatening them into FEAR to comport with YOUR views or else. That is fascism.
  • What we have here is just a lot of Bud customers who predictably are pretty OFFENDED by a beer company promoting such an unclean thing as gay/transsexualism, and are choosing INDIVIDUALLY simply not to buy or sell a product any longer so in conflict with basic, natural, normalcy and wholesome decency. Big difference, just as YOU choose not to sleep in a Trump hotel, play on a Trump golf course or buy any Trump steaks.
Can’t take the heat Susie, get out of the kitchen.

Enjoy a queer beer with you’re tranny friends.

I would not drink any thing by Bud, it is all shit water.

I have a bit more taste than you it seems
That's NOT "cancel culture" you libertarian fraud.

Cancel culture isn't individuals choosing to boycott. A true libertarian would support that.

Cancel culture involves destroying every aspect of a person's life simply for what they believe.

This not not individuals choosing to boycott, this is businesses saying 'we won't give our customers the choice"

100% Cancel culture
And they'll probably become super hip in gay bars and bars where progressives hang out. I remember when PBR became a thing with dorky hipsters in the late 2000s. That'll be Bud Light.

What about Coors Light - gonna ban it, too?
Your views of the left sure are warped. Nobody cares about this except die hard chimp trumpanzees.
Unless the joint is a Homo Hangout, why would they want to attract cross-dressers by offering this brew? Its not "cancel culture" but more of just adjusting your menu to attract the kind of clientele you want.

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