It's looking more and more like the Wuhan Flu was a big nothing-burger.

The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

The death of my favorite aunt from the virus is a nothing burger?

Over 54 thousand people dead is a nothing burger?

Spreading the virus throughout our meat packing plants causing shutdowns, animals to be killed, not used for food, causing the price of food to skyrocket is a nothing burger to you?

Putting the lives of millions of people in jeopardy is a nothing burger?

Trying to save our economy from totally collapsing is a nothing burger?

You can't see from the essential businesses having high numbers of infected and die is a big problem? You want every business sector to face what the meat packing businesses and hospitals are facing?


People matter. You may want to spit on all the dead and those who are fighting to save lives and our nation but I won't.

Why is life so worthless to you?

We'll hit 60,000 by the end of this week. And when this beotch comes back around in the fall with a vengeance that will double if the Dithering Dotard continues to mock testing and the need to hire two to three hundred thousand contact tracers.

Btw, we're currently at a .056 fatality rate. That makes C-19 56 times deadlier than the flu.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


You know, ths contact tracing is BS. How many people came in contact with my wife when she did the grocery shopping at Walmart? 100? 200? 300? How many? Do you expect to get a list or something?
Yep, when he was telling America - DON'T WORRY 'BOUT NOTHING! Everythting is under control, we shut it down, it's just a few people who are getting better already! He was preventing outbreak.
And how many more virus cases do you think we would have had if our President didn't immediately stop the flights from China? And the fake news called him a racist for doing that.

Meh - The China travel ban was a toothless nothing burger. 40,000 came here AFTER your beloved travel ban.

The so called ban was instituted after the virus was already here.

He put that very loose ban with 11 exceptions that allowed tens of thousands to still come here on January 31st.

The virus was already here by then and he knew it. The first case in America was reported on January 20th. The WHO declared it a pandemic on January 30th.

This so called ban on China was no ban at all and it was instituted after the virus was here. Which was too late. It should have been put in place when the virus was first reported. Without any exemptions that allows even one person in much less 40 thousand to still enter the nation.
WOW it doesn't matter what Trump does you will say it was wrong.. His response started on January 17th and that wasn't soon enough even though Biden and the whole democrat lot was crying he was Racist and Xenaphobic,,, Fuck you and the horse you road in on. You cant have it both ways but your stupid enough to try..
Why would he respond to something he declared a Democratic hoax??

So it wasn't a Democratic hoax?
Remember that 100k-240k prediction and the wingnuts all thought it was bullshit? I think we're headed there. Currently at 56k, we know the deaths come about 2-3 weeks after they are diagnosed.

Then we have to see what happens in the Summer, does it go away or reduce? Hopefully, probably to some extend but then we have to worry about Winter. I sure as hope we've stopped fumbling around with our testing issues but that requires a competent federal government and leadership.

Vaccine is iffy, lasting immunity is not proven. If you were sick the first time and if there is any lasting damage to your lungs, heart or kidneys what would a second go around look like?

I'm not sure the weather will make a difference.

Florida has summer temperatures in the winter, compared to the rest of the nation. That is it doesn't get cold there in the winter. Florida has more cases and more deaths of the virus than my state where the virus was reported to have started in January.

It's much colder here than in Florida yet they have more than twice the number of cases with almost twice the number of deaths.

View attachment 328822View attachment 328823

Yeah, I think the rate of transmission may go down but that's only a guess.

I don't know.

Look at the over night addition total. My state new cases over night is 202. Florida's is 610. My states over night new deaths 11. Florida 14.

People are hoping it's going to act like other diseases like the seasonal common cold or flu.

We have absolutely zero evidence that is the case with Clovid 19.

Hoping isn't the same thing as reality.

This is a brand new disease/virus. We have no information on it beyond what we have learned in the few months it's been here.

I have learned to never predict anything. Go on the concrete facts of what is happening.

What's happening isn't showing that a change in weather is going to do anything to stop the spread or deaths.
hey idiot 5.6% is the mortality rate of the people infected with the wuhan flu.... 0.0168% is the mortality rate for the US population from the wuhan flu
Only if it's over.

Is it over?

No more deaths?
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

The death of my favorite aunt from the virus is a nothing burger?

Over 54 thousand people dead is a nothing burger?

Spreading the virus throughout our meat packing plants causing shutdowns, animals to be killed, not used for food, causing the price of food to skyrocket is a nothing burger to you?

Putting the lives of millions of people in jeopardy is a nothing burger?

Trying to save our economy from totally collapsing is a nothing burger?

