It's Not Funny Anymore!

Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.
I didn't think you could back it up, you stupid goddamn retard. You make statements you can't pretend to support then think you can get away with bluffing your way out of it?

You have a steaming turd for a brain.
I bluff nothing. You tell us why you want an enemy of the US to get his choice for president here instead of the one who scares the little Nazi?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, dufus.
Why the fuck would I care? And tell us why you want an enemy of the US to pick the president of the US?
Russia is an enemy of America?
Tell Vladimir I will have more flexibility after the election..........
Somehow admirers of Big Ears and Cankles have forgotten that very public incident.

Apparently they also forgot this statement by BO just four short years ago?
“The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”

Does the Left have Alzheimer's? Oh...maybe it is just they are easily duped by the establishment media and the DNC.
Another of the Joint Chiefs on USMB.
Exactly when was the last time that anyone, anywhere, used a nuke? You people make toddlers in diapers afraid of the closet at bedtime look like fucking Joan of Arc by comparison. Find your goddamned balls and stop living in fear.
The 1980's called Obama again.
Russia's new 'Satan 2' missile can nuke an area size of Texas
Find your balls, pussy. Stop living in a fetal position.

With the balls you claim to possess, they'll probably bring you in as a 2nd Lt. They had the shortest survival expectancy of anyone during the Viet Nam War. Go for it Hero.
I do have balls, which is why I don't live my life in fear that Putin might get mad if he can't cheat his puppet Trump into the White House.

It doesn't take any balls to send someone else off to combat, COWARD.
I did my time on active duty. 20 years. A good chunk during the Cold War. I've been to all the worst fucking hellholes on the planet.

I well remember the liberals shrieking and wetting their pants when Reagan gave the finger to the USSR. Then they began shitting their pants when we expanded the MX missiles into Europe.

Putin is a fucking paper tiger. He's a Third World impotent tinpot. It is time his bullshit bluffs are called.

I'm sick of these pants shitting pseudocons sucking off Putin. They need to go back to the Democratic Party where they belong. And they need to take Trump with them, back to where he came from.

The truth is though that Putin never threatened America at all until Hillary threatened Russia over her hacked emails which she had put on an unsecured server in the first place. I would wager that even Israel hacked her server.
Israel hacks everyone. That's because they care only about Israel, and cashing our checks that you paid for.

Actually, there are several countries and agencies within countries that could have hacked Hillary's unsecured server. I believe our own NSA said they did. We spy on everyone, including our own citizens. Germany's Prime Minister comes to mind.
So stop bitching that you have no privacy. You obviously don't care.

Obviously you don't. We now know you are a blowhard.
Whatever I am I'm not like most of you whiny babies afraid of Big Bad Putin and praying for your Dear Leader Trump to win so he can suck Putin's cock.
Remember when "conservatives" weren't scared little bitches saying we shouldn't be frightened of Russia, and we shouldn't acquiesce at a little bit of saber rattling?

Reagan would be ashamed of these people claiming to be Republicans.
The truth is though that Putin never threatened America at all until Hillary threatened Russia over her hacked emails which she had put on an unsecured server in the first place. I would wager that even Israel hacked her server.
Israel hacks everyone. That's because they care only about Israel, and cashing our checks that you paid for.

Actually, there are several countries and agencies within countries that could have hacked Hillary's unsecured server. I believe our own NSA said they did. We spy on everyone, including our own citizens. Germany's Prime Minister comes to mind.
So stop bitching that you have no privacy. You obviously don't care.

Obviously you don't. We now know you are a blowhard.
Whatever I am I'm not like most of you whiny babies afraid of Big Bad Putin and praying for your Dear Leader Trump to win so he can suck Putin's cock.

Well, in case you don't really know what you are, you are a COWARD.
Exactly when was the last time that anyone, anywhere, used a nuke? You people make toddlers in diapers afraid of the closet at bedtime look like fucking Joan of Arc by comparison. Find your goddamned balls and stop living in fear.
The 1980's called Obama again.
Russia's new 'Satan 2' missile can nuke an area size of Texas
Find your balls, pussy. Stop living in a fetal position.

With the balls you claim to possess, they'll probably bring you in as a 2nd Lt. They had the shortest survival expectancy of anyone during the Viet Nam War. Go for it Hero.
I do have balls, which is why I don't live my life in fear that Putin might get mad if he can't cheat his puppet Trump into the White House.

It doesn't take any balls to send someone else off to combat, COWARD.
It takes brains. The balls part comes from not minding the stupid ones coming home in boxes.
Find your balls, pussy. Stop living in a fetal position.

With the balls you claim to possess, they'll probably bring you in as a 2nd Lt. They had the shortest survival expectancy of anyone during the Viet Nam War. Go for it Hero.
I do have balls, which is why I don't live my life in fear that Putin might get mad if he can't cheat his puppet Trump into the White House.

It doesn't take any balls to send someone else off to combat, COWARD.
It takes brains. The balls part comes from not minding the stupid ones coming home in boxes.

Actually, that's the COWARD in you. If you had balls, you'd back up what you say by joing up and backing up what you preach.
If you are a fascist, as well as a Russian and Putin fan, you are going to be thrilled to know that your guy will lose the election.
Find your balls, pussy. Stop living in a fetal position.

With the balls you claim to possess, they'll probably bring you in as a 2nd Lt. They had the shortest survival expectancy of anyone during the Viet Nam War. Go for it Hero.
I do have balls, which is why I don't live my life in fear that Putin might get mad if he can't cheat his puppet Trump into the White House.

It doesn't take any balls to send someone else off to combat, COWARD.
It takes brains. The balls part comes from not minding the stupid ones coming home in boxes.

