It's Not Funny Anymore!

Putin wants HRC defeated, and the American fascists on the Alt and Far rights are in bed with him.
Vets will support the law. Most have a hard time, 7 of 10, supporting Trump.

Sure they are. Many of them are veterans as well. Few of Hillary's supporters are.
Very few vets are on the far and alt rights. The great majority are far more honorable than those scum.

Well, they're somewhere besides supporting Hillary, aren't they?

Actually race relations took a nose dive when Obama was elected President.
You bet. The Alt Right with its cultural and racial taboos went, like, "dood, there is a black man in the WH," and you guys never recovered. Now, because of you guys, we are going to have a woman. This is ALL on you.
Vets will support the law. Most have a hard time, 7 of 10, supporting Trump.

Sure they are. Many of them are veterans as well. Few of Hillary's supporters are.
Very few vets are on the far and alt rights. The great majority are far more honorable than those scum.

Well, they're somewhere besides supporting Hillary, aren't they?

Actually race relations took a nose dive when Obama was elected President.
You bet. The Alt Right with its cultural and racial taboos went, like, "dood, there is a black man in the WH," and you guys never recovered. Now, because of you guys, we are going to have a woman. This is ALL on you.

The Black man didn't work out for you and neither will the old hag of a white woman.
Very few vets are on the far and alt rights. The great majority are far more honorable than those scum.
Agreed. They're also far more honorable than to become Democrats. ;)

They're also very dissatisfied with the status quo and the direction our nation is headed.


From 2014, but no doubt the sentiments are worse, not better:
Military Times Poll: Troops fed up with politics
Results of the most recent annual Military Times Poll of more than 2,200 active-duty troops show growing frustration with gridlocked congressional politics, mirroring low approval ratings for national lawmakers in recent polls.

More than one-third of readers who responded to the Military Times Poll said that neither Democrats nor Republicans have been strong advocates for the military, and 44 percent think both major political parties have become less supportive of military issues in recent years.

Only 12 percent believe both parties have the armed forces' best interests at heart.

But unlike many dissatisfied voters who decry the disconnect in Washington politics, most Military Times readers say decisions made by lawmakers have a direct impact on their readiness and morale....

....Likewise, readers who described themselves as "very conservative" have remained steady over the years, but the "conservative" respondents have dwindled as well — down to 29 percent from a high of 41 percent in 2011.

Democrats and liberal readers make up about 8 percent of the poll respondents.

National polls of veterans have shown a strong preference for Republican candidates over Democratic hopefuls, although not as wide a gap as shown in the Military Times Poll. But they have also shown the same strong affinity for the "independent" label, more so than voters without military experience.

Duke University political science professor Peter Feaver, a former George W. Bush National Security Council adviser, said a rise in popularity for independent and libertarian positions among military members comes as little surprise to him.

"The military follows national trends but lags and skews conservative," he said. " 'The libertarians' sensibility fits with some of the military's profile more naturally, particularly the 'don't tread on me' kind of mentality."

Army Maj. Wayne Lacy describes himself as a libertarian but said he has seen some of his fellow soldiers gravitate away from the Republican Party line and toward tea party candidates. But the 45-year-old staff officer at North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado Springs, Colo., sees that as a subtle shift more than a philosophical change in troops' politics.
Actually race relations took a nose dive when Obama was elected President.
Disagreed. They took a nose dive when he started injecting himself into local matters such as the Philly voter intimidation case, the Martin-ZImmerman case, the Beer Summit, Ferguson, et. The color of his skin didn't matter, just his actions.
Gotta say, i trust Putin more than i do the Clintons. They're destroying our nation far more than Putin ever could. And they're criminals to boot.
Agreed on criminals, disagreed worse than Putin.

The Liberals bitched about the Bush administration for 8 years and blamed him for everything bad yet they never admitted that no President can operate for long without the consent of Congress. For the past 8ish years, they've flip-flopped and blamed Congress instead of the President....because the current President has a "D" after his name instead of an "R". When and if President Hillary takes office she won't have the power to destroy the nation without the consent of Congress.....and maybe not even then since people would be rioting in the streets stringing up politicians like piñatas on Cinco de Mayo.
Putin doesn't have the capability to destroy our nation. Corrupt Globalist Elite trash like the Clintons do. They're much more a threat to our nation than Putin is. That's how i see it anyway.
These Liberal fools suppose they are voting for rights, equality, and liberty. The simple facts are that the Democrat leadership are composed of many who embrace the Muslim Brotherhood and Communism. Once they elect their champions, they will quickly find their liberties will rapidly disappear.
Hillary Clinton is a corrupt Globalist Elite Warmonger. She's much more dangerous than Putin is. She's much more a threat to our nation than Putin could ever be. She would lead us to the brink of WWIII. Stay tuned.
These Liberal fools suppose they are voting for rights, equality, and liberty. The simple facts are that the Democrat leadership are composed of many who embrace the Muslim Brotherhood and Communism. Once they elect their champions, they will quickly find their liberties will rapidly disappear.

It's Fascism. It's just the Democrat brand. Sadly, most Republicans are Fascists too.
One of out four troops like Trump, and almost none of the troops believe in Alt Right cultural and social taboos.

No revolution there.
These Liberal fools suppose they are voting for rights, equality, and liberty. The simple facts are that the Democrat leadership are composed of many who embrace the Muslim Brotherhood and Communism. Once they elect their champions, they will quickly find their liberties will rapidly disappear.

It's Fascism. It's just the Democrat brand. Sadly, most Republicans are Fascists too.
The fascism in America is the alt right and far right brand.
These Liberal fools suppose they are voting for rights, equality, and liberty. The simple facts are that the Democrat leadership are composed of many who embrace the Muslim Brotherhood and Communism. Once they elect their champions, they will quickly find their liberties will rapidly disappear.

It's Fascism. It's just the Democrat brand. Sadly, most Republicans are Fascists too.
The fascism in America is the alt right and far right brand.

Most on the Left are Fascists too. They truly believe in forcing their agendas on others by way of Government force and oppression. They're Fascist Authoritarians.
When government and business get together when the unions are weak, yes, problems occur.

How very American of you to support a foreign leader threatening the United States.

Corrupt Globalist Elites like the Clintons are far more a threat to our nation than Putin is. Putin doesn't have the capability to destroy our nation. The NWO Globalist Elites do. I actually trust Putin more than i do the Clintons. It is what it is.

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