It's looking more and more like the Wuhan Flu was a big nothing-burger.

Three days between announcement and closure for Americans and green card holders to return. Those who didn't make it traveled to Europe and then came here from places like Italy, Spain, and France who had not closed their inbound flights to them.

Your like some other idiots who think we should have shot everyone on sight... The stupidity!
No moron. A responsible Administration would have made arrangements so that they returned without being packed into airport terminals should to shoulder chest to back...and then spit them out to infect the East Coast the way they did
Tell me, The number you cited was one year... The current number of deaths from COVID-19 in 11 weeks just topped 54,000 in the US alone.

Actually most in just over 5 weeks
anyone testing positive can spread the virus if they NEVER GET SICK -

stupid shit rw's just cant quite wrap their tiny little brain cell around the facts
today we're seeing videos from ER doctors who are saying the stay at home measures are going to start doing more harm than good in that we weaken our own immune systems.
Thats one way of looking at it

and a good argument for reopening the economy, which I think never should have closed to begin with
anyone testing positive can spread the virus if they NEVER GET SICK -
stupid shit rw's just cant quite wrap their tiny little brain cell around the facts
Aww, poor little liberal is afraid to come out of his house. You idiot libs are going to ruin the economy. It's probably your plan.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

You people dont have clue how a virus works, especially one we have no acquired immunities to. Now, in your stupidity, you think this was no worse than the flu.

Don't drink any more Kookaid..

You would be singing a very different tune if Trump had done nothing, like Obama and Biden, and it had raged like wild fire across America and left 2.2 to 2.5 million dead.
prove that would have happened. i can show you countries that didn't shut down - what are their mortality rates? if you suddenly cite "other factors" then you damn well better be prepared for me to come back and look at "other factors" here too.

i am one of those not in favor of hiding out from the things that *could* harm us.
I suggest you look at the death rates in Italy, Spain, and France.. They are nearing 5% of the populace. If NY was allowed to burn as Italy did you would have had 5% of 45 million people dead just in NYC. Slowing the spread works!
boy i can do this "dislike" too, son.

and again - i can show you countries that didn't shut down and are fine.

gosh. they didn't shut down. they should all be dead if i follow you hype mongers.
I suggest you look at population densities to make comparisons. Your missing a whole lot of information. Italy's density was about that of NYC and just as old or older..
i provided an article for reference.

you're just talking shit.
Tell me, The number you cited was one year... The current number of deaths from COVID-19 in 11 weeks just topped 54,000 in the US alone.

Your the one talking shit as I have the numbers and data to prove it. I'm betting we top 100,000 deaths by December in the US alone. The world wide numbers will make a flu season look like a picnic.
Of course the padded death numbers they are trying their best to meet the dire predictions of Dr Doom and the Scarf Lady
I dont agree with the criteria but it is what it is and we can adjust for the padding once we look at the comorbidities.
today we're seeing videos from ER doctors who are saying the stay at home measures are going to start doing more harm than good in that we weaken our own immune systems.
Thats one way of looking at it

and a good argument for reopening the economy, which I think never should have closed to begin with

you think-

theres a good reason youre not in the position to do that for the country -
Tell the family's of those who have died that this virus is a nothing special flu.
Guess what people die every year from the common flu
55000 in less than 2 months doesn’t strike you as extreme in the US?

More like 4 months but no it doesn't sound extreme
Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says
we've only had this virus for a few months
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

You people dont have clue how a virus works, especially one we have no acquired immunities to. Now, in your stupidity, you think this was no worse than the flu.

Don't drink any more Kookaid..

You would be singing a very different tune if Trump had done nothing, like Obama and Biden, and it had raged like wild fire across America and left 2.2 to 2.5 million dead.
prove that would have happened. i can show you countries that didn't shut down - what are their mortality rates? if you suddenly cite "other factors" then you damn well better be prepared for me to come back and look at "other factors" here too.

i am one of those not in favor of hiding out from the things that *could* harm us.
I suggest you look at the death rates in Italy, Spain, and France.. They are nearing 5% of the populace. If NY was allowed to burn as Italy did you would have had 5% of 45 million people dead just in NYC ALL AT ONCE. Slowing the spread works!
You are misinformed

the percentage in italy is .045%
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

The death of my favorite aunt from the virus is a nothing burger?

Over 54 thousand people dead is a nothing burger?

Spreading the virus throughout our meat packing plants causing shutdowns, animals to be killed, not used for food, causing the price of food to skyrocket is a nothing burger to you?

Putting the lives of millions of people in jeopardy is a nothing burger?

Trying to save our economy from totally collapsing is a nothing burger?

You can't see from the essential businesses having high numbers of infected and die is a big problem? You want every business sector to face what the meat packing businesses and hospitals are facing?


People matter. You may want to spit on all the dead and those who are fighting to save lives and our nation but I won't.

Why is life so worthless to you?
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

You people dont have clue how a virus works, especially one we have no acquired immunities to. Now, in your stupidity, you think this was no worse than the flu.

Don't drink any more Kookaid..