Actually, that's the COWARD in you. If you had balls, you'd back up what you say by joing up and backing up what you preach.
Fuck you are dumb. No one who matters goes to war. That would be fucking stupid. Being afraid you also might have to fight a war, even start one? That's also fucking stupid. That Nazi bitch Putin needs a bullet through his head.
With the balls you claim to possess, they'll probably bring you in as a 2nd Lt. They had the shortest survival expectancy of anyone during the Viet Nam War. Go for it Hero.
I do have balls, which is why I don't live my life in fear that Putin might get mad if he can't cheat his puppet Trump into the White House.

It doesn't take any balls to send someone else off to combat, COWARD.
It takes brains. The balls part comes from not minding the stupid ones coming home in boxes.

Actually, that's the COWARD in you. If you had balls, you'd back up what you say by joing up and backing up what you preach.
Fuck you are dumb. No one who matters goes to war. That would be fucking stupid. Being afraid you also might have to fight a war, even start one? That's also fucking stupid. That Nazi bitch Putin needs a bullet through his head.

Why don't you put a bullet through his head then, Little Coward? It is best that you don't sign up. Any one of those young men are worth ten like you. You would only be one more thing that would endanger them. For a little while anyways. One most often takes out his most immenient danger. You would not last long at all.

You are claiming you are better than myself and thousands of others who have gone to war. You are a real Dipshit and disgrace to even call yourself an American, much less a man. Many of us went because we were drafted. If we were to have to enter into a war, it would not be with only Russia. It would be with Russia, China, Iran, Libya, Syria, North Korea and all their allies. The Draft would be reinstated. You are an ignorant blowhard and a fool. And a COWARD.
Gotta say, i trust Putin more than i do the Clintons. They're destroying our nation far more than Putin ever could. And they're criminals to boot.
Fuck Putin. Better yet drone him.

^^ Classic Hillary supporter. Answer to everything is a drone. No one should be able to think differently.

If she wins, WW3 will destroy all of earth.
We get that your boy, or is it you are his boy, "the donald", kisses putin's *ass.

Actually, I have been to war. I didn't like it and don't wish to see any more of our young people have to fight another senseless war just to satisfy a bunch of politicians who represent interests that make tons of money selling munitions and doing construction jobs in foreign countries at taxpayer expense.
Imo there aren't that many Putin sympathizers here. Stratford and his "ilk" sure. And some are isolationist, like Paulatician. But, imo, most of this appeasement shit is really partisan. Pro-Trump/Anti-Hillary. Trump Enterprises may be a wholly owned subisidiary of Putin's State mafia, and that would be a problem, but I think the West would happily cancel any enforciablity of debt to Putin. The reality is that the only thing that unites dems and gopers, and the brits, and the germans, and the French, Italians, Spaniards, Poles, Ukranians, Baltic State folks is the reality that Putin must be held in check to recognize legal, international borders.

The fact that Trump, apparently, did not learn in his bigly biz education that cournties may not simply invade one another for free oil. And THAT is cause for concern. However, even the neocons don't go that far. Trump's ability to conduct foreign policy is not absolute, even God forbid he wins. He would face united supermajorities in congress. And, ultimately, Trump will do what is popular. And that may be his most damning characteristic.
With the balls you claim to possess, they'll probably bring you in as a 2nd Lt. They had the shortest survival expectancy of anyone during the Viet Nam War. Go for it Hero.
I do have balls, which is why I don't live my life in fear that Putin might get mad if he can't cheat his puppet Trump into the White House.

It doesn't take any balls to send someone else off to combat, COWARD.
It takes brains. The balls part comes from not minding the stupid ones coming home in boxes.

Actually, that's the COWARD in you. If you had balls, you'd back up what you say by joing up and backing up what you preach.
Fuck you are dumb. No one who matters goes to war. That would be fucking stupid. Being afraid you also might have to fight a war, even start one? That's also fucking stupid. That Nazi bitch Putin needs a bullet through his head.

You're a real badass with all your war talk and cursing, aren't you? How old are you, ten?
Imo there aren't that many Putin sympathizers here. Stratford and his "ilk" sure. And some are isolationist, like Paulatician. But, imo, most of this appeasement shit is really partisan. Pro-Trump/Anti-Hillary. Trump Enterprises may be a wholly owned subisidiary of Putin's State mafia, and that would be a problem, but I think the West would happily cancel any enforciablity of debt to Putin. The reality is that the only thing that unites dems and gopers, and the brits, and the germans, and the French, Italians, Spaniards, Poles, Ukranians, Baltic State folks is the reality that Putin must be held in check to recognize legal, international borders.

The fact that Trump, apparently, did not learn in his bigly biz education that cournties may not simply invade one another for free oil. And THAT is cause for concern. However, even the neocons don't go that far. Trump's ability to conduct foreign policy is not absolute, even God forbid he wins. He would face united supermajorities in congress. And, ultimately, Trump will do what is popular. And that may be his most damning characteristic.

I suppose I fit more or less into the isolationist crowd. I see absolutely nothing we have to show for the Iraqi War and now Obama and Hillary have us involved in Syria and Libya. For what? It is absolutely stupid.
It appears to me that many of you see no problem with our interferring in the elections of other nations but take exception when another nation attempts or is accused of attempting to interfere with our own election. You also see no problem with our policies of instituting the removal of foreign leaders we don't like. Who died and made us God?

What has it been to our benefit to invade Iraq? How did it benefit us to have the Libyan leader murdered and see Libya turn into an ISIS hellhole? How have we benefitted with attempting to overthrow Syria's Assaud? Think of the money we might have spent on infrastructure and and the economy had we stayed out of trying to influence the countries in the Middle East, not to mention the American lives lost.

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