It's looking more and more like the Wuhan Flu was a big nothing-burger.

The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

Reading this ^ just killed a portion of my soul and killed a few brain cells. Plus it was 10 seconds I'll never get back. Thanks! :uhoh3:
When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.
It's already deadlier, idiot.
55k dead within two months.
More bad information. Places like New York are counting everybody who dies from whatever cause as Wuhan Flu victims because then they get more Federal $$$.
People die with wuhan flu not because of it, but that does not matter to NY officials
Because they get more money for Covid 19 deaths

Stop spreading ridiculous, ignorant bullshit.

China, Italy and America were not shutdown because people have plain ol' "flu" and some bs about getting more money.

And just so you stop making a fool of yourself, flu is a shorthand for influenza not coronovirus.

It is true, however, that the government will pay more to hospitals for COVID-19 cases in two senses: By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

Both of those provisions stem from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act.

The CARES Act created the 20% add-on to be paid for Medicare patients with COVID-19. The act further created a $100 billion fund that is being used to financially assist hospitals — a “portion” of which will be “used to reimburse healthcare providers, at Medicare rates, for COVID-related treatment of the uninsured,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Yep, when he was telling America - DON'T WORRY 'BOUT NOTHING! Everythting is under control, we shut it down, it's just a few people who are getting better already! He was preventing outbreak.
And how many more virus cases do you think we would have had if our President didn't immediately stop the flights from China? And the fake news called him a racist for doing that.

Meh - The China travel ban was a toothless nothing burger. 40,000 came here AFTER your beloved travel ban.
Trump shut down the economy.

I thought only the governors could make that decision. Please make up your mind. You guys complained that he didn't take it seriously in the beginning; now you're complaining he took it seriously and shut the country down. You guys complained he should have shut the country down earlier, now when discussions are had about reopening you say he doesn't have the authority to open or shutdown; only the governors do.

Aren't you people dizzy yet?
Trump shut down the economy.

I thought only the governors could make that decision. Please make up your mind. You guys complained that he didn't take it seriously in the beginning; now you're complaining he took it seriously and shut the country down. You guys complained he should have shut the country down earlier, now when discussions are had about reopening you say he doesn't have the authority to open or shutdown; only the governors do.

Aren't you people dizzy yet?
They are following the trump guidelines obviously. Haven’t you seen him on tv every day. He disagrees with Georgia opening up early.
When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.
It's already deadlier, idiot.
55k dead within two months.
More bad information. Places like New York are counting everybody who dies from whatever cause as Wuhan Flu victims because then they get more Federal $$$.
People die with wuhan flu not because of it, but that does not matter to NY officials
Because they get more money for Covid 19 deaths

Stop spreading ridiculous, ignorant bullshit.

China, Italy and America were not shutdown because people have plain ol' "flu" and some bs about getting more money.

And just so you stop making a fool of yourself, flu is a shorthand for influenza not coronovirus.

It is true, however, that the government will pay more to hospitals for COVID-19 cases in two senses: By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

It is NOT TRUE that doctors who are treating patients in the hospitals are making diagnosis and care descisions based on re-embursement, especailly when it comes to last resort measures like putting people on respirators.

Three of my hospital co-workers are dead, some were critical and many required hospitalization, so I get a bit irritated when people living under a rock start mouthing off about how this is "just a flu".
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When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.
It's already deadlier, idiot.
55k dead within two months.
More bad information. Places like New York are counting everybody who dies from whatever cause as Wuhan Flu victims because then they get more Federal $$$.
People die with wuhan flu not because of it, but that does not matter to NY officials
Because they get more money for Covid 19 deaths

Stop spreading ridiculous, ignorant bullshit.

China, Italy and America were not shutdown because people have plain ol' "flu" and some bs about getting more money.

And just so you stop making a fool of yourself, flu is a shorthand for influenza not coronovirus.

It is true, however, that the government will pay more to hospitals for COVID-19 cases in two senses: By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

It is NOT TRUE that doctors who are treating patients in the hospitals are making diagnosis and care descisions based on re-embursement, especailly when it comes to last resort measures like putting people on respirators.
Says I just supposed to take your word for it?
When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.
It's already deadlier, idiot.
55k dead within two months.
More bad information. Places like New York are counting everybody who dies from whatever cause as Wuhan Flu victims because then they get more Federal $$$.
People die with wuhan flu not because of it, but that does not matter to NY officials
Because they get more money for Covid 19 deaths

Stop spreading ridiculous, ignorant bullshit.

China, Italy and America were not shutdown because people have plain ol' "flu" and some bs about getting more money.

And just so you stop making a fool of yourself, flu is a shorthand for influenza not coronovirus.

It is true, however, that the government will pay more to hospitals for COVID-19 cases in two senses: By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

It is NOT TRUE that doctors who are treating patients in the hospitals are making diagnosis and care descisions based on re-embursement, especailly when it comes to last resort measures like putting people on respirators.
Says I just supposed to take your word for it?

