Its called"Earth Cyclical Climate Change,"Global warming is a scam.!

Guess what , Sparky......I used to believe that crap and mindlessly spouted those same boilerplate yammering points over and over and over and over again, just like you.

Then something happened....I let an analytical thought into my head.

The sun isn't the only variable.......The magnetosphere is ever-shifting and is weaker than it has been in decades. SOURCE

Also, your holy ice cores have shown that CO2 is a LAGGING statistic viz. temperature spikes, not a leading indicator.

Moreover, you cannot reproduce ANY of the purported "evidence" in the context of a dynamic ecosystem.....If you cannot reproduce it, it ain't science.

Likewise, you cannot falsify AGW junk science...If you cannot disprove ALL other possible explanations, it ain't science.

Science isn't about proving yourself right, it's about disproving ALL possible alternatives.....Which neither you nor any other AGW cultist have come anywhere near doing.

Its pretty simple really, and it is already proven.

CO2 causes the earth to retain heat. We are pumping billions of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere every year. CO2 stays in the atmosphere a long time, so we have increased CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

The only alternative is the sun's activity which is at its lowest level in 80 years.

If the sun's activity is at its lowest level in 80 years, why is the ice still melting?
No...It's not proven.

Repeating that it is over and over and over and over and over again doesn't prove it the 1,000,001st time, any more than it did the previous 1,000,000 repetitions.

When the U.N. scaremonger moonbats cherry pick their sources, that's "science". When someone else takes into account those whose opinions were ignored by those alarmists, the well is poisoned.

Nope....Didn't see that one coming!! :lol:

Atmospheric CO2 has increased 40% in the last 200 years. We are adding billions of tons of CO2 to the atmosphere every year, and the ice cap and the glaciers are melting in spite of the fact that the sun's activity is at its lowest level in 80 years.

You are the moonbat.

whatever you say chickenshit.
So does water vapor, which comprises significantly more of the total atmosphere than CO2.

Want to try and control how many clouds are "allowed" form next??

Sure, you can easily control the number of clouds allowed to form. Eliminate most of the CO2 from the atmosphere. Water vapor has a residence time of less than 10 days in the atmosphere. Without the CO2 in the atmosphere, the earth would rapidly cool. Soon, thousands of years, the earth would have ice pack nearly to the equator. That has happened before. On a very cold earth, few clouds would form.

CO2, on the other hand, has a residence time of about two centuries. Eliminate the water vapor from the atmosphere, and the retained heat from the CO2 would immediatly cause water vapor to form over water covered areas.

So, eliminate water vapor, and there is only a minor glitch, the water vapor immediatly reforms over the seas. Eliminate CO2, and you have a snowball earth, one that will not warm up until there is enough CO2 in the atmosphere again to warm the ice and water and cause water vapor to enter the atmosphere. That comes from volcanic action, and, unless you are dealing with Trapp Volcanics, it takes many 100s of millenia to get enough CO2 back into the atmosphere to warm the earth again.
Guess what , Sparky......I used to believe that crap and mindlessly spouted those same boilerplate yammering points over and over and over and over again, just like you.

Then something happened....I let an analytical thought into my head.

The sun isn't the only variable.......The magnetosphere is ever-shifting and is weaker than it has been in decades. SOURCE

Also, your holy ice cores have shown that CO2 is a LAGGING statistic viz. temperature spikes, not a leading indicator.

Moreover, you cannot reproduce ANY of the purported "evidence" in the context of a dynamic ecosystem.....If you cannot reproduce it, it ain't science.

Likewise, you cannot falsify AGW junk science...If you cannot disprove ALL other possible explanations, it ain't science.

Science isn't about proving yourself right, it's about disproving ALL possible alternatives.....Which neither you nor any other AGW cultist have come anywhere near doing.

Milankovic Cycles mean anything to you?
Sure, you can easily control the number of clouds allowed to form. Eliminate most of the CO2 from the atmosphere. Water vapor has a residence time of less than 10 days in the atmosphere. Without the CO2 in the atmosphere, the earth would rapidly cool. Soon, thousands of years, the earth would have ice pack nearly to the equator. That has happened before. On a very cold earth, few clouds would form.

