It's gonna be alright

Personally, I never understood apathy, but that is how a lot of folks are.

As long as they keep selling 12 pks of Bud, moderately priced bottles of wine, cable companies keep on keeping on and a good bag a pot every so often, over 50% of the population don't give a shit...
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
What makes you think things will get better?

From the day we are born, to the day we kick the bucket, we're surrounded by people who also hate their lives, people who probably realize that if they were attacked, those who claim they can protect them are fifteen minutes away on average, probably passing out tickets, and what little money isn't legally stolen from them will be worth less as time passes.

Then there's the fact that everyone you know could secretly hate you and be ready to take the first opportunity to hurt you and benefit themselves, or regardless of how much you help anyone, they'll probably never help you back if the opportunity presents itself. The realization that the vast majority of people on the planet are likely selfish garbage, and that if you help someone in need, out of the kindness of your heart, they could possibly take you to court and win, because you touched them without their consent, or that if you try to help a homeless person, they could be faking it, and are actually well off, and standing on the street corner due to laziness, and after coming to these realizations, you understand that the few have doomed the many, by increasing the risk of actual kindness.

Then there's always the fact that anyone or everyone you know and love could be subject to health problems, accidents, or acts of God that either permanently injure or kill them, or it could happen to yourself instead.

I've found that the negatives have always outweighed the positives, and that evil always wins here, and that everything anyone does is pointless. Nobody wants to help each other, nobody wants to help themselves, and that life is a pointless, continuous train wreck with very brief moments of happiness in between.

I've always asked myself why I should bother.

Especially after the realization that even when a kind person dies, nobody cares, regardless of how much good they did for any amount of people, they're overshadowed by names people can recognize. A celebrity who has done nothing but what they're told would be celebrated before an actual caring individual is mourned.

Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars? Who cares when someone's time runs out if a moment is all we are?

Things have never gotten better, they've only gotten worse, and the world will continue to get worse until the day we accept the cold embrace of death.

You need to stop hanging out here. And talk to someone about this.

I don't see anything wrong with recognizing the world for the dumpster fire it is, has been, and always will be.

Besides, I've been there, it doesn't help, I wasn't the only person who cam to that conclusion, and in fact, my parents concluded that it only made me worse. If psychologists actually helped people, how many customers would they have?

I just want you to tell me how things will get better, and what there is to look forward to in this tranewreck of misery, pain, and disappointment.
Y'all love to piss on my campfire, I know, but the darkest hour is just before dawn. I'm afraid we aren't there yet, but even that will pass.

Well, I'll help keep the campfire going. You're right - it will pass as all bright and dark times do. We need to be kind, and true to ourselves, yes. I thought the Republic would go to hell in a handbasket when Obama took office. The country survived Obama, it will survive's designed that way. bring the chocolate and I'll bring the marshmallows - if someone will bring the graham crackers we'll have ourselves s'mores. :)

I'll bring the weed. :laugh2:
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.

Time to go all DE and shiz:

This says it all right here, baby. Even Lennon wasn't as far to the left as the Democrat party is today.

"But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow".

Listen and enjoy the truth The Beatles laid down.

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PS: I appreciate OldLady , and I'm sure she catches hell from both leftists and rightists.

But please don't talk to me about "gun control", ok? :eusa_hand:
Y'all love to piss on my campfire, I know, but the darkest hour is just before dawn. I'm afraid we aren't there yet, but even that will pass.

Well, I'll help keep the campfire going. You're right - it will pass as all bright and dark times do. We need to be kind, and true to ourselves, yes. I thought the Republic would go to hell in a handbasket when Obama took office. The country survived Obama, it will survive's designed that way. bring the chocolate and I'll bring the marshmallows - if someone will bring the graham crackers we'll have ourselves s'mores. :)

I'll bring the weed. :laugh2: they make that stuff in graham cracker form? :happy-1:
Y'all love to piss on my campfire, I know, but the darkest hour is just before dawn. I'm afraid we aren't there yet, but even that will pass.

Well, I'll help keep the campfire going. You're right - it will pass as all bright and dark times do. We need to be kind, and true to ourselves, yes. I thought the Republic would go to hell in a handbasket when Obama took office. The country survived Obama, it will survive's designed that way. bring the chocolate and I'll bring the marshmallows - if someone will bring the graham crackers we'll have ourselves s'mores. :)

I'll bring the weed. :laugh2: they make that stuff in graham cracker form? :happy-1:


Firecrackers Recipe: The Easiest Edibles To Bake
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
What makes you think things will get better?