You can't see from the essential businesses having high numbers of infected and die is a big problem? You want every business sector to face what the meat packing businesses and hospitals are facing?


People matter. You may want to spit on all the dead and those who are fighting to save lives and our nation but I won't.

Why is life so worthless to you?

We'll hit 60,000 by the end of this week. And when this beotch comes back around in the fall with a vengeance that will double if the Dithering Dotard continues to mock testing and the need to hire two to three hundred thousand contact tracers.

Btw, we're currently at a .056 fatality rate. That makes C-19 56 times deadlier than the flu.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


You know, ths contact tracing is BS. How many people came in contact with my wife when she did the grocery shopping at Walmart? 100? 200? 300? How many? Do you expect to get a list or something?
You obviously don't have a clue.

If you contact trace a GROUP of people...and the thing they all have in common is being in that grocery store on that day ...then you've learned something very important.

You also find out who else was in that store that day and the days around that and look at them and where they've gone.

Over time you get a picture of the virus

You dope
Remember that 100k-240k prediction and the wingnuts all thought it was bullshit? I think we're headed there. Currently at 56k, we know the deaths come about 2-3 weeks after they are diagnosed.

Then we have to see what happens in the Summer, does it go away or reduce? Hopefully, probably to some extend but then we have to worry about Winter. I sure as hope we've stopped fumbling around with our testing issues but that requires a competent federal government and leadership.

Vaccine is iffy, lasting immunity is not proven. If you were sick the first time and if there is any lasting damage to your lungs, heart or kidneys what would a second go around look like?

I'm not sure the weather will make a difference.

Florida has summer temperatures in the winter, compared to the rest of the nation. That is it doesn't get cold there in the winter. Florida has more cases and more deaths of the virus than my state where the virus was reported to have started in January.

It's much colder here than in Florida yet they have more than twice the number of cases with almost twice the number of deaths.

View attachment 328822View attachment 328823

Yeah, I think the rate of transmission may go down but that's only a guess.

I don't know.

Look at the over night addition total. My state new cases over night is 202. Florida's is 610. My states over night new deaths 11. Florida 14.

People are hoping it's going to act like other diseases like the seasonal common cold or flu.

We have absolutely zero evidence that is the case with Clovid 19.

Hoping isn't the same thing as reality.

This is a brand new disease/virus. We have no information on it beyond what we have learned in the few months it's been here.

I have learned to never predict anything. Go on the concrete facts of what is happening.

What's happening isn't showing that a change in weather is going to do anything to stop the spread or deaths.

Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
I wish he would fire all those quack 'medical experts'...Fauci should be the first to go.
He disagreed with opening tattoo parlors, nail salons and bowling alleys. Why must you lie to backup your position?
Captain Clorox has been talking out of both sides of his mouth from the beginning.

When the virus starts going wild in Georgia in a couple weeks...he can then say

"Told ya so"...

You gonna fall for it?

You betcha will

I would add what he said since 2015 until recently:

Only I can solve this.

Now he's saying:

I take no responsibility.

And yes. They fall for it.
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Demos and the fake news media.
Trump shut down the economy. He’s been on tv every day. He has the team and all the guidelines on the whitehouse website. He’s also the President .
I wish he would fire all those quack 'medical experts'...Fauci should be the first to go.

Where did you get your medical degree from?
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.

The death of my favorite aunt from the virus is a nothing burger?

Over 54 thousand people dead is a nothing burger?

Spreading the virus throughout our meat packing plants causing shutdowns, animals to be killed, not used for food, causing the price of food to skyrocket is a nothing burger to you?

Putting the lives of millions of people in jeopardy is a nothing burger?

Trying to save our economy from totally collapsing is a nothing burger?

You can't see from the essential businesses having high numbers of infected and die is a big problem? You want every business sector to face what the meat packing businesses and hospitals are facing?


People matter. You may want to spit on all the dead and those who are fighting to save lives and our nation but I won't.

Why is life so worthless to you?

We'll hit 60,000 by the end of this week. And when this beotch comes back around in the fall with a vengeance that will double if the Dithering Dotard continues to mock testing and the need to hire two to three hundred thousand contact tracers.

Btw, we're currently at a .056 fatality rate. That makes C-19 56 times dealer than the flu.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

56,139 Deaths divided by 995,288 Cases times 100 =5.6%
56,139 Deaths divided by 331,002,651 US population times 100 equals population of the United States affected = 0.0169%
The Big Picture equals a nothing burger
5.6% death rate is HORRENDOUS

If 5.6% of our population the math

It ain't good jerk off
hey idiot 5.6% is the mortality rate of the people infected with the wuhan flu.... 0.0168% is the mortality rate for the US population from the wuhan flu

How do you see this ending?
Remember that 100k-240k prediction and the wingnuts all thought it was bullshit? I think we're headed there. Currently at 56k, we know the deaths come about 2-3 weeks after they are diagnosed.

