It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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There's nothing particularly 'special' or 'tyrannical' about ordering a cake from a cake maker. There is something odd about a cake baker denying you a cake....based on who you fuck.

I didn't say anything about public accommodation. Or cake bakers. I'm totally over that.

I am pointing out what happens when you actually do achieve equality. The equality now becomes a weapon to attack speech itself, the very beliefs of others who hold that opposition. Suddenly that "equality" isn't real, now one side wishes to have more standing in society than the other, to diminish their influence, to silence them.

Gays have accused Christians for doing this, now I see them trying to do the same thing, now that they have their so-called equality.

Equality is never a weapon.

Opponents of homosexuals confuse criticism with attacks.

Employees of Mozilla calling for their CEO to resign- why do you think they don't have a right for their opinion? Why do you think the CEO of Mozilla had the right to be free from criticism?

Tell me- were Jews and minorities attacking when this CEO was sued?

Revlon CEO Sued For Anti-Semitic, Racist Comments

Or how about this one?
Tech exec fired for comments about California rampage -
The co-founder of Rap Genius, an online-annotation website, has been fired after marking up the 137-page manifesto of California killer Elliot Rodger with comments that are being called tasteless and creepy.

LOL. You're moving the goalposts. Not participating in your game of merry-go-arguments.
So much as opposing gay marriage can lose you your job, or keep you from getting one. Your business could be in jeopardy even if you don't actively discriminate against homosexuals, simply having an opposition to gay marriage. If you're a religious institution, whether a church or a school, beware that your tax exempt status may be in danger. Gays and their supporters have the government on their side, and they'll use them, to destroy you.

Wow- so you are upset because you believe that homosexuals are acting like Christians have been acting for centuries?

Of course we have Christians in America actually calling for homosexuals- and those who support homosexuals- to be put to death.

Pastor calls for death of gays, lesbians

Another 'christian' Pastor Calls for Death to Gays

Gayapolis News - Another 'christian' Pastor Calls for Death to Gays
Pastor Steven L. Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona, infamous for his virulently anti-gay preaching and open calls for gays to be put to death, seems to have found at least one acolyte eager to help him spread his message.
In August, Anderson ordained Pastor Donnie Romero, who then established Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, where he preached the message last Sunday that all gays should to be put to death.

So, are you going to give them a pass for acting the same way you accuse Christians of behaving for centuries? Why aren't you upset that Islam holds that view, that Homosexuals should be put to death?

No- I am pointing out what crybaby victims you are trying to be. Christians happily persecuted homosexuals for 200 years in America- and to this day continue to do the very things you say that are signs that 'homosexuals are abusing their equality'- blaming homosexuals for things that non-homosexuals do.

As for Islam- Islam has an even scuzzier history of bigotry towards homosexuals worldwide- but they have almost no influence in the United States- and virtually every anti-LGBT group is either openly Christian or strongly affiliated with Christian movements.

There simply is virtually no real opposition to LGBT rights from Jews, Islam, Hindu's, Buddhists, etc- but if there was- I would be glad to bring them up too.
So you are upset that Mozilla employees call for their CEO to be fired- and blame that on homosexuals?

I am. Who else has that kind of influence, if not from the gay rights lobby?

Oh Christians of course.


Try rereading the question.

Christians have exactly that kind of influence, and do not hestitate to openly call for the firing of people merely for being homosexual- like Ellen Degeneres.
To be logically consistent, he'd have to acknowledge that 'Christians' are demanding that CAIR lose its non-profit status because of things they've said about Ben Carson. And that 'Christians' are seeking status beyond equality.

LOL because CAIR openly engages in hostility against anyone who speaks out against Islam. Surely your logic would allow for that. right Skylar? Same methods same goals. Sorry, your argument falls flat on its merits.
So you are upset that Mozilla employees call for their CEO to be fired- and blame that on homosexuals?

I am. Who else has that kind of influence, if not from the gay rights lobby?

Oh Christians of course.


Try rereading the question.

Christians have exactly that kind of influence, and do not hestitate to openly call for the firing of people merely for being homosexual- like Ellen Degeneres.

Reread the question again. I am pointing out the influence of the gay rights lobby, not of Christians.
So you are upset that Mozilla employees call for their CEO to be fired- and blame that on homosexuals?

I am. Who else has that kind of influence, if not from the gay rights lobby?
At least you're consistent at being ridiculous, wrong, and a bigot.

