It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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Then you'll definitely need to get specific. As your accusations are uselessly vague.

Read the rest of my post, Skylar, I thought I was being specific...

An example would be specific. Some vague reference to conditions that are utterly subjective and may not actually exist isn't specific.

If gays are looking for more than 'equality', show me.
Oh look... pops has exhausted all argument that he's reduced to parroting back what others say about him. :lol:

Earlier, I pointed out how his argument is taking him in circles, so now he tries to transfer is failures onto me.

I hear projection is a sign of gay OCD, fits your clinical case to a tee.

Seek help
Too funny since you projected I'm the one running in circles after I pointed out that's what you're doing, huh?

Looks like you just came out of the closet since you just called your own behavior, "gay OCD." :thup:

Are you so desperate to find anyone that would find you attractive that you think everyone with OCD, gay?

Oh, I've made it clear many times, I am a male lesbian.

Turns you on, don't it?
I never said being OCD is gay. You've once again posted your hallucinations as though they are as real to everyone else as they are to you. And no, nothing about you "turns me on." You only wish for that since you now reveal you are gay.

You want me, anyone can see that. Can't blame you, most women do.

You are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

No need to deflect from you're clearly defeated argument. You can't come up with a single statute that requires sex as a qualifier for marriage.

We progressives have learned long ago that you traditionalist wing nuts will deflect every time you see that you are getting ass kicked.
Deflect from what? You defeat your own argument better than I could have. You state sex is not a requirement for marriage -- but then can't explain if that's the case, why a gay brother and sister have never been allowed to marry.

And *poof *, just like that -- there goes your entire nonsense. :lol:
Access to marriage was fully available to every homosexual in America.
Repeating this 1000 times will never make it true.

Would marriage have been fully available to you had your only option been to marry another man?

YES, but I could have just NOT GOTTEN MARRIED!
So not being allowed to marry the person you love and want to be committed to matrimony for the rest of your life is your idea of having marriage fully available to you?

Only our system will lead from same sex marriage to various other forms of marriage? OK, what about the fact that SSM was first legalized in the US in 2004?

Because the STATE did it and not the Federal government. We are a nation of states who have the authority and power to establish their own 'moral' boundaries through the ballot initiative process. My view is, the state does have the right to allow "same-sex marriage" but they don't have the right to call it "marriage" because it's not. Now, I suppose in the sense that it's defined as such it's kind of like "imitation crab" not being the same as "crab" but they still get to use the word. But nevertheless, we are still talking about the people and states making this decision through the process of debate and compromise and not by judicial tyranny or liberal fascist activism.

Again, you call this judicial tyranny, but I wonder if you feel the same about all USSC decisions? What makes this ruling tyranny but not others, or are they all tyrannical?

Words sometimes change or have additions to their definitions. You don't want that to be the case with marriage, but it is. In the law, in dictionaries, marriage has changed to include same sex couples.

Was it 'judicial tyranny' when the Supreme Court over rode the wishes of the people of Virginia and said it was unconstitutional to ban mixed race marriages?

I don't think so.

Not sure about Pops or Boss though

Seems like they are still upset about the 'judicial tyranny' that allowed mixed race couples to legally marry.
If gays are looking for more than 'equality', show me.

As you wish. It's not just so much them, but how they've influenced the behavior of other people, regardless of their sexual affiliation (and for the record, not all of gays engage in this behavior, but they don't necessarily condemn it either):

Mozilla Employees Call for CEO to be Fired for Donating to Prop 8 Campaign | National Review Online
State Senator Claims His Wife Was Denied Job Because She's Against Gay Marriage

While Justice Alito was tailoring the question specifically to Universities and Colleges rooted in religious tradition losing their tax exempt status over their opposition to gay marriage, the wider implications can be seen in which churches themselves are drawn into the line of fire for their opposition to gay marriage:

JUSTICE ALITO: Well, in the Bob Jones case, the Court held that a college was not entitled to tax exempt status if it opposed interracial marriage or interracial dating. So would the same apply to a university or a college if it opposed same sex marriage?