Who's word ARE you taking? Who is feeding you this discusting bullshit? What is their evidence of what would be acts of criminal fraud and malpractice?
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The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.
Almost all of my co-workers got the C19 fever and are back at work.
They are wearing N95 masks and gloves.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

You people dont have clue how a virus works, especially one we have no acquired immunities to. Now, in your stupidity, you think this was no worse than the flu.

Don't drink any more Kookaid..

You would be singing a very different tune if Trump had done nothing, like Obama and Biden, and it had raged like wild fire across America and left 2.2 to 2.5 million dead.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
Trump did not shut down the economy

state and local authorities did

Based on the trump guidelines. Again he’s on tv every day promoting the shut down with his team.
Do you want trump to ignore fauci or follow his recomdations?
dunno. can we listen to doctors in the ER who've seen and treated this since day 1 or do we trust someone who's not treated a single patient that i know of? today we're seeing videos from ER doctors who are saying the stay at home measures are going to start doing more harm than good in that we weaken our own immune systems.

so - this "follow the experts" advice doesn't mean shit when the "experts" are all over the map too. you follow your expert, i'll follow mine, now what?
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

You people dont have clue how a virus works, especially one we have no acquired immunities to. Now, in your stupidity, you think this was no worse than the flu.

Don't drink any more Kookaid..

You would be singing a very different tune if Trump had done nothing, like Obama and Biden, and it had raged like wild fire across America and left 2.2 to 2.5 million dead.
prove that would have happened. i can show you countries that didn't shut down - what are their mortality rates? if you suddenly cite "other factors" then you damn well better be prepared for me to come back and look at "other factors" here too.

i am one of those not in favor of hiding out from the things that *could* harm us.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
Trump did not shut down the economy

state and local authorities did

Based on the trump guidelines. Again he’s on tv every day promoting the shut down with his team.
Do you want trump to ignore fauci or follow his recomdations?
dunno. can we listen to doctors in the ER who've seen and treated this since day 1 or do we trust someone who's not treated a single patient that i know of? today we're seeing videos from ER doctors who are saying the stay at home measures are going to start doing more harm than good in that we weaken our own immune systems.

so - this "follow the experts" advice doesn't mean shit when the "experts" are all over the map too. you follow your expert, i'll follow mine, now what?
The answer is actually pretty simple...

This is a virus we had no immunities to. The shelter in place of large cities and close communities was what kept NY from collapsing under the number of dead or dying. Other states and cities with spread out populations fared much better on lesser restrictions. We are passing the point in the number of people who have been infected and recovered making the shelter in place order unnecessary for most of the US.

We have approximately 13-20% of the populace that has recovered from this virus. Now we let out those who are young and have a very low risk of death while protecting the older and at risk populations.. The stay at home orders were never going to stop the infections, just slow them so we did not overwhelm our medical systems. Now we let the younger ones out to get and recover from the virus as 99.4% of the populace will. Once we reach 50% population depth we can totally open up as the links of infection will be far and wide apart, easily tracked and contained.

Slowing the infection rate allowed us to build up our medical systems capacity and now its time to get on with life.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
Trump did not shut down the economy

state and local authorities did

Based on the trump guidelines. Again he’s on tv every day promoting the shut down with his team.
Do you want trump to ignore fauci or follow his recomdations?
dunno. can we listen to doctors in the ER who've seen and treated this since day 1 or do we trust someone who's not treated a single patient that i know of? today we're seeing videos from ER doctors who are saying the stay at home measures are going to start doing more harm than good in that we weaken our own immune systems.

so - this "follow the experts" advice doesn't mean shit when the "experts" are all over the map too. you follow your expert, i'll follow mine, now what?
Those ER Doctors based their information on actual fact not speculation and modelling. Big Difference
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

You people dont have clue how a virus works, especially one we have no acquired immunities to. Now, in your stupidity, you think this was no worse than the flu.

Don't drink any more Kookaid..

You would be singing a very different tune if Trump had done nothing, like Obama and Biden, and it had raged like wild fire across America and left 2.2 to 2.5 million dead.
prove that would have happened. i can show you countries that didn't shut down - what are their mortality rates? if you suddenly cite "other factors" then you damn well better be prepared for me to come back and look at "other factors" here too.

i am one of those not in favor of hiding out from the things that *could* harm us.
I suggest you look at the death rates in Italy, Spain, and France.. They are nearing 5% of the populace. If NY was allowed to burn as Italy did you would have had 5% of 45 million people dead just in NYC ALL AT ONCE. Slowing the spread works!
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Remember that 100k-240k prediction and the wingnuts all thought it was bullshit? I think we're headed there. Currently at 56k, we know the deaths come about 2-3 weeks after they are diagnosed.

Then we have to see what happens in the Summer, does it go away or reduce? Hopefully, probably to some extend but then we have to worry about Winter. I sure as hope we've stopped fumbling around with our testing issues but that requires a competent federal government and leadership.

Vaccine is iffy, lasting immunity is not proven. If you were sick the first time and if there is any lasting damage to your lungs, heart or kidneys what would a second go around look like?

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