It's Happened Again Father Reads Pornography Book to School Board

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Oh and this is a time where I'm not blaming the teachers SweetSue92 I'm talking to you on this one. I'm blaming whoever let this kind of filth into the school library. Are you convinced it's happening yet? Or do you still think that every one of these people coming forward with the fact that schools are breaking the law and allowing children access to this crap is lying?

Oh and this is a time where I'm not blaming the teachers SweetSue92 I'm talking to you on this one. I'm blaming whoever let this kind of filth into the school library. Are you convinced it's happening yet? Or do you still think that every one of these people coming forward with the fact that schools are breaking the law and allowing children access to this crap is lying?

Of course it's happening. I never said it's not. Where it IS happening it needs to be eradicated, because it's beyond awful.

The problem is that in the conservative Moral Panic about teachers we are doing to schools what the left did with Defund the Police.

Whatever--it's already too late.
Faggots and their groomer fans are always babbling 'what people do in thier bedrooms is not the government's business n stuff', well, guess what faggots consider to be their 'bedrooms'? Public parks and toilets, streets, and school houses to name several.
It's not happening in our rural public school so to me it's not an issue. Issues like this are local not national issues.
Oh and this is a time where I'm not blaming the teachers SweetSue92 I'm talking to you on this one. I'm blaming whoever let this kind of filth into the school library. Are you convinced it's happening yet? Or do you still think that every one of these people coming forward with the fact that schools are breaking the law and allowing children access to this crap is lying?

It's not happening in our rural public school so to me it's not an issue. Issues like this are local not national issues.

100% you are better off in a rural public school than you are in a private school in say, Berkeley CA, Seattle, or Manhattan.

But you know, in a Moral Panic, nuances like this are lost. For sure the second grade teacher down the pew from you every Sunday in Anytown, Nebraska turns into a trans activist on Monday morning and inculcates her seven year old students in all things gender.

The above is crazy. It's insanity. But so is everything in Moral Panics.
It's not happening in our rural public school so to me it's not an issue. Issues like this are local not national issues.

They use Federal courts and judges to extort compliance and shake down pretty much everybody, so it is an issue for many. Your personal feelings don't matter.

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