GENERAL VERRILLI: You know, I-I don't think I can answer that question without knowing more specifics, but it's certainly going to be an issue. I-I don't deny that. I don't deny that, Justice Alito. It is-it is going to be an issue.

A statement from Jeran Artery of Wyoming Equality:


Moreover, the incident with Memories Pizza goes without saying.

Then there's this:

City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons | Fox News

So much as opposing gay marriage can lose you your job, or keep you from getting one. Your business could be in jeopardy even if you don't actively discriminate against homosexuals, simply having an opposition to gay marriage can hurt you. If you're a religious institution, whether a church or a school, beware that your tax exempt status may be in danger. Gays and their supporters have the government on their side, and they'll use them, to destroy you.
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Only our system will lead from same sex marriage to various other forms of marriage? OK, what about the fact that SSM was first legalized in the US in 2004?

Because the STATE did it and not the Federal government. We are a nation of states who have the authority and power to establish their own 'moral' boundaries through the ballot initiative process. My view is, the state does have the right to allow "same-sex marriage" but they don't have the right to call it "marriage" because it's not. Now, I suppose in the sense that it's defined as such it's kind of like "imitation crab" not being the same as "crab" but they still get to use the word. But nevertheless, we are still talking about the people and states making this decision through the process of debate and compromise and not by judicial tyranny or liberal fascist activism.

Again, you call this judicial tyranny, but I wonder if you feel the same about all USSC decisions? What makes this ruling tyranny but not others, or are they all tyrannical?

Words sometimes change or have additions to their definitions. You don't want that to be the case with marriage, but it is. In the law, in dictionaries, marriage has changed to include same sex couples.

Not exactly true, the definitions you quote don't include all same sex couples, just the ones you think aren't icky.

You want to ban all marriages you find 'icky'.

And are upset that one of the kinds of marriage you find icky is no longer banned.

So you drag out your straw man in every thread.
I have repeatedly asked as others, what is now the "compelling interest" to deny same-sibling marriage?
The same compelling interests which were used to deny a gay man from marrying his lesbian sister prior to Obergefell.
If gays are looking for more than 'equality', show me.

As you wish. It's not just so much them, but how they've influenced the behavior of other people, regardless of their sexual affiliation (and for the record, not all of gays engage in this behavior, but they don't necessarily condemn it either):

Mozilla Employees Call for CEO to be Fired for Donating to Prop 8 Campaign | National Review Online
State Senator Claims His Wife Was Denied Job Because She's Against Gay Marriage

So you are upset that Mozilla employees call for their CEO to be fired- and blame that on homosexuals?

Do you blame all Christians when Christian organizations call for Ellen Degeneres to be fired because she is a homosexual?
Access to marriage was fully available to every homosexual in America.
Repeating this 1000 times will never make it true.

Would marriage have been fully available to you had your only option been to marry another man?

YES, but I could have just NOT GOTTEN MARRIED!
So not being allowed to marry the person you love and want to be committed to matrimony for the rest of your life is your idea of having marriage fully available to you?


Find that in the marriage licence law you right wing loon
Access to marriage was fully available to every homosexual in America.
Repeating this 1000 times will never make it true.

Would marriage have been fully available to you had your only option been to marry another man?

YES, but I could have just NOT GOTTEN MARRIED!
So not being allowed to marry the person you love and want to be committed to matrimony for the rest of your life is your idea of having marriage fully available to you?


Find that in the marriage licence law you right wing loon
So much as opposing gay marriage can lose you your job, or keep you from getting one. Your business could be in jeopardy even if you don't actively discriminate against homosexuals, simply having an opposition to gay marriage. If you're a religious institution, whether a church or a school, beware that your tax exempt status may be in danger. Gays and their supporters have the government on their side, and they'll use them, to destroy you.