You would be singing a very different tune if Trump had done nothing, like Obama and Biden, and it had raged like wild fire across America and left 2.2 to 2.5 million dead.
prove that would have happened. i can show you countries that didn't shut down - what are their mortality rates? if you suddenly cite "other factors" then you damn well better be prepared for me to come back and look at "other factors" here too.

i am one of those not in favor of hiding out from the things that *could* harm us.
I suggest you look at the death rates in Italy, Spain, and France.. They are nearing 5% of the populace. If NY was allowed to burn as Italy did you would have had 5% of 45 million people dead just in NYC. Slowing the spread works!
boy i can do this "dislike" too, son.

and again - i can show you countries that didn't shut down and are fine.

gosh. they didn't shut down. they should all be dead if i follow you hype mongers.
I suggest you look at population densities to make comparisons. Your missing a whole lot of information. Italy's density was about that of NYC and just as old or older..
i provided an article for reference.

you're just talking shit.
Tell me, The number you cited was one year... The current number of deaths from COVID-19 in 11 weeks just topped 54,000 in the US alone.

Your the one talking shit as I have the numbers and data to prove it. I'm betting we top 100,000 deaths by December in the US alone. The world wide numbers will make a flu season look like a picnic.
and we're what, 64k in this years flu season alone?

so far FLU 64k, Covid 54k..

couple that with THE FACT we're counting non Covid fatalities into COVID #'s, i doubt the 54k as well.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
Trump did not shut down the economy

state and local authorities did

Based on the trump guidelines. Again he’s on tv every day promoting the shut down with his team.
Do you want trump to ignore fauci or follow his recomdations?
dunno. can we listen to doctors in the ER who've seen and treated this since day 1 or do we trust someone who's not treated a single patient that i know of? today we're seeing videos from ER doctors who are saying the stay at home measures are going to start doing more harm than good in that we weaken our own immune systems.

so - this "follow the experts" advice doesn't mean shit when the "experts" are all over the map too. you follow your expert, i'll follow mine, now what?
You dunno?

its a simple question

do you want trump to accept fauci’s recommendations or not?
i am not going to get pinned down to your bullshit.

do you feel Dr Fauci is the ONLY expert on this topic trump should listen to?
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

You people dont have clue how a virus works, especially one we have no acquired immunities to. Now, in your stupidity, you think this was no worse than the flu.

Don't drink any more Kookaid..

You would be singing a very different tune if Trump had done nothing, like Obama and Biden, and it had raged like wild fire across America and left 2.2 to 2.5 million dead.
prove that would have happened. i can show you countries that didn't shut down - what are their mortality rates? if you suddenly cite "other factors" then you damn well better be prepared for me to come back and look at "other factors" here too.

i am one of those not in favor of hiding out from the things that *could* harm us.
I suggest you look at the death rates in Italy, Spain, and France.. They are nearing 5% of the populace. If NY was allowed to burn as Italy did you would have had 5% of 45 million people dead just in NYC ALL AT ONCE. Slowing the spread works!
You are misinformed

the percentage in italy is .045%
Not in the age group of 65+
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

The death of my favorite aunt from the virus is a nothing burger?

Over 54 thousand people dead is a nothing burger?

Spreading the virus throughout our meat packing plants causing shutdowns, animals to be killed, not used for food, causing the price of food to skyrocket is a nothing burger to you?

Putting the lives of millions of people in jeopardy is a nothing burger?

Trying to save our economy from totally collapsing is a nothing burger?

You can't see from the essential businesses having high numbers of infected and die is a big problem? You want every business sector to face what the meat packing businesses and hospitals are facing?


People matter. You may want to spit on all the dead and those who are fighting to save lives and our nation but I won't.

Why is life so worthless to you?

We'll hit 60,000 by the end of this week. And when this beotch comes back around in the fall with a vengeance that will double if the Dithering Dotard continues to mock testing and the need to hire two to three hundred thousand contact tracers.

Btw, we're currently at a .056 fatality rate. That makes C-19 56 times deadlier than the flu.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

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The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
Trump did not shut down the economy

state and local authorities did

Based on the trump guidelines. Again he’s on tv every day promoting the shut down with his team.
Do you want trump to ignore fauci or follow his recomdations?
dunno. can we listen to doctors in the ER who've seen and treated this since day 1 or do we trust someone who's not treated a single patient that i know of? today we're seeing videos from ER doctors who are saying the stay at home measures are going to start doing more harm than good in that we weaken our own immune systems.

so - this "follow the experts" advice doesn't mean shit when the "experts" are all over the map too. you follow your expert, i'll follow mine, now what?
You dunno?

its a simple question

do you want trump to accept fauci’s recommendations or not?
i am not going to get pinned down to your bullshit.

do you feel Dr Fauci is the ONLY expert on this topic trump should listen to?
Like him or not Fauci is the lead expert on this disease

ok, I’ll put it another way

did you want to shut down or not?
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

The death of my favorite aunt from the virus is a nothing burger?

Over 54 thousand people dead is a nothing burger?

Spreading the virus throughout our meat packing plants causing shutdowns, animals to be killed, not used for food, causing the price of food to skyrocket is a nothing burger to you?

Putting the lives of millions of people in jeopardy is a nothing burger?

Trying to save our economy from totally collapsing is a nothing burger?

You can't see from the essential businesses having high numbers of infected and die is a big problem? You want every business sector to face what the meat packing businesses and hospitals are facing?


People matter. You may want to spit on all the dead and those who are fighting to save lives and our nation but I won't.

Why is life so worthless to you?

We'll hit 60,000 by the end of this week. And when this beotch comes back around in the fall with a vengeance that will double if the Dithering Dotard continues to mock testing and the need to hire two to three hundred thousand contact tracers.

Btw, we're currently at a .056 fatality rate. That makes C-19 56 times dealer than the flu.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

I suspect that as the chinese disease claims more victims, deaths from the common flu will decline

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