Its clear isn't it?

Well Regulated aka armed/trained

Well, here we have a NEW definition of the term"regulated"....according to this nitwit, "regulated" means "trained"..
We should then have a Department of Regulations to help train our kids?Or the regulatory agengy, the EPA is really there to help "train" polluters?

Up until the military draft was done away with, most all of the men in America were well trained. We got our training in the military. The Korean Conflict still had some folks in the services from WWII. The Viet Nam conflict still had some Korean Conflict veterans taking part in it. Today, in order to purchase a hunting license in some states one has to attend a hunter's safety course unless one has military service time or has served as a police officer or in some other capacity where proficiency with a firearm has been established.
View attachment 70041

I don't think our founders could even imagine the trash we have trying to run/ruin this country...

Why don't u gun nuts ever post the whole thing .

"A well regulated "
They like to pretend "well regulated" is imaginary.

Well regulated refers to the militia.

Not the people that the right was given to

That picture is anachronistic. Some of those people were not alive when the Second Amendment was ratified in 1792.
Nice pick up. TJ wasn't involved in the writing of the Constitution. That's a picture of the enactment of the DoI. :laugh2:
View attachment 70041

I don't think our founders could even imagine the trash we have trying to run/ruin this country...

Why don't u gun nuts ever post the whole thing .

"A well regulated "
They like to pretend "well regulated" is imaginary.

Well regulated refers to the militia.

Not the people that the right was given to
Countless people have argued the semantics for literally centuries. The end result is what we have now. You are free to buy a well (debatable) regulated firearm whenever you please.
You know what? The argument is now purely academic. There are over 100,000,000 gun owners in possession of over 300,000,000 firearms.

They will not relinquish them no matter what you squids do.

No one is asking you paranoid freaks to give them
Up . God forbid we have gun control to keep them out the hands of criminals .

Typical regressive, thousand of laws haven't kept guns out of the hands of anyone determined to get one, but one more will. You folks are totally delusional.
View attachment 70041

I don't think our founders could even imagine the trash we have trying to run/ruin this country...

Why don't u gun nuts ever post the whole thing .

"A well regulated "
They like to pretend "well regulated" is imaginary.
They like to pretend "well regulated" doesn't mean well regulated.

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I dont' think anyone has a problem with a well regulated militia.

But, even at the time the 2nd was written, everyone didn't belong to a militia
I may be wrong on this (history is not really my area), but the entire reason for the inclusion of the 2nd Amend. was to satisfy those founding fathers about states' rights and a fear of an overpowering central, federal government. So, every state had some form of militia that should remain armed (and regulated) in case the Feds got too uppity.

How we got to the point that virtually every American citizen wants to sport assault weapons every place they go, is beyond comprehension by many other Americans and certainly the rest of the civilized world that thinks we're nuts (but well-armed.)
I may be wrong on this (history is not really my area), but the entire reason for the inclusion of the 2nd Amend. was to satisfy those founding fathers about states' rights and a fear of an overpowering central, federal government. So, every state had some form of militia that should remain armed (and regulated) in case the Feds got too uppity.

How we got to the point that virtually every American citizen wants to sport assault weapons every place they go, is beyond comprehension by many other Americans and certainly the rest of the civilized world that thinks we're nuts (but well-armed.)

. So, every state had some form of militia that should remain armed (and regulated) in case the Feds got too uppity.

Correct, to that point.

But they gave the right to keep and bear arms to the people, not just the militia.

Why do so many have a problem realizing that?
Correct, to that point.

But they gave the right to keep and bear arms to the people, not just the militia.

Why do so many have a problem realizing that?

Because it is NOT clear.......Here's what it states........

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It makes a hell of a lot more sense in a modern interpretation if everyone who wants to "bear arms" MUST be part of a militia.
Correct, to that point.

But they gave the right to keep and bear arms to the people, not just the militia.

Why do so many have a problem realizing that?

Because it is NOT clear.......Here's what it states........

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It makes a hell of a lot more sense in a modern interpretation if everyone who wants to "bear arms" MUST be part of a militia.

"A well regulated Militia,


and I repeat:

Why do so many have a problem realizing that?
The entire "defense" about what the 2nd. amendment states in allowing virtually free access to assault weapons by anyone who wants them is MORONIC.......for 2 reasons:

1. Only a slow witted American still thinks that the federal government is plotting to incarcerate and/or enslave citizens of a state......It made some precautionary sense when this country was first founded, but now it is ridiculous......and

2. If in the most idiotic scenario the government wanted to invade a state, do we really think that a bunch of weekend, wanna-be militia is going to ward the might of air force attacks and tanks' invasion?

Let's face it, gun sales (with few exceptions) is a bunch of nitwits looking for an expansion and extension of their penises.
The entire "defense" about what the 2nd. amendment states in allowing virtually free access to assault weapons by anyone who wants them is MORONIC.......for 2 reasons:

1. Only a slow witted American still thinks that the federal government is plotting to incarcerate and/or enslave citizens of a state......It made some precautionary sense when this country was first founded, but now it is ridiculous......and

2. If in the most idiotic scenario the government wanted to invade a state, do we really think that a bunch of weekend, wanna-be militia is going to ward the might of air force attacks and tanks' invasion?

Let's face it, gun sales (with few exceptions) is a bunch of nitwits looking for an expansion and extension of their penises.

I only have one question.

do you take your drugs orally, or intravenously ?

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