It's looking more and more like the Wuhan Flu was a big nothing-burger.

The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
All you TDS morons have been screaming that he didn't do it soon enough. How do you get off the hook?

I love the way the leftwing mind works.
I’m not the president. We are living through his policy and I’m not liking it.
The president is responsible for his decisions. He chooses who to get information from.
Agreed. And when he gets bad information somebody needs to be fired. Fauci needs to go.
And the guy who has been listening to him?
ROFL! Who has been saying the Trump should listen to Fauci?
Beats me. Trump makes the calls and decides who to listen to. If he has chosen poorly in both it’s on him.
President Trump was ahead of this way back in January when he stopped flights from China. Meanwhile the Demos were calling him a racist for doing it and Pelosi was telling everybody to come to Chinatown.
Yes...waaaaay ahead of it.
That's why we're getting ready to turn a million infected. :cuckoo:

Does it hurt to be that dumb?
Yep, when he was telling America - DON'T WORRY 'BOUT NOTHING! Everythting is under control, we shut it down, it's just a few people who are getting better already! He was preventing outbreak.
And how many more virus cases do you think we would have had if our President didn't immediately stop the flights from China? And the fake news called him a racist for doing that.

He didn't stop the flights, 40,000 American residents flew in from China after the order.

Still, you are right, he made a good call to stop others who have been to China form coming in, but then he followed it up with a month long denial that the containement is unlikely, just as pandemic was spreading and complacent America carried on as usual.

This is a person Trump wanted fired, becuase she dared to say this:

"It's not so much a question of if this will happen anymore but rather more a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness," Messonnier said.

Some community level interventions that may be most effective in reducing the spread of a new virus like school closures are also the most likely to be associated with unwanted consequences and further disruptions. Secondary consequences of some of these measures might include missed work and loss of income. I understand this whole situation may seem overwhelming and that disruption to everyday life may be severe. But these are things that people need to start thinking about now. I had a conversation with my family over breakfast this morning and I told my children that while I didn’t think that they were at risk right now, we as a family need to be preparing for significant disruption of our lives.

hard to stop Americans from coming home but correct me if Im wrong but those Americans faced a 14 day quarantine upon arrival
When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.
It's already deadlier, idiot.
55k dead within two months.


Moreover, by social distancing, stay at home, and the lockdown, the spread was curtailed so as to cause just 55k fatalities (so far), rather than the 1.2+ million originally projected without mitigation.

The imbecility of the claim that mitigation wasn't necessary - because the fatality numbers have been kept in check by mitigation - is really hard to fathom.
When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.
It's already deadlier, idiot.
55k dead within two months.
More bad information. Places like New York are counting everybody who dies from whatever cause as Wuhan Flu victims because then they get more Federal $$$.
People die with wuhan flu not because of it, but that does not matter to NY officials
Because they get more money for Covid 19 deaths
When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.
It's already deadlier, idiot.
55k dead within two months.
More bad information. Places like New York are counting everybody who dies from whatever cause as Wuhan Flu victims because then they get more Federal $$$.
People die with wuhan flu not because of it, but that does not matter to NY officials
Because they get more money for Covid 19 deaths

Stop spreading ridiculous, ignorant bullshit.

China, Italy and America were not shutdown because people have plain ol' "flu" and some bs about getting more money.

And just so you stop making a fool of yourself, flu is a shorthand for influenza not coronovirus.
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Trump makes the calls and decides who to listen to. If he has chosen poorly in both it’s on him.
Fauci has been a .gov bureaucrat for forty years.
And? Trump makes the calls. If he chose wrong it’s on him.

No no, Trump makes the calls, but the bad ones are Obama's fault.

The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.
55000 dead in 6 weeks is a “nothing burger”?
Trump makes the calls and decides who to listen to. If he has chosen poorly in both it’s on him.
Fauci has been a .gov bureaucrat for forty years.
And? Trump makes the calls. If he chose wrong it’s on him.
You missed my point. President Trump didn't choose him. Fauci was a deep state holdover just like Eric Ciaramella.
And trump chose to listen to him. Trump could get anyone to advise him.

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