From the day we are born, to the day we kick the bucket, we're surrounded by people who also hate their lives, people who probably realize that if they were attacked, those who claim they can protect them are fifteen minutes away on average, probably passing out tickets, and what little money isn't legally stolen from them will be worth less as time passes.

Then there's the fact that everyone you know could secretly hate you and be ready to take the first opportunity to hurt you and benefit themselves, or regardless of how much you help anyone, they'll probably never help you back if the opportunity presents itself. The realization that the vast majority of people on the planet are likely selfish garbage, and that if you help someone in need, out of the kindness of your heart, they could possibly take you to court and win, because you touched them without their consent, or that if you try to help a homeless person, they could be faking it, and are actually well off, and standing on the street corner due to laziness, and after coming to these realizations, you understand that the few have doomed the many, by increasing the risk of actual kindness.

Then there's always the fact that anyone or everyone you know and love could be subject to health problems, accidents, or acts of God that either permanently injure or kill them, or it could happen to yourself instead.

I've found that the negatives have always outweighed the positives, and that evil always wins here, and that everything anyone does is pointless. Nobody wants to help each other, nobody wants to help themselves, and that life is a pointless, continuous train wreck with very brief moments of happiness in between.

I've always asked myself why I should bother.

Especially after the realization that even when a kind person dies, nobody cares, regardless of how much good they did for any amount of people, they're overshadowed by names people can recognize. A celebrity who has done nothing but what they're told would be celebrated before an actual caring individual is mourned.

Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars? Who cares when someone's time runs out if a moment is all we are?

Things have never gotten better, they've only gotten worse, and the world will continue to get worse until the day we accept the cold embrace of death.

You need to stop hanging out here. And talk to someone about this.

I don't see anything wrong with recognizing the world for the dumpster fire it is, has been, and always will be.

Besides, I've been there, it doesn't help, I wasn't the only person who cam to that conclusion, and in fact, my parents concluded that it only made me worse. If psychologists actually helped people, how many customers would they have?

I just want you to tell me how things will get better, and what there is to look forward to in this tranewreck of misery, pain, and disappointment.

It's all about attitude and outlook. There's a lot of bad stuff out there, but also a lot of good stuff too, if you look for it. Some of which you can create yourself if you want to.

Step 1. Put a smile on your face and give it to others.

Step 2. Do something nice for somebody. Hold the door open, say "Have a nice day", offer a hand if appropriate.

Step 3. Say please and thank you.

Step 4. Do something nice for yourself, you deserve it.

True, there's a lot of shit in everyone's life, but you don't have to wallow in it. Good luck.
It’s a shame to see people still ignoring the benefits of Trump kicking Hillary’s ass.
I can only guess her supporters are mentally slow and in need of help.
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
What makes you think things will get better?

From the day we are born, to the day we kick the bucket, we're surrounded by people who also hate their lives, people who probably realize that if they were attacked, those who claim they can protect them are fifteen minutes away on average, probably passing out tickets, and what little money isn't legally stolen from them will be worth less as time passes.

Then there's the fact that everyone you know could secretly hate you and be ready to take the first opportunity to hurt you and benefit themselves, or regardless of how much you help anyone, they'll probably never help you back if the opportunity presents itself. The realization that the vast majority of people on the planet are likely selfish garbage, and that if you help someone in need, out of the kindness of your heart, they could possibly take you to court and win, because you touched them without their consent, or that if you try to help a homeless person, they could be faking it, and are actually well off, and standing on the street corner due to laziness, and after coming to these realizations, you understand that the few have doomed the many, by increasing the risk of actual kindness.

Then there's always the fact that anyone or everyone you know and love could be subject to health problems, accidents, or acts of God that either permanently injure or kill them, or it could happen to yourself instead.

I've found that the negatives have always outweighed the positives, and that evil always wins here, and that everything anyone does is pointless. Nobody wants to help each other, nobody wants to help themselves, and that life is a pointless, continuous train wreck with very brief moments of happiness in between.

I've always asked myself why I should bother.

Especially after the realization that even when a kind person dies, nobody cares, regardless of how much good they did for any amount of people, they're overshadowed by names people can recognize. A celebrity who has done nothing but what they're told would be celebrated before an actual caring individual is mourned.

Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars? Who cares when someone's time runs out if a moment is all we are?

Things have never gotten better, they've only gotten worse, and the world will continue to get worse until the day we accept the cold embrace of death.

