Its Not a New Word but I thought It had Died Out.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
I was told that a Negro was a Black person, OK I heard it on MNBC CBS and others. Ok what do you call a person who is part Negro. No one I know has the answer. Half and Half. Anyone?
Second time today I was thinking someone was referring to the word moist.
Not sure but I used it a week ago and was called "racist" by a liberal.

Do I have to be a liberal to use it?
I was told that a Negro was a Black person, OK I heard it on MNBC CBS and others. Ok what do you call a person who is part Negro. No one I know has the answer. Half and Half. Anyone?

Is the word you are looking for:


But that is just a guess.

Notice, for the record I used no offensive words.
I was told that a Negro was a Black person, OK I heard it on MNBC CBS and others. Ok what do you call a person who is part Negro. No one I know has the answer. Half and Half. Anyone?

well it is all good

as a good sheeple leftist can inform you

racism is A-OK as long as it comes from a leftist

towards a Conservative

or for anyone else who disagrees with them

if that fails

another tool they have in their tool box is violence

they love violence almost as much as using degrading language

against those they hate

oh yeah

hate is also A-OK if you are a liberal
”These Negroes, they‘re getting pretty uppity these days and that‘s a problem for us since they‘ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we‘ve got to do something about this, we‘ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

~Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat)
When I was a kid, prior to civil rights, Negro and colored were standard references for blacks. ****** was even a casual reference and not always necessarily an epithet. In the WWII story of the Dambusters, the code word for the mission's success was ****** as it was the name of the commander's black Labrador retriever.
NAACP and UNCF still incorporate the terms colored and negro as they predate civil rights.
Upon civil rights, the push to use the term black to replace negro and colored was in order to create a greater air of equality to the term white.
Race-hustlers weren't satisfied so they pushed further to create the ultra-arrogant misnomer African-American.
Or quadroon.
That's 1/4 negro. One mulatto parent and one white.
who is India, China, Irish, and Scot.
Indians, Irish, and Scots are nationalities and not races.

Someone who is black/white/and Chinese mixed would be called as such.

If they were a US citizen, they'd be called "American."

I had a black/Chinese guy try to rip me off once. I was like "Okay, you gotta sign this contract, though." He was like "No No NO."

And I was like: "No me worky for you, sheister."

Dickwads come in all races and creeds.

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