Then we have to see what happens in the Summer, does it go away or reduce? Hopefully, probably to some extend but then we have to worry about Winter. I sure as hope we've stopped fumbling around with our testing issues but that requires a competent federal government and leadership.

Vaccine is iffy, lasting immunity is not proven. If you were sick the first time and if there is any lasting damage to your lungs, heart or kidneys what would a second go around look like?

I'm not sure the weather will make a difference.

Florida has summer temperatures in the winter, compared to the rest of the nation. That is it doesn't get cold there in the winter. Florida has more cases and more deaths of the virus than my state where the virus was reported to have started in January.

It's much colder here than in Florida yet they have more than twice the number of cases with almost twice the number of deaths.

View attachment 328822View attachment 328823

Yeah, I think the rate of transmission may go down but that's only a guess.

I don't know.

Look at the over night addition total. My state new cases over night is 202. Florida's is 610. My states over night new deaths 11. Florida 14.

People are hoping it's going to act like other diseases like the seasonal common cold or flu.

We have absolutely zero evidence that is the case with Clovid 19.

Hoping isn't the same thing as reality.

This is a brand new disease/virus. We have no information on it beyond what we have learned in the few months it's been here.

I have learned to never predict anything. Go on the concrete facts of what is happening.

What's happening isn't showing that a change in weather is going to do anything to stop the spread or deaths.
What is the population of your state vs Florida
Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.

Yes it does. That situation doesn't happen in my state at this time of year. Florida has the winter temperatures that we have in the summer.

So does California.

California also has the same beach weather and conditions that Florida has right now.

Here are their totals with new over night totals.

Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 11.47.14 AM.png

I can do that with almost all of the southern states. If you look at that region of our nation, you will see the weather isn't making any difference.

So if we have the same weather conditions in the summer as they do in the winter, how is that going to stop the spread and death?
Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.

Yes it does. That situation doesn't happen in my state at this time of year. Florida has the winter temperatures that we have in the summer.

So does California.

California also has the same beach weather and conditions that Florida has right now.

Here are their totals with new over night totals.

View attachment 328839

I can do that with almost all of the southern states. If you look at that region of our nation, you will see the weather isn't making any difference.

So if we have the same weather conditions in the summer as they do in the winter, how is that going to stop the spread and death?

Well, I think in those Southern states you have more people able to spread the disease which probably compensates for any change in weather. I'm more or less in agreement here, my point is only that weather will have an impact but it's nothing compared to a state's citizens acting like assholes.
He disagreed with opening tattoo parlors, nail salons and bowling alleys. Why must you lie to backup your position?
Captain Clorox has been talking out of both sides of his mouth from the beginning.

When the virus starts going wild in Georgia in a couple weeks...he can then say

"Told ya so"...

You gonna fall for it?

You betcha will

I would add what he said since 2015 until recently:

Only I can solve this.

Now he's saying:

I take no responsibility.

And yes. They fall for it.
Please post your proof that Trump created Covid-19. I'll wait.
Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.

Yes it does. That situation doesn't happen in my state at this time of year. Florida has the winter temperatures that we have in the summer.

So does California.

California also has the same beach weather and conditions that Florida has right now.

Here are their totals with new over night totals.

View attachment 328839

I can do that with almost all of the southern states. If you look at that region of our nation, you will see the weather isn't making any difference.

So if we have the same weather conditions in the summer as they do in the winter, how is that going to stop the spread and death?

Well, I think in those Southern states you have more people able to spread the disease which probably compensates for any change in weather. I'm more or less in agreement here, my point is only that weather will have an impact but it's nothing compared to a state's citizens acting like assholes.
I guess you know a lot about acting like an asshole huh?
The more people they test, the more they find who had it but did not get sick.

When the data is all in, it will not be any deadlier than the regular flu, and probably not as deadly.

And for this we wrecked the economy. Mission accomplished by the Chicoms, the Demos, and the fake news media.
Dont say we didnt tell yas
Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.

Yes it does. That situation doesn't happen in my state at this time of year. Florida has the winter temperatures that we have in the summer.

So does California.

California also has the same beach weather and conditions that Florida has right now.

Here are their totals with new over night totals.

View attachment 328839

I can do that with almost all of the southern states. If you look at that region of our nation, you will see the weather isn't making any difference.

