It’s entirely possible Trump doesn’t even know what Obamagate even is

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Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Like in his typical childish tantrum fashion, he couldn’t explain what the word even is when pressed at a press conference. It doesn’t matter I guess. It’s the new republican buzzword that is ultimately meaningless.

Like in his typical childish tantrum fashion, he couldn’t explain what the word even is when pressed at a press conference. It doesn’t matter I guess. It’s the new republican buzzword that is ultimately meaningless.

And it's entirely possible you have the I.Q. of an enlightened eggplant........
Like in his typical childish tantrum fashion, he couldn’t explain what the word even is when pressed at a press conference. It doesn’t matter I guess. It’s the new republican buzzword that is ultimately meaningless.

Ha ha ha, YOU still don't know what it is even though it has been in the news the last few days, about the possibility that Obama may have been the leader behind the illegal spying of various people.

Heck THREE years ago, Trump complained that he was being spied on.
Like in his typical childish tantrum fashion, he couldn’t explain what the word even is when pressed at a press conference. It doesn’t matter I guess. It’s the new republican buzzword that is ultimately meaningless.

If it was explained to to a blind knee-jerk hack like you in excruciating detail, you'd deny it happened anyway, so what would be the point?
It’s entirely possible Trump doesn’t even know what Obamagate even is

from the guy who thinks the Colorado/New Mexico border is OLD MEXICO ?

naaaaaaaaw - you dont say
Like in his typical childish tantrum fashion, he couldn’t explain what the word even is when pressed at a press conference. It doesn’t matter I guess. It’s the new republican buzzword that is ultimately meaningless.

If it was explained to to a blind knee-jerk hack like you in excruciating detail, you'd deny it happened anyway, so what would be the point?
Well gee you’d have to be a moron to believe it. I mean don’t you all pretend to be intelligent at least? Why has it taken you almost 4 years to figure this shit out? Was Obama just more clever than you?
Like in his typical childish tantrum fashion, he couldn’t explain what the word even is when pressed at a press conference. It doesn’t matter I guess. It’s the new republican buzzword that is ultimately meaningless.

And it's entirely possible you have the I.Q. of an enlightened eggplant........
Not enlightened. No.
Its entirely likely that O's atrocities and disregard for the US constitution are exponentially worse than what nixon did.
Exactly. THIS is why the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics do NOT want to see or hear ANY mention of the HUGE amount of treasonous crap that the Kenyan-born miscreant has committed.
Exactly. THIS is why the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics do NOT want to see or hear ANY mention of the HUGE amount of treasonous crap that the Kenyan-born miscreant has committed.
Keep them coming, you guys are a laugh riot. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Thread locked, your a day late and a dollar short having this thread as fresh.
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