Its funny that Trump thinks executive privelege still protects him.

1/6 terrorist attack? The increasingly desperate puppet masters apparently convinced Biden to release a flurry of docs related to Trump to divert attention from the freaking collapse of the U.S. government. No surprises here.
Yep. Trump is suing, but he will lose. He's only doing it, to stall stall stall.... It's his modus operandi....for everything he's done illegally in his life. He buys time, so he can brainwash his followers.... It's a hoax, fake news, witch hunt garbage, that they buy in to, thoughtlessly, ad nauseam.

I believe when Nixon as a sitting president, refused to turn over the tapes on executive privilege grounds, and the SC ruled he had no executive privilege to hold them back from the Watergate investigators.... It settled the issue on whether the conversations and documents regarding the 1/6 attempted Coup can be held back via executive privilege from the public and investigators.... They can't be.
Nixons tapes were different. They werent covered by EP because they were about things that didnt involve official duties. Trump WOULD have EP protections for these documents IF he were president still, but Biden is't obligated to protect document from the previous admintration, and has the final say on what is held back and what isnt. Its not the same thing.

Its funny that Trump thinks executive privelege still protects him. Actually it is ven funnier that Biden thinks he can cancel Trump's executive privelege​

The sitting president has sole authority to determine whether or not EP is exercised. And that includes any documentation from previous administrations.

Trump, while he was president released numerou Obama administration documents. If Trump wins this lawsuit , itwill mean that it was illigal for him to release those documents.

I love how Trump does something and spends weeks gloating about it, then cries foul when someone else does the exact same thing.

T silver lin is that if Trump wins an a court rules that he has legal say in whether or not document from his administration may be released, it will open him up to lawsuits for release Obama administration documents without Obama's permission.
T silver lin is that if Trump wins an a court rules that he has legal say in whether or not document from his administration may be released, it will open him up to lawsuits for release Obama administration documents without Obama's permission.
He sure is putting a lot of effort into covering up Jan 6th, huh?

And the rubes are just fine with it. A literal attack on our very electoral process.

As usual, he is exposing what these people have been all along. So now we know.
Letting ewe know how it went down because you're not smart enough to do numbers and complicated things like that.
Remember...a good line from Spock on Star Trek...the needs of the many outweigh the few or the one. Well you are the few or the one and you convinced a lot of suckers to vote for that. This is the real village. The trickle up theory. We will be like the ghettos soon enough.
Nixons tapes were different. They werent covered by EP because they were about things that didnt involve official duties. Trump WOULD have EP protections for these documents IF he were president still, but Biden is't obligated to protect document from the previous admintration, and has the final say on what is held back and what isnt. Its not the same thing.
But the January 6th rally and protest and riot and alleged soft coup de tat attempt being investigated was not official govt business either.

Also, Biden is obligated to protect the office of the Presidency, for executive privilege defined under the law and norms.

Electioneering is against the law for govt employees on the job....that would be discussing or planning a Campaign rally for any office holder, including for the President.

Any discussions on the January 6th Stop the Steal Trump rally with his chief of staff and others in the administration would not be official govt business....

there is no executive privilege of the presidency, for that kind of Campaigning stuff, for Biden to protect.
Remember...a good line from Spock on Star Trek...the needs of the many outweigh the few or the one. Well you are the few or the one and you convinced a lot of suckers to vote for that. This is the real village. The trickle up theory. We will be like the ghettos soon enough.

No, that idiot got tossed out November 3rd, 2020.

Also, Biden is obligated to protect the office of the Presidency, for executive privilege defined under the law and norms.

Electioneering is against the law for govt employees on the job....that would be discussing or planning a Campaign rally for any office holder, including for the President.

Any discussions on the January 6th Stop the Steal Trump rally with his chief of staff and others in the administration would not be official govt business....

there is no executive privilege of the presidency, for that kind of Campaigning stuff, for Biden to protect.

executive privilege nor a pardon can be legit if the prez was part of the crime/or cover up.
But the January 6th rally and protest and riot and alleged soft coup de tat attempt being investigated was not official govt business either.
Yes,but if Trump was technically performing official duties during the attack, EP would have still applied. Something has to be comepletely outside the official duties of the office to be excluded.

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