It's Not Funny Anymore!

Here is the genesis of Putin's vendetta against Clinton:Clinton calls for Russian poll fraud probe

"Russian voters deserve a full investigation of electoral fraud and manipulation," Clinton said. Russia's top diplomat was present at the meeting in the Lithuanian capital, but the two did not plan to meet separately.

"Regardless of where you live, citizenship requires holding your government accountable," she said. Efforts to bar election monitoring by a Russian organization have undermined public faith, she said.

You think it is a coincidence Donald Trump, an admirer of Putin, is whining about electoral rigging?

You ever stop to wonder why Wikileaks has completely retooled itself into a "get Hillary" organization?


You ever wonder why the hillary is so full of corruption, deceit?
Nothing on the scale of which Putin is. Or Trump.

Choose America.

I do. She hates america.
Mr. Putin has no respect for corrupt neocons like Crooked Hillary, and her douchebag accomplice Barry Obama.
Mr. Putin? He's a fucking Russian tin-plated dictator. I'm not so far right that I'd take a fucking Russian over an American. Even Hillary.
She's going to put a steel toed Ferragamo up his totalitarian ass.

Or she may get a sub firing a nuke over the US off the coast of Cuba. Hillary sounds like a third world loon out there accusing and threatening Putin.
You sound like a kowtowing 70s liberal who is afraid to antagonize Russia.
Anyone who thinks we can afford to let Russia and it's dreams of Empire destabilize the Baltic States and the Ukraine (again) is a fool. Russia was given the choice between joining the free market economies or walking away by itself. It chose the latter. If nations freely choose to join it, then that is their populaces's decisions. However TWICE we've seen the results of Russian Imperialism, and hundreds of millions paid with their lives ... including Americans.

You are aware of the poll that was recently conducted wherein 25 nations votes as to which nation was the single most nation adverse to world peace and it was overwhelmingly voted to be the United States? We are the