Its Getting Close. Democrats Prepare to meet the Kraken

Hey. Do me a favor. Stop deflecting . . .

I don't deflect, so shut your cock swallower.

Speaking of swallowing. It appears like most Trump supporters, you will swallow anything! :)


Gagging yet from all that?

All three more than warranted.
Can't help it that your savior was his own worst enemy.
People just pointed out his corruption. That's not the media's fault. That's Trump's fault.
Oh also this is a joy.

President Trump won Michigan by a lot, but the dirty Democrats counted votes from the Upper Peninsula Province. :mad-61:
Cool, could you like, provide evidence?
I mean dude if we can just show images without question then... we won boys.

I agree there needs to be some evidence behind some of this, however, I do find it quite ironic that VERY little evidence, if any, was ever required when the MSM reported anything negative about Trump. They didn’t care one bit about the source. They would print it if it was negative and let it run wild. If it was proven to be wrong, they MAY bury a retraction on the back page, but the damage had been done. Quite the opposite now it seems. Sworn, named testimonies are not enough. Obviously nebulous vote spikes all in Biden’s favor are not enough. Mysteriously finding ballots on memory cards that just happen to have hurt Trump aren’t enough.

Nice pivot, brother.
Guess what, I'm a maverick, dude. I hate the media. But you guys can't hate on the MSM while simultaneously trusting OANN and Fox to the point of treating it as fact. All media is biased. All media lies.
Oh, and also, those "Voter Spikes" are just mail-in ballots. Y'know, what Trump actively discouraged his voters to go with numerous times.

All media is biased because all humans are biased. But there are degrees.

The difference is between those who understand this truism and those who don’t.
Recounts and Lawsuits Are Karma for 4 Years of Dems Lying About Russia.

“After what the Democrats put this president and the country through with the Russia collusion hoax, the impeachment charade, and four years of flat-out saying that the 2016 election wasn’t legitimate I don’t care if the Left has to suffer frustration forever. Put simply: they’ve brought this on themselves.”​
trump brought it all on himself for being a ignorant roadie of dictators like Putin.
Whomever came up with the title "The Circus" on Showtime got it right. What a laughable cast of characters Trump has wrought.

says the imbecile called candycorn. But thanks for keeping my thread bumped up though
Recounts and Lawsuits Are Karma for 4 Years of Dems Lying About Russia.

“After what the Democrats put this president and the country through with the Russia collusion hoax, the impeachment charade, and four years of flat-out saying that the 2016 election wasn’t legitimate I don’t care if the Left has to suffer frustration forever. Put simply: they’ve brought this on themselves.”​
trump brought it all on himself for being a ignorant roadie of dictators like Putin.

Don't you realize that Putin really likes Joe Biden? Your old tired stories of Putin and Trump
are as tiresome as the clowns who keep this leftist myth alive in their miserable posts.
Recounts and Lawsuits Are Karma for 4 Years of Dems Lying About Russia.

“After what the Democrats put this president and the country through with the Russia collusion hoax, the impeachment charade, and four years of flat-out saying that the 2016 election wasn’t legitimate I don’t care if the Left has to suffer frustration forever. Put simply: they’ve brought this on themselves.”​
trump brought it all on himself for being a ignorant roadie of dictators like Putin.
Fake News. The entire Russian Hoax was a pack of lies perpetuated by Obama/Biden/Clinton/Fake News Media. You may be the only one still fooled!!, I didn't think I'd have to break that out again! :auiqs.jpg:
Sidney won't go anywhere near a courtroom where a judge has to hear her "evidence".
She does, and it's all over.
Confident in your deep state possibly liberal activist judges are you ??!, I didn't think I'd have to break that out again! :auiqs.jpg:
Sidney won't go anywhere near a courtroom where a judge has to hear her "evidence".
She does, and it's all over.
Confident in your deep state possibly liberal activist judges are you ??

So you have a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of the OLD conspiracy.

Shocker.!, I didn't think I'd have to break that out again! :auiqs.jpg:
Sidney won't go anywhere near a courtroom where a judge has to hear her "evidence".
She does, and it's all over.
Confident in your deep state possibly liberal activist judges are you ??

So you have a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of the OLD conspiracy.

You people calling everything a conspiracy is hilarious stuff. The citizen's of this nation knows what has transpired over the years, and Trump knew it also which is why he ran. He did some great stuff, and we were poised for more great stuff until the leftist cry babies attempted to steal this election.

