It's gonna be alright

I don’t understand the spirit of the thread... Things could hardly be going any better....

Oh...I don't know.
The good ol' days before Corporatism took over:

1) People use to have pensions, it was a part of your compensation. At no cost to you.
2) People use to get sick days on top of vacation days.
3) People use to get the "full package" Insurance Plans - Health, Dental, Eye, Life and Disability.
4) People use to get annual COL raises...anywhere between 3%-5%.

It's called.... the high cost of a low price.

It's also called a failure to stay competitive if your labor costs are so much higher than your competitors, especially the foreign ones. So, you either move to a RTW state, go overseas, automate or computerize if you can, or go out of business.
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.

Good post.

I'll set aside partisanship long enough to say I agree that we will survive...and thrive because of who we are...not who we elect.

Your encouragement is the essence of good community.

Let's hope all who read will head your words.

I don’t understand the spirit of the thread... Things could hardly be going any better....

Oh...I don't know.
The good ol' days before Corporatism took over:

1) People use to have pensions, it was a part of your compensation. At no cost to you.
2) People use to get sick days on top of vacation days.
3) People use to get the "full package" Insurance Plans - Health, Dental, Eye, Life and Disability.
4) People use to get annual COL raises...anywhere between 3%-5%.

It's called.... the high cost of a low price.

It's also called a failure to stay competitive if your labor costs are so much higher than your competitors, especially the foreign ones. So, you either move to a RTW state, go overseas, automate or computerize if you can, or go out of business.

Like I said.... high cost of a low price.
Corporatism brought on the Era of the Shareholder.
Shareholders couldn't give a flying doughnut about the human cost of seeking out the cheapest labor possible, and what that does to populations everywhere.
The trade-off is lower prices to consumers. And consumers have been conditioned to seek out a lower and lower and lower cost of everything they buy. (Well...except smart phones).
This of course pushes industries to further their drive to lower the cost of doing business as much as possible. It creates a vicious circle, whereby manufacturing is reduced to using modern day slave labor to stay competitive.
And then everyone bitches about no jobs.
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
-------------------------------------------- naivete at work as some advocate importing more 'somali muslims' into Vermont and the USA .
Somalia is on the travel ban list. How does that happen?
i think that the 'somalia' travel ban is rather new . How long has Vermont had its 'somalis' OldLady ??
an article that i just found was talking about 'somalis' in Vermont and it was dated 2009 . So thats long before TRUMPS commonsense travel ban OldLady .
so 2009 , thats 'mrobamas' time and heck , if he or 'hilary' were 'prez' the USA might be importing 'ubangis' and supporting them on welfare or better known as taxpayer dollars OldLady .
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
-------------------------------------------- naivete at work as some advocate importing more 'somali muslims' into Vermont and the USA .
Somalia is on the travel ban list. How does that happen?

Off topic a little bit?
I bet you're right. Wouldn't have occurred to me either, and I'd like to think it wouldn't to a lot of other people too. Actually, there are a lot of nice people out there but the a-holes and jerks make it seem like it's worse than it really is.
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright...Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are...It's all any of us can do.

I dunno. A thinking man might wonder if the more fruitful means of lighting the way might be to burn his bridges. Know what I mean, jellybean?

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