Wow- so you are upset because you believe that homosexuals are acting like Christians have been acting for centuries?

Of course we have Christians in America actually calling for homosexuals- and those who support homosexuals- to be put to death.

Pastor calls for death of gays, lesbians

Another 'christian' Pastor Calls for Death to Gays

Gayapolis News - Another 'christian' Pastor Calls for Death to Gays
Pastor Steven L. Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona, infamous for his virulently anti-gay preaching and open calls for gays to be put to death, seems to have found at least one acolyte eager to help him spread his message.
In August, Anderson ordained Pastor Donnie Romero, who then established Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, where he preached the message last Sunday that all gays should to be put to death.
So much as opposing gay marriage can lose you your job, or keep you from getting one. Your business could be in jeopardy even if you don't actively discriminate against homosexuals, simply having an opposition to gay marriage. If you're a religious institution, whether a church or a school, beware that your tax exempt status may be in danger. Gays and their supporters have the government on their side, and they'll use them, to destroy you.

Wow- so you are upset because you believe that homosexuals are acting like Christians have been acting for centuries?

Of course we have Christians in America actually calling for homosexuals- and those who support homosexuals- to be put to death.

Pastor calls for death of gays, lesbians

Another 'christian' Pastor Calls for Death to Gays

Gayapolis News - Another 'christian' Pastor Calls for Death to Gays
Pastor Steven L. Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona, infamous for his virulently anti-gay preaching and open calls for gays to be put to death, seems to have found at least one acolyte eager to help him spread his message.
In August, Anderson ordained Pastor Donnie Romero, who then established Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, where he preached the message last Sunday that all gays should to be put to death.

So, are you going to give them a pass for acting the same way you accuse Christians of behaving for centuries? Why aren't you upset that Islam holds that view, that Homosexuals should be put to death?

And here you were accusing me of painting homosexuals with a broad brush. Wow. Just wow. What an incredibly asinine argument, Syrius.
If gays are looking for more than 'equality', show me.

As you wish. It's not just so much them, but how they've influenced the behavior of other people, regardless of their sexual affiliation (and for the record, not all of gays engage in this behavior, but they don't necessarily condemn it either):

Mozilla Employees Call for CEO to be Fired for Donating to Prop 8 Campaign | National Review Online
State Senator Claims His Wife Was Denied Job Because She's Against Gay Marriage

So you are upset that Mozilla employees call for their CEO to be fired- and blame that on homosexuals?

Do you blame all Christians when Christian organizations call for Ellen Degeneres to be fired because she is a homosexual?

To be logically consistent, he'd have to acknowledge that 'Christians' are demanding that CAIR lose its non-profit status because of things they've said about Ben Carson. And that 'Christians' are seeking status beyond equality.

Right, Templar?
There's nothing particularly 'special' or 'tyrannical' about ordering a cake from a cake maker. There is something odd about a cake baker denying you a cake....based on who you fuck.

I didn't say anything about public accommodation. Or cake bakers. I'm totally over that.

I am pointing out what happens when you actually do achieve equality. The equality now becomes a weapon to attack speech itself, the very beliefs of others who hold that opposition. Suddenly that "equality" isn't real, now one side wishes to have more standing in society than the other, to diminish their influence, to silence them.

Gays have accused Christians for doing this, now I see them trying to do the same thing, now that they have their so-called equality.

Equality is never a weapon.

Opponents of homosexuals confuse criticism with attacks.

Employees of Mozilla calling for their CEO to resign- why do you think they don't have a right for their opinion? Why do you think the CEO of Mozilla had the right to be free from criticism?

Tell me- were Jews and minorities attacking when this CEO was sued?

Revlon CEO Sued For Anti-Semitic, Racist Comments

Or how about this one?
Tech exec fired for comments about California rampage -
The co-founder of Rap Genius, an online-annotation website, has been fired after marking up the 137-page manifesto of California killer Elliot Rodger with comments that are being called tasteless and creepy.
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