Well it ain't over, because no one in their right mind wants to go back to leftist crazy town. Don't you think that the people outside of hollyweird, and these leftist run crap hole cities, could easily see exactly what the left is all about ?? Don't you think that the people could see the authoritarianism that has become the left in order to force it's unpopular will upon the good citizen's of this country ??? Oh, and isn't it funny how the shootings are starting up again, but why, just so the Demoncrats under Briben can go after the good citizen's gun's ??? Is that what Trump was warning us about ?? Yes it was, along with a whole lot of other things as well...!, I didn't think I'd have to break that out again! :auiqs.jpg:
Sidney won't go anywhere near a courtroom where a judge has to hear her "evidence".
She does, and it's all over.
Confident in your deep state possibly liberal activist judges are you ??

So you have a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of the OLD conspiracy.

You people calling everything a conspiracy is hilarious stuff. The citizen's of this nation knows what has transpired over the years, and Trump knew it also which is why he ran. He did some great stuff, and we were poised for more great stuff until the leftist cry babies attempted to steal this election.

Or we call baseless conspiracies backed by nothing conspiracies.

And rightly so. There's no evidence that any voting machine deleted, lost or changed a single vote. Says who? Says our own Cyber security team:
"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Yet your ilk cling to your silly conspiracy about 'Dominion Software', backed by nothing.

There's no evidence of widespread voter fraud. To say nothing of the bizarre conspiracy web woven by Trump. Says who? Says the Pennyslvania judge that dismissed Trump's lawsuit just yesterday:

Yet your ilk cling to your silly conspiracy about Hugo "I've been dead since 2013" Chavez, George Soros and Clinton somehow stealing the election.....backed by nothing.

If you don't want your baseless claims dismissed as conspiracies......then back them with something more than 'strained legal arguments without merit' and 'speculative accusations'.!, I didn't think I'd have to break that out again! :auiqs.jpg:
Sidney won't go anywhere near a courtroom where a judge has to hear her "evidence".
She does, and it's all over.
Confident in your deep state possibly liberal activist judges are you ??

So you have a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of the OLD conspiracy.

You people calling everything a conspiracy is hilarious stuff. The citizen's of this nation knows what has transpired over the years, and Trump knew it also which is why he ran. He did some great stuff, and we were poised for more great stuff until the leftist cry babies attempted to steal this election.

Or we call baseless conspiracies backed by nothing conspiracies.

And rightly so. There's no evidence that any voting machine deleted, lost or changed a single vote. Says who? Says our own Cyber security team:
"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Yet your ilk cling to your silly conspiracy about 'Dominion Software', backed by nothing.

There's no evidence of widespread voter fraud. To say nothing of the bizarre conspiracy web woven by Trump. Says who? Says the Pennyslvania judge that dismissed Trump's lawsuit just yesterday:

Yet your ilk cling to your silly conspiracy about Hugo "I've been dead since 2013" Chavez, George Soros and Clinton somehow stealing the election.....backed by nothing.

If you don't want your baseless claims dismissed as conspiracies......then back them with something more than 'strained legal arguments without merit' and 'speculative accusations'.

I think this may have been the step over the line for Sidney. Apparently, she is on the persona non grata list right now. They are saying she is not part of Trump's legal team. :)
That's what you get when you hire ambulance chasers.!, I didn't think I'd have to break that out again! :auiqs.jpg:
Sidney won't go anywhere near a courtroom where a judge has to hear her "evidence".
She does, and it's all over.
Confident in your deep state possibly liberal activist judges are you ??

So you have a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of the OLD conspiracy.

You people calling everything a conspiracy is hilarious stuff. The citizen's of this nation knows what has transpired over the years, and Trump knew it also which is why he ran. He did some great stuff, and we were poised for more great stuff until the leftist cry babies attempted to steal this election.

Or we call baseless conspiracies backed by nothing conspiracies.

And rightly so. There's no evidence that any voting machine deleted, lost or changed a single vote. Says who? Says our own Cyber security team:
"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Yet your ilk cling to your silly conspiracy about 'Dominion Software', backed by nothing.

There's no evidence of widespread voter fraud. To say nothing of the bizarre conspiracy web woven by Trump. Says who? Says the Pennyslvania judge that dismissed Trump's lawsuit just yesterday:

Yet your ilk cling to your silly conspiracy about Hugo "I've been dead since 2013" Chavez, George Soros and Clinton somehow stealing the election.....backed by nothing.

If you don't want your baseless claims dismissed as conspiracies......then back them with something more than 'strained legal arguments without merit' and 'speculative accusations'.

I think this may have been the step over the line for Sidney. Apparently, she is on the persona non grata list right now. They are saying she is not part of Trump's legal team. :)
That's what you get when you hire ambulance chasers.

Laughing.....that can't be good.


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