It's Not Civil War

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs carrying out the King's wishes and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of or imprisoning anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.
It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs eliminating Democracy and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.
Sounds like Merrick Garland needs to pay you a visit?

That or an audit with an armed IRS agent.

The option are limitless really.
It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs carrying out the King's wishes and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of or imprisoning anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.
Traitor Joe Biden's open borders has let in 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many garden variety terrorists.

I wonder how much cash Biden banked from Xi and Putin for his Trojan Horse national security disaster?

National Security? Say that a few times, and then think about Biden's "Open Borders". Sleep well.
Traitor Joe Biden's open borders has let in 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many garden variety terrorists.
You don't sound quite sane, you know.

Thus, you're a Trump cultist. That cult preys on the easily-terrified beta crowd, the semi-men who crave an authoritarian daddy-figure to protect them.

This is why I advocate for free testosterone supplements for conservative "men". If we could inject a little courage into them, we could almost instantly end the pathology of conservatism.
It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs carrying out the King's wishes and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of or imprisoning anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.
Unfortunately, these particular "people" have been propagandized and manipulated by voices they trust over the last 30+ years into a state of absolute paranoia and rage, and they've decided they'd rather destroy than fix.

It's the Dunning-Kruger Revolution!
Well, at least you admit that Democrat's weaponization of law enforcement and courts needs to be fixed.
It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs carrying out the King's wishes and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of or imprisoning anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.
you could vote
Traitor Joe Biden's open borders has let in 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many garden variety terrorists.

I wonder how much cash Biden banked from Xi and Putin for his Trojan Horse national security disaster?

National Security? Say that a few times, and then think about Biden's "Open Borders". Sleep well.
BTW, a video I watched last week, someone stated the words on the Statue of Liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". The process is to be coordinated and used to assimilate with Americans. Meaning, you have a functioning skill for a job, and that you have funds and a place to stay and were approved before coming.

No where in our immigration does it say we fork out the money for them to come and stay on taxpayer's dimes.
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It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs carrying out the King's wishes and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of or imprisoning anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.

That's why they're using inflammatory language in accusations against conservatives, they're laying the ground work for their justification in jailing anyone that goes against them. The leftist tards cheer that on as well, they're partisan, stupid and easily manipulated, the constitution is done, put a fork in it.
That's why they're using inflammatory language in accusations against conservatives, they're laying the ground work for their justification in jailing anyone that goes against them. The leftist tards cheer that on as well, they're partisan, stupid and easily manipulated, the constitution is done, put a fork in it.
technically, they are compliant little cattle who graze and accommodate their owners. Everyone of them in here say the same words for every issue raised. Their cheat sheets provided by their owners. Compliant cucks each and every one of them.
the gop passed the ariz and ga laws, not tell me they didnt ..... please mr. whine, please
what laws are you referring to? They wrote on how to shut down the main polling place and drop off millions of ballots? I want to see the law.
You don't sound quite sane, you know. Thus, you're a Trump cultist. That cult preys on the easily-terrified beta crowd, the semi-men who crave an authoritarian daddy-figure to protect them. This is why I advocate for free testosterone supplements for conservative "men". If we could inject a little courage into them, we could almost instantly end the pathology of conservatism.
Attempted personal attacks instead of refuting the FACTS. That says you're a political hack.


Xi and Putin have their spies, paramilitary, and hackers in-place, just waiting for the right time...
It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs carrying out the King's wishes and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of or imprisoning anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.

Our current tyrannical govt has way surpassed the british crown days.

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