It's bullshit you don't have the right to waive your rights

Most laws regulating commerce and labor are anti-competitive measures, usually pushed by one faction or another for competitive advantage. The laws the OP is complaining about are favored by people who don't want to have to compete for their job with someone who is willing to do more for the same money.

For those of you who think this is a valid used of government's regulatory power, how would feel if businesses applied the same logic? Should Sears be able to lobby for laws preventing Wal-Mart from undercutting their prices? Should all the plumbers in your state be allowed to set minimum prices for their services?
They go by the Chicago trade labor cost list to set prices...
It is to get ahead of the pack dumb ass...

To set yourself apart, to be quicker to be smarter than anyone else and the fringe benefits come with it.

What fringe benefits? I'm talking a SALARY position. There is no additional pay for doing this. Promotional opportunities are based on time with the company and nothing else. So as far as I can see, it's a complete and utter waste of time.

In fact, it got so bad that our entire Engineering/Design Department decided to UNIONIZE in 2007 because of it.

Sorry but promotions are NOT solely based om time in the company.

When I was working for other people I was at times promoted over people with more seniority.
You think putting effort into the quality of your work is a waste of time if there's no additional pay involved?

When I start a job I make certain that I understand what the requirements and expectations of that job are and what the pay/benefits are. At that point we have an agreement, which I have no problem living up to. If the employer wants MORE than the originally agreed upon amount of, or a higher quality of work, then they need to expand the pay/benefits to befit that extra time, effort, etc.... Life is an investment. IF the return on that investment is not sufficient, then things need to change.

Our work week is generally between 40-60 hours. Most of that time is actually spent doing our jobs. We're on salary. Almost nobody sucks up to leadership. It wouldn't really affect anything if they did. This isn't remotely a problem here in the real world.

MY work week is 40 hours. Not 41, not 50. If you want something more than that, expect to compensate me for the extra. In all three major employers I've had, there have been significant numbers of loafers and do-nothings who "earned" their pay by brown-nosing and kissing ass. In some cases it has benefitted them tremendously. Trust me, it happens more than people would like to think.

My free time is worth considerably more to me than even my current OT rate of pay would compensate me for. That's why, despite being offered OT on a weekly basis, the only part of it that I will do is the MANDATORY storm-related OT. Nothing else.

Unlike you some people take pride in their work and don't mind doing a better job than the bare minimum
Sorry but promotions are NOT solely based om time in the company.

When I was working for other people I was at times promoted over people with more seniority.

That depends on the company. In fact, at that time, promotions in this company WERE based on Seniority almost exclusively.. Got 5 years in the door.... unless you're totally incompetent you go to Level II. 10 years.... Senior. 20 years.... Lead Senior.
Unlike you some people take pride in their work and don't mind doing a better job than the bare minimum

I do my job, Skull. In fact, I put out more work than pretty much anyone else in my Department on a monthly basis. What I do not do, is go above and beyond what the expectations of my job are. I'm getting paid to do a job. I'm not getting paid to CARE. CARE costs a whole lot more, and that's something this Company has shown a complete and total unwillingness to pay for; combined with their absolute inability to CARE about me, our customers, or the way this company does business on a daily basis.

I come in at 6am and leave at 4pm (Mon - Thurs). Between 4pm and 6am and on weekends I don't even think about this place. I do what I'm paid to do and I collect my money. That's my life. I work solely because I need to collect a check to live off of. If I could live my lifestyle without working, I'd be gone in a second.
No we don't. No one is forcing you to work for those companies.

Just because the woman in question, for some reason, was willing to be a doormat, doesn't mean that we have to celebrate and/or protect that company being an asshole.

It's her call.....or are you her god ?

I'm her fellow citizen, and I see no social good for America in allowing incompetent business leaders try to hide their incompetence by overworking their employees.

SO, a law designed to protect her and not her moronic bosses works for me.

But if an employee chooses to work tell they can't.

And you call that protecting her.

That isn't liberal. It is far left arrogance.
Wal-Mart is full of leftist, I think not..

Please post something that makes sense.
They never allow for the possibility that a worker might want to work off the clock for some reason, be it that they simply enjoy working or it helps them keep up with a large work load.

You're killing them AHAHAHAHA this is the funniest thread yet

So what you are saying is that you don't like your job ?

Or are you saying that nobody likes their job ?
LOL...What if someone wants to work for the love of work?

This is a serious question? Why is this not in the fucktard forum?
They never allow for the possibility that a worker might want to work off the clock for some reason, be it that they simply enjoy working or it helps them keep up with a large work load.

You're killing them AHAHAHAHA this is the funniest thread yet

So what you are saying is that you don't like your job ?