So if we have the same weather conditions in the summer as they do in the winter, how is that going to stop the spread and death?

Well, I think in those Southern states you have more people able to spread the disease which probably compensates for any change in weather. I'm more or less in agreement here, my point is only that weather will have an impact but it's nothing compared to a state's citizens acting like assholes.
I guess you know a lot about acting like an asshole huh?

Yes, just by studying the wingnuts on this board. Either try harder or stay on topic.
Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.

Yes it does. That situation doesn't happen in my state at this time of year. Florida has the winter temperatures that we have in the summer.

So does California.

California also has the same beach weather and conditions that Florida has right now.

Here are their totals with new over night totals.

View attachment 328839

I can do that with almost all of the southern states. If you look at that region of our nation, you will see the weather isn't making any difference.

So if we have the same weather conditions in the summer as they do in the winter, how is that going to stop the spread and death?

Well, I think in those Southern states you have more people able to spread the disease which probably compensates for any change in weather. I'm more or less in agreement here, my point is only that weather will have an impact but it's nothing compared to a state's citizens acting like assholes.

Which means that if people here go to the beaches and parks in the summer that the virus can and probably will spread the same way it's spreading in the south now.

The premise that the only reason it's not spreading as fast here is that we don't have weather conditions that bring people outside in large groups isn't a good reason to believe the weather will stop or even slow the spread and death. In fact, to me, it shows that it will increase the spread and death.

I hope I'm wrong. The governor of my state shut my county down at the beginning of March. We've been stuck inside for almost 2 months now. No one wants to go out to enjoy our weather and people more than I do.

I just want to be able to do it and not die because of it.
Yeah. I think warmer weather will have an impact on the rate of transmission. However I believe human interaction will ultimately tell us what happens in each individual state.

As a too specific and probably misguided example on my part. Florida opened up it's beaches, a bunch of yahoos are going to get too close to each other, share food and drinks maybe a can of beer. Well, since it's warmer that can of beer may not spread the virus in say 85 degree weather with 80% humidity as it would in 65 degrees. So perhaps somebody was spared, still doesn't make up for people breathing on each other but overall slow the rate of transmission. Florida is still Florida and if any state is going to fuck this up I put my money on them.

Not sure if that made any sense.

Yes it does. That situation doesn't happen in my state at this time of year. Florida has the winter temperatures that we have in the summer.

So does California.

California also has the same beach weather and conditions that Florida has right now.

Here are their totals with new over night totals.

View attachment 328839

I can do that with almost all of the southern states. If you look at that region of our nation, you will see the weather isn't making any difference.

So if we have the same weather conditions in the summer as they do in the winter, how is that going to stop the spread and death?

Well, I think in those Southern states you have more people able to spread the disease which probably compensates for any change in weather. I'm more or less in agreement here, my point is only that weather will have an impact but it's nothing compared to a state's citizens acting like assholes.

Which means that if people here go to the beaches and parks in the summer that the virus can and probably will spread the same way it's spreading in the south now.

The premise that the only reason it's not spreading as fast here is that we don't have weather conditions that bring people outside in large groups isn't a good reason to believe the weather will stop or even slow the spread and death. In fact, to me, it shows that it will increase the spread and death.

Yeah. I hadn't thought of it that way. For me and I apologize for this comparison, but I'm only looking at seasonality. The flu goes down in the Summer since it's also vulnerable to UV light. However what I didn't take into the equation is that people don't normally hunker down during flu season. So with COVID there will be extra fuel on the fire so to speak with people coming out into the open and socializing again. Yeah, I could see that at least in theory.

I hope I'm wrong. The governor of my state shut my county down at the beginning of March. We've been stuck inside for almost 2 months now. No one wants to go out to enjoy our weather and people more than I do.

If you don't mind me asking which county? I grew up in Alameda and Contra Costa.

I just want to be able to do it and not die because of it.

In Arizona it's a mixed bag. I see just in the last couple of days out in the open people are now beginning to wear masks. When I pick up groceries (I don't go in the store) the person comes out and would walk right up to you and want to hand them to you. I had to point them to put the bags in the back of the truck. Now they stay away from me and I stay away from them. They now wear masks and gloves.

I do a lot of off road riding. I go in a small group of 10 or less and we practice social distancing since we are in our own vehicles, stay about 12 ft apart and wear masks. Anyway, it's nice to get out into the desert and away from town safely. Well, this hobby of mine is also shared by a lot of wingnuts and they get in 30 car convoys with entire families and post pictures of themselves socializing real close. Gadsden, Confederate and on occasion Trump flags flown. These little dumbass brigades are becoming more common.

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