Gay Americans have nothing to do with CEO's being fired – this is the same idiocy we heard more than a generation ago about 'the Jews' being involved in 'conspiracies' to 'manipulate' various aspect of American society – and a generation from now your nonsense about some 'nefarious gay cabal' will be likewise acknowledged as bigoted idiocy.
Why do you think that homosexuals should not want equal treatment before the law?

They've gone beyond wanting equality, they want to be a protected class now, i.e treated differently from everyone else.

Wait, doesn't that defeat the purpose?

Wow- wanting to be treated equally with Christians to you means wanting to be treated differently from everyone else.

The couples who sued for the right to marry- they wanted to be treated legally with my wife and I.

The couples who wanted to get marriage licenses- they wanted to get marriage licenses like everyone else.

The couples who wanted to get served by businesses- they wanted to be protected by the very same law that protects Christians from discrimination.

Only the fervent imagination of the ignorant equates this to 'treated differently'.

Treat homosexuals the same before law- simple as that.
By the way you two, CAIR already lost its tax exempt status, in 2010:

So you are upset that Mozilla employees call for their CEO to be fired- and blame that on homosexuals?

I am. Who else has that kind of influence, if not from the gay rights lobby?

Oh Christians of course.


Try rereading the question.

Christians have exactly that kind of influence, and do not hestitate to openly call for the firing of people merely for being homosexual- like Ellen Degeneres.

Reread the question again. I am pointing out the influence of the gay rights lobby, not of Christians.

You asked who else has that kind of influence?

I am pointing out that among the many groups that do, would include Christians.

Why exactly do you think it is wrong for employees to call for the resignation of their CEO?
By the way you two, CAIR already lost its tax exempt status, in 2010:


I am tempted to say- why would I CAIR?

Because I really don't.

Organizations that don't meet the tax free status lose their priveleges-whether they are Muslims, or Christians or Atheists.
The ruling of Obergefell does not cover the differences between same sex marriage and other types of relationships. You continue to talk about them as though they are exactly the same, as though no differences exist in the reasons for preventing them.

Neither did Loving or the 14th with regard to gay marriage. They don't mention anything about homosexuals marrying or redefining traditional marriage to include homosexuals. However, the 14th is very clear and has been clarified by SCOTUS repeatedly... you cannot discriminate against one group to the exclusion of another. The "reasons" we had before Obergefell are no more... they were struck down by the court. You claim that is just for gay marriage, I say it's not and it can't be, we have to allow it for all other similar groups without regard for our personal "ick" factor.
Wow- wanting to be treated equally with Christians to you means wanting to be treated differently from everyone else.

No. They want to achieve more than "equality." They have it. Good for them, but now "equality" doesn't seem to be enough. You are purposefully taking my statements out of context.

'Equality' doesn't seem enough- to you.

IF the law says that a business must serve a person regardless of their sexual orientation or religion- why is it okay for a business to refuse to serve a homosexual for being gay- but not okay for a business to serve a Christian for being Christian?

And- by the way- Christians are protected by law in all 50 states from discrimination from service- homosexuals are not protected by Federal law- only by state or local laws.

Still not legal equality- but much, much closer- and of course people object to that.
The ruling of Obergefell does not cover the differences between same sex marriage and other types of relationships. You continue to talk about them as though they are exactly the same, as though no differences exist in the reasons for preventing them.

Neither did Loving or the 14th with regard to gay marriage. They don't mention anything about homosexuals marrying or redefining traditional marriage to include homosexuals. However, the 14th is very clear and has been clarified by SCOTUS repeatedly... you cannot discriminate against one group to the exclusion of another. The "reasons" we had before Obergefell are no more... they were struck down by the court. You claim that is just for gay marriage, I say it's not and it can't be, we have to allow it for all other similar groups without regard for our personal "ick" factor.

Yeah- Boss keeps making the same asinine claims.

Quoting himself. Citing himself.

What an idiot.
By the way you two, CAIR already lost its tax exempt status, in 2010:


I am tempted to say- why would I CAIR?

Because I really don't.

Organizations that don't meet the tax free status lose their priveleges-whether they are Muslims, or Christians or Atheists.

Hey, Skylar brought it up. They failed to file form 990 for three straight years. Skylar was unaware that they lost their status, and unfortunately for him, Christians had nothing to do with it.
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