Or are you saying that nobody likes their job ?

People typically dont work for shits and giggles. Pretty safe to say that the people working do it for economic reasons.
If you can't leave your job, you have no leverage.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to work for someone who values you.

If you don' are in a bad position.

I've seen my company bend over backwards to keep people they like.
They never allow for the possibility that a worker might want to work off the clock for some reason, be it that they simply enjoy working or it helps them keep up with a large work load.

You're killing them AHAHAHAHA this is the funniest thread yet

So what you are saying is that you don't like your job ?

Or are you saying that nobody likes their job ?

People typically dont work for shits and giggles. Pretty safe to say that the people working do it for economic reasons.

So why do people volunteer ?

Guess that screws up your universe.
My single biggest problem with labor protection laws comes down to this. They never take the worker's personal judgment into consideration. They never allow for the possibility that a worker might want to work off the clock for some reason, be it that they simply enjoy working or it helps them keep up with a large work load. They don't accept that maybe some people might prefer to work for less than the legal minimum wage for some reason. Maybe they want to be competitive in a secondary job. Maybe they feel uncomfortable making as much as more valuable employees. The law doesn't know their situation. Then there's the fact that working as a minor is so heavily regulated. I mean, yeah, forcing ten year olds to work in a textile mill is bad. Nobody but the most rabid capitalist denies that. But, you know, some of us actually wanted a job at 13.

Allow people to do it, and companies will force people to do it. It's called capitalism.
Sorry but promotions are NOT solely based om time in the company.

When I was working for other people I was at times promoted over people with more seniority.

That depends on the company. In fact, at that time, promotions in this company WERE based on Seniority almost exclusively.. Got 5 years in the door.... unless you're totally incompetent you go to Level II. 10 years.... Senior. 20 years.... Lead Senior.

So then the promotions are meaningless and exist only to make you robots think you're getting something
Unlike you some people take pride in their work and don't mind doing a better job than the bare minimum

I do my job, Skull. In fact, I put out more work than pretty much anyone else in my Department on a monthly basis. What I do not do, is go above and beyond what the expectations of my job are. I'm getting paid to do a job. I'm not getting paid to CARE. CARE costs a whole lot more, and that's something this Company has shown a complete and total unwillingness to pay for; combined with their absolute inability to CARE about me, our customers, or the way this company does business on a daily basis.

I come in at 6am and leave at 4pm (Mon - Thurs). Between 4pm and 6am and on weekends I don't even think about this place. I do what I'm paid to do and I collect my money. That's my life. I work solely because I need to collect a check to live off of. If I could live my lifestyle without working, I'd be gone in a second.

Like I said you do the bare minimum you have to do to keep your job.

That's never been good enough for me. I always try to exceed expectations because I take pride in my work

I didn't care if I was bagging groceries or mowing lawns I still cared about the work I did

It's obvious you don't and what really interesting is that you seem proud that you don't give a shit
So then the promotions are meaningless and exist only to make you robots think you're getting something

Not meaningless when they're the sole means of getting a meaningful raise. Non-promotion year raises averaged about 1.5-2%, max. Promotion years averaged about 5-7%. That's meaningful to most people.
Like I said you do the bare minimum you have to do to keep your job.

That's never been good enough for me. I always try to exceed expectations because I take pride in my work

I didn't care if I was bagging groceries or mowing lawns I still cared about the work I did

It's obvious you don't and what really interesting is that you seem proud that you don't give a shit

I do what my job description says I'm supposed to do, and what I am being compensated to do. I learned at a very early age that when you give someone something for nothing, they come to expect that level of work all the time. As I got a bit older I realized that the brightest stars die out first and that heroes are generally the first to die in battle. Putting that extra effort in without getting compensated for it is INSANE. That doesn't mean I don't care about my work; just that I'm not going beyond the terms of the employment agreement (or now in my case Union Contract) that creates the rules of my job.
Like I said you do the bare minimum you have to do to keep your job.

That's never been good enough for me. I always try to exceed expectations because I take pride in my work

I didn't care if I was bagging groceries or mowing lawns I still cared about the work I did

It's obvious you don't and what really interesting is that you seem proud that you don't give a shit

I do what my job description says I'm supposed to do, and what I am being compensated to do. I learned at a very early age that when you give someone something for nothing, they come to expect that level of work all the time. As I got a bit older I realized that the brightest stars die out first and that heroes are generally the first to die in battle. Putting that extra effort in without getting compensated for it is INSANE. That doesn't mean I don't care about my work; just that I'm not going beyond the terms of the employment agreement (or now in my case Union Contract) that creates the rules of my job.

You admit that you don't care about the work you do

Why try to spin it?

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