CO2, on the other hand, has a residence time of about two centuries. Eliminate the water vapor from the atmosphere, and the retained heat from the CO2 would immediatly cause water vapor to form over water covered areas.

So, eliminate water vapor, and there is only a minor glitch, the water vapor immediatly reforms over the seas. Eliminate CO2, and you have a snowball earth, one that will not warm up until there is enough CO2 in the atmosphere again to warm the ice and water and cause water vapor to enter the atmosphere. That comes from volcanic action, and, unless you are dealing with Trapp Volcanics, it takes many 100s of millenia to get enough CO2 back into the atmosphere to warm the earth again.
Didn't I see you trying to sell cloud seeding services at a cattlemen's convention?? :lol:
Old Rocks, the Un formed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, as you well know. The group asked Climatologists, meteorologists, bio-scientists, and Earth scientists from all over the world to submit papers addressing evidence and the effects of global warming. Did you know that over 14,000 papers were submitted, and they only accepted 948? Those 948 had only one theme, and you know the theme is what you worshipped. Roughly 1 out of 14 were accepted. I have to wonder what all those other papers had to say....I bet you don't wonder about it, though.
When these scientists found out how their work was being misrepresented they started pulling away. Did you know that out of the 948 scientists that had been picked, only 191 still remain?
Last month the US Senate released a 255 page "Minority Report On Manmade Global Warming" Over 650 scientists and many from the IPCC researchers debunk the man caused global warming.

Senate Minority Report: MAN-MADE Global Warming Fraud exposed by 650 Scientists - total_truth_sciences | Google Groups

Facts debunk global warming alarmism | The Australian

The information this poster found, is in fact correct.Human input with regards to "Earth Cyclical Climate Change", is very, very small.

The Earth has been going through Hot and Cold cycles for billions of years. How do we explain the hot and cold cycles when humans did not introduce CO2 , as we do today.
The Earths oceans , release millions of tons of "Methane Gas" trapped beneath the Oceans
surface. "Methane gas" is also being released from melting Ice in Siberia, in Russia.This
"Methane" gas has been known to be more of a reactive gas , with regards to heating up
the Earth a lot faster than CO2 does. This is all scientific facts.Man has nothing to do with this milions of Tons of "Methane Gas " being released into the Earths atmosphear from the
Oceans of the world or from the melting Ice , and permafrost in Siberia, and the Artic regions of Earth. This is not man made, this is all part of "Earth Cyclical climate Change"!
Man made, Global Warming, is all a Lie! An elaborate Scam, set up by industrialized nations of the world.
Guess what , Sparky......I used to believe that crap and mindlessly spouted those same boilerplate yammering points over and over and over and over again, just like you.

Then something happened....I let an analytical thought into my head.

The sun isn't the only variable.......The magnetosphere is ever-shifting and is weaker than it has been in decades. SOURCE

Also, your holy ice cores have shown that CO2 is a LAGGING statistic viz. temperature spikes, not a leading indicator.

Moreover, you cannot reproduce ANY of the purported "evidence" in the context of a dynamic ecosystem.....If you cannot reproduce it, it ain't science.

Likewise, you cannot falsify AGW junk science...If you cannot disprove ALL other possible explanations, it ain't science.

Science isn't about proving yourself right, it's about disproving ALL possible alternatives.....Which neither you nor any other AGW cultist have come anywhere near doing.

Milankovic Cycles mean anything to you?

Why don't you and chris do you part to help save us from global warming by putting your heads up some cows' assholes.
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No...It's not proven.

Repeating that it is over and over and over and over and over again doesn't prove it the 1,000,001st time, any more than it did the previous 1,000,000 repetitions.

If the sun's activity is at its lowest level in 80 years, why is the ice still melting?
No...It's not proven.

Repeating that it is over and over and over and over and over again doesn't prove it the 1,000,001st time, any more than it did the previous 1,000,000 repetitions.

If the sun's activity is at its lowest level in 80 years, why is the ice still melting?

