It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

You don't get it, skewy.

Not every brand of alcohol has a Homo Image , and actively seeks its imbibers to change their orientation.

Holy fuck, you think drinking a beer with that image will make you gay!

Bud is swill compared to Heineken. Crappy genetically modified rice. Gmo is bad quality in all products

Budweiser is a Pilsner beer. Heineken is a Dutch lager.

Lagers and pilsners are very different.

If people would realize that they are consumers and they are the ones with the ultimate power to fail any company by NOT buying from them............
We could have been China free decades ago.

If you boycot Budweiser, if you do not drink Bud Light, you are a racist, sexist, homophobe, straight white supremacist and should be designated as an anti-Liberal / Democrat / progressive-agenda domestic terrorist...

You are the kind of deviant who would deny a 4yo gender re-assignment surgery...

...the kind of asshole who would deny a woman's intent / right to kill her baby by offering life-saving aid to her child struggling to survive outside the womb after a failed abortion...

...the kind of degenerate who would deny an athetic bearded chick with a penis the right to compete against his/her fellow female athletes.

You ... people ... make ... me ... sick

What an exercise in stupidity this is.
If it involves you, it naturally has to be.

Every brand of alcohol, and non alcohol beverages are served in gay bars. So does thus mean you’re no longer drinking any of them?
Completely irrelevant. What gays drink is none of my business. If you want to be gay, that is your right. But minors also have the right as do their parents of growing to at least 18 years old and then making up their OWN minds about their sexuality, not to be exposed to or even encouraged to mutilate their bodies while confusing their minds in grade-school with some perv gyrating his junk in my kid's face. And because so much of the gay/transgender community is focused not on themselves but forcing an unclean, unwholesome lifestyle on others makes Bud's decision to sponsor that lifestyle and promote it on their cans offensive to many if for no other reason than their complete insensetivity to how offended many parents have become of the above influence on their children growing up healthy and normal.
Mulvaney also revealed in her Instagram s
Do you REALLY think HE is a woman? Seriously?

I never met a woman with those mannerisms, but I have met many gays with those very same mannerisms.

I ALMOST feel sorry for you leftists. You have to keep up with the delusion because all your buddies are keeping up with the delusion.

You're the same ones who have to pretend your "emperor" isn't nude. But he is. Probably showering with his daughter and horny drug addicted son
To the fascist a mistake is simply standing up to them for human rights and decency. IF they had the power they'd kill everyone that works at any company that dares stand up to them.
Yeah I’m hearing alot of name calling and insults and not a lot of rational explanations
I'm not sure why you would see people's lives as only politics?
The objects to running a manufacturing company are the four Ps.

1) Provide a useful product that serves a good purpose.

3) Provide jobs and fair wages for workers.

4) Provide a profit for investors.

5) Provide a living wage for yourself.

Nowhere in that list does it say to push a political agenda, especially one from the batshit crazy Democratic Party.

Your idea is to get people to buy your product not to piss them off and reduce your sales just so your company can look “woke.”
Because removing a follow citizens right to live their life the way they wish to live it is so wrong in your eyes. What a sick bunch of assholes. I am going to be drinking another case of bud tonight!

Live your life anyway you wish, just don't shove it down our throats.

People are getting sick of companies getting politicized. Sell your products, play your concerts, throw that baseball and leave politics out of it and everybody is happy.

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