It's "Hail Mary" Landrieu

I'm voting for Maness...he can't win but if he gets enough votes and neither other candidate gets >50% it goes to a runoff between her and Cassidy.

Then I'll have to vote for Cassidy.
We've had enough of pork chop landrieu
He's a paid vote siphoner.

Don't fall for his BS.
Interesting Right-Wing circle jerk you've got going here, but the quote is actually quite innocuous.

Only frothing-at-the-mouth Righties would somehow be upset by a statement that is obviously what is going on.
Hey, c'mhere...


little closer...


Whutt, biatsch, whutt???
I have a feeling you said that a lot in prison.
Anyway, playing the race card, esp for a white politician, is truly a sign of desperation. She is going down hard. And deserves to. Recall she was the dupe in the Louisiana Purchase that got Obamacare passed.

You feeing, as usual, would be very wrong. Surprise, surprise.
I'm voting for Maness...he can't win but if he gets enough votes and neither other candidate gets >50% it goes to a runoff between her and Cassidy.

Then I'll have to vote for Cassidy.
We've had enough of pork chop landrieu
He's a paid vote siphoner.

Don't fall for his BS.
It's the only (peaceful) way to show dissatisfaction with both parties...then during the runoff we have to "unelect" mary.
I'm voting for Maness...he can't win but if he gets enough votes and neither other candidate gets >50% it goes to a runoff between her and Cassidy.

Then I'll have to vote for Cassidy.
We've had enough of pork chop landrieu

Same here ... I early voted for Maness, but will vote for Representative Cassidy in the probable run-off.

It should be noted that Senator Landrieu threw the gender card as hard as the race card. That is retarded seeing as she is a four term Senator ... And who can forget Governor "Katrina" Blanco. I couldn't stand her because she always did speeches in one long run-on sentence of bullshit that never went anywhere.

Blank-0 let NOLA drown while busses flooded.

She could not get ahold of AFL-CIO leader Vic Bussie to see if it was OK to use union school bus drivers to evacuate the city.
I'm voting for Maness...he can't win but if he gets enough votes and neither other candidate gets >50% it goes to a runoff between her and Cassidy.

Then I'll have to vote for Cassidy.
We've had enough of pork chop landrieu
He's a paid vote siphoner.

Don't fall for his BS.
It's the only (peaceful) way to show dissatisfaction with both parties...then during the runoff we have to "unelect" mary.
It is a waste of money, and gives her a second chance.

If they crank up riots over Ferguson after the election, it could go her way.

Always think twice about protest voting.
LOL, it's funny watching the desperation of Dems, and not just Marrrrrry.

Talk about stupid, nothing like blaming the very people whose vote you're hoping to garner. Mary, you're not very bright, honey.
LOL, it's funny watching the desperation of Dems, and not just Marrrrrry.

Talk about stupid, nothing like blaming the very people whose vote you're hoping to garner. Mary, you're not very bright, honey.
Kay Hagan ad paid for by Harry Reid blames Trayvon Martin death on Tom Tillis.
Interesting Right-Wing circle jerk you've got going here, but the quote is actually quite innocuous.

Only frothing-at-the-mouth Righties would somehow be upset by a statement that is obviously what is going on.
Obama is unpopular throughout the country, not just in Louisiana. So to put racism as the primary driver behind his unpopularity in Louisiana is ignorant.

Is racism a reason why some people don't like him? Sure. We see some of that right here on this forum. But I would not put that as the first reason.

After all, Bush had even lower approval ratings.

Obama's low ratings are primarily because he is an incompetent asshole. He not only has no coattail effect, he has miles of ground glass behind him that his fellows Democrats have to crawl over because of him.
Blanco isn't running for anything.
No, she is a mental wreck.

Still can't sleep at night over the NOLA drownings.

She could not get elected to a local school board.

But, we have the distinction of having had a woman governor.

At least we got that out of the way.
Desperation times for libs.

Yes, President Barack Obama is about to do what no president has done in the past 50 years: Have two horrible, terrible, awful midterm elections in a row. :thup:

I'm voting for Maness...he can't win but if he gets enough votes and neither other candidate gets >50% it goes to a runoff between her and Cassidy.

Then I'll have to vote for Cassidy.
We've had enough of pork chop landrieu
He's a paid vote siphoner.

Don't fall for his BS.
It's the only (peaceful) way to show dissatisfaction with both parties...then during the runoff we have to "unelect" mary.
It is a waste of money, and gives her a second chance.

It makes a statement and can encourage others to not accept the status quo.

If they crank up riots over Ferguson after the election, it could go her way.

I'm not sure people are going to feel sympathetic to rioters that disagree with our legal process.

Always think twice about protest voting.
Yeah. thanks.
We got this.

I may just be engaging in wishful thinking here, but I'm beginning to get the feeling this tactic isn't working like it used to.

That sure would be nice. The parties should have to earn votes, not pander for them.


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