You need to stop hanging out here. And talk to someone about this.

I don't see anything wrong with recognizing the world for the dumpster fire it is, has been, and always will be.

Besides, I've been there, it doesn't help, I wasn't the only person who cam to that conclusion, and in fact, my parents concluded that it only made me worse. If psychologists actually helped people, how many customers would they have?

I just want you to tell me how things will get better, and what there is to look forward to in this tranewreck of misery, pain, and disappointment.

You're only seeing the bad stuff, the negative side. If that's where you want to be, that's your choice.
Y'all love to piss on my campfire, I know, but the darkest hour is just before dawn. I'm afraid we aren't there yet, but even that will pass.

Well, I'll help keep the campfire going. You're right - it will pass as all bright and dark times do. We need to be kind, and true to ourselves, yes. I thought the Republic would go to hell in a handbasket when Obama took office. The country survived Obama, it will survive's designed that way. bring the chocolate and I'll bring the marshmallows - if someone will bring the graham crackers we'll have ourselves s'mores. :)

I'll bring the weed. :laugh2:
Sounds like a party. I'm not opposed to Ridgerunner bringing the Bud, either.
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
What makes you think things will get better?

From the day we are born, to the day we kick the bucket, we're surrounded by people who also hate their lives, people who probably realize that if they were attacked, those who claim they can protect them are fifteen minutes away on average, probably passing out tickets, and what little money isn't legally stolen from them will be worth less as time passes.

Then there's the fact that everyone you know could secretly hate you and be ready to take the first opportunity to hurt you and benefit themselves, or regardless of how much you help anyone, they'll probably never help you back if the opportunity presents itself. The realization that the vast majority of people on the planet are likely selfish garbage, and that if you help someone in need, out of the kindness of your heart, they could possibly take you to court and win, because you touched them without their consent, or that if you try to help a homeless person, they could be faking it, and are actually well off, and standing on the street corner due to laziness, and after coming to these realizations, you understand that the few have doomed the many, by increasing the risk of actual kindness.

Then there's always the fact that anyone or everyone you know and love could be subject to health problems, accidents, or acts of God that either permanently injure or kill them, or it could happen to yourself instead.

I've found that the negatives have always outweighed the positives, and that evil always wins here, and that everything anyone does is pointless. Nobody wants to help each other, nobody wants to help themselves, and that life is a pointless, continuous train wreck with very brief moments of happiness in between.

I've always asked myself why I should bother.

Especially after the realization that even when a kind person dies, nobody cares, regardless of how much good they did for any amount of people, they're overshadowed by names people can recognize. A celebrity who has done nothing but what they're told would be celebrated before an actual caring individual is mourned.

Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars? Who cares when someone's time runs out if a moment is all we are?

Things have never gotten better, they've only gotten worse, and the world will continue to get worse until the day we accept the cold embrace of death.

This is what hanging around pessimism will get you.

Even if people piss me off in a day, I think of the Ocean, and then how awesome life is comes back 2me.
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Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
It's simply a case of mind over matter..It really doesn't matter if you don't mind.
I don’t understand the spirit of the thread... Things could hardly be going any better....

Oh...I don't know.
The good ol' days before Corporatism took over:

1) People use to have pensions, it was a part of your compensation. At no cost to you.
2) People use to get sick days on top of vacation days.
3) People use to get the "full package" Insurance Plans - Health, Dental, Eye, Life and Disability.
4) People use to get annual COL raises...anywhere between 3%-5%.

It's called.... the high cost of a low price.
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.

Are you going to be kind to me? Or is this a one way street kind of thing?
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
It's simply a case of mind over matter..It really doesn't matter if you don't mind.
Matter matters.
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.

Are you going to be kind to me? Or is this a one way street kind of thing?
Of course. Just so long as you don't start anything, Correll. You bringing Bud, bud or graham crackers?
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.

Are you going to be kind to me? Or is this a one way street kind of thing?
Of course. Just so long as you don't start anything, Correll. You bringing Bud, bud or graham crackers?

Then I will be kind BACK to you.
Things may seem dark, but it's gonna be alright. Just like the flowers when it rains--the petals close and they bend under the weight of the rain drops, but the rain will end; it always does. Then they'll open full to welcome the sun..

Be kind to the guy next to you and remember who you are. It's all any of us can do.
-------------------------------------------- naivete at work as some advocate importing more 'somali muslims' into Vermont and the USA .

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