Its Mortimers birthday today

Happy Birthday, Mortimer!

So what do gypsies do for their birthday?

Some throw big parties. Especially 18 birthday. Gypsies are known to like "swank".

But I have only one friend today and a birthday cake my mum made.

I have a standing rule that if anyone reminds you their birthday is coming up they get ignored if they are under 16 years old. One time pardon Mortimer because of your unique name but do not let it happen again! Capisce?
So what do gypsies do for their birthday?
Go to a Broadway play.

I was thinking it was more along the lines of some kind of spell or dance.

Reading your signature I had impression you are a democrat and not racist. But then you make fun of me in a racist way because Im Gypsy. Its not even your first time. Im confused.

There is a huge difference between being racist and ribbing someone. Sorry you are so sensitive. I would think you would have a tougher skin for someone that likes to visit white supremacist's sites.
So what do gypsies do for their birthday?
Go to a Broadway play.

I was thinking it was more along the lines of some kind of spell or dance.

Reading your signature I had impression you are a democrat and not racist. But then you make fun of me in a racist way because Im Gypsy. Its not even your first time. Im confused.

I don't think anyone is making fun of you because you are a Gypsy. We really don't know enough about Gypsies to know if we like them or not . People make fun of you because it's so easy. Tell a couple of them to eat a bag of dicks or tell them to STFU. They might back off. Of course they could get worse too, but you never know unless you try.
So what do gypsies do for their birthday?
Go to a Broadway play.

I was thinking it was more along the lines of some kind of spell or dance.

Reading your signature I had impression you are a democrat and not racist. But then you make fun of me in a racist way because Im Gypsy. Its not even your first time. Im confused.

I don't think anyone is making fun of you because you are a Gypsy. We really don't know enough about Gypsies to know if we like them or not . People make fun of you because it's so easy. Tell a couple of them to eat a bag of dicks or tell them to STFU. They might back off. Of course they could get worse too, but you never know unless you try.

I want to adress the point about Gypsies. My opinion is that all people are individuals and should be judged on individual basis, gypsies can be problematic, and i dont like all gypsies, but I dont see a reason to hate EVERY Gypsy. I never did any harm to anyone here, so I dont see a reason to make fun of me because im Gypsy. Some african americans steal things or smoke crack but you wont hate every african american, right? Iam a Gypsy but Im first a Individual and I am Mortimer. I like being judged for who I am personally not being seen only through the lense that I am Gypsy. Its not important that I am Gypsy, Im first a human.

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