It's election day!

People who vote for political parties instead of candidates should be drawn and quartered, then burned at the stake and their ashes launched into the sun.

Well when 90% of a political party is hell bent on messing everything up and exacerbating our problems then yeah, I'll vote for a party vs a person.

There was a time I said "I'll vote for the best person". Now with this new breed of democrat I say "anyone but a democrat".

If mayor mcheese was running as a democrat I'd vote for the fictious mascot over a democrat.

The few decent and sensible democrats like tulsi gabbard jumped ship because that party is so awful.
Well when 90% of a political party is hell bent on messing everything up and exacerbating our problems then yeah, I'll vote for a party vs a person.

There was a time I said "I'll vote for the best person". Now with this new breed of democrat [sic] I say "anyone but a democrat [sic]".

If mayor mcheese [sic] was running as a democrat [sic] I'd vote for the fictious [sic] mascot over a democrat [sic].

The few decent and sensible democrats [sic] like tulsi [sic] gabbard [sic] jumped ship because that party is so awful.

Nuttin' like irony to prove the fallacy. Thanks for that.
Label, or ideology?

Wanna see where it came from? Roll tape.

So be sure to vote for the (Republican) candidate of your choice. :biggrin:

Oh look. That was you, huh. Post One.

Didn't nobody bring up nuttin' 'bout no "ideologies". Ideologies are personal. Labels are labels.
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