Well your brain activity is at its lowest level in 20 years. Yet you keep posting.
The Earth is one cynical bitch. Forget this Eath Mother loves you shit. She is out to kill you, and she will. She is a mass killer. Mass extinction event.

99% of all life that has ever evolved is gone, and we are talking life before humankind ever started killing. Earth Mother is a raging bitch in post partum despression, do not be fooled by her.

She will not love us in the long run.

Only our reason can fight back, and we will loose if we do not get off our Earth Mother's tit and go off into space.
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The Earth is one cynical bitch. Forget this Eath Mother loves you shit. She is out to kill you, and she will. She is a mass killer. Mass extinction event.

99% of all life that has ever evolved is gone, and we are talking life before humankind ever started killing. Earth Mother is a raging bitch in post partum despression, do not be fooled by her.

She will not love us in the long run.

Only our reason can fight back, and we will loose if we do not get off our Earth Mother's tit and go off into space.

I like your style.

Keep postin!!!!

If the sun's activity is at its lowest level in 80 years, why is the ice still melting?
Besides elvis' astute observation, begging the question isn't proof of anything, other than your lack of analytical thought, either.
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No...It's not proven.

Repeating that it is over and over and over and over and over again doesn't prove it the 1,000,001st time, any more than it did the previous 1,000,000 repetitions.

We need to change the topic because you guys LOVE it being about whether or not humans are contributing to global warming.

That's an argument you can debate with us forever.

So lets change it to, "are we as humans polluting the planet and is that harmful to our long term existence"?

Is all the plastic in the ocean bad for us? Hell yea.

Is all the toxic CO2 bad for us to be breathing?

Can we clean up our air? Fuck if its causing global warming. We can't breath!!!! We're getting cancer from it. Fish are dying.

I bet the GOP deregulated this too much, just like they did our economy. I bet we will find that companies can pollute now more than ever. And I bet the GOP have fudged stats that suggest the environment is cleaner after Bush, and I bet that turns out to be a big fat lie.

Corporations and tax payers are going to have to pay for the cleanup. And this is something that we all share blame on. But corporations pollute way more than we do. And they don't want to get better gas milage out of cars. They want the status quo!!!

Right wingers are stupid.
No...It's not proven.

Repeating that it is over and over and over and over and over again doesn't prove it the 1,000,001st time, any more than it did the previous 1,000,000 repetitions.

We need to change the topic because you guys LOVE it being about whether or not humans are contributing to global warming.

That's an argument you can debate with us forever.

So lets change it to, "are we as humans polluting the planet and is that harmful to our long term existence"?

Is all the plastic in the ocean bad for us? Hell yea.

Is all the toxic CO2 bad for us to be breathing?

Can we clean up our air? Fuck if its causing global warming. We can't breath!!!! We're getting cancer from it. Fish are dying.

I bet the GOP deregulated this too much, just like they did our economy. I bet we will find that companies can pollute now more than ever. And I bet the GOP have fudged stats that suggest the environment is cleaner after Bush, and I bet that turns out to be a big fat lie.

Corporations and tax payers are going to have to pay for the cleanup. And this is something that we all share blame on. But corporations pollute way more than we do. And they don't want to get better gas milage out of cars. They want the status quo!!!

Right wingers are stupid.
Nothing more than just an emotional outburst by bobo
We need to change the topic because you guys LOVE it being about whether or not humans are contributing to global warming.

That's an argument you can debate with us forever.

So lets change it to, "are we as humans polluting the planet and is that harmful to our long term existence"?

Is all the plastic in the ocean bad for us? Hell yea.

Is all the toxic CO2 bad for us to be breathing?

Can we clean up our air? Fuck if its causing global warming. We can't breath!!!! We're getting cancer from it. Fish are dying.

I bet the GOP deregulated this too much, just like they did our economy. I bet we will find that companies can pollute now more than ever. And I bet the GOP have fudged stats that suggest the environment is cleaner after Bush, and I bet that turns out to be a big fat lie.

Corporations and tax payers are going to have to pay for the cleanup. And this is something that we all share blame on. But corporations pollute way more than we do. And they don't want to get better gas milage out of cars. They want the status quo!!!

Right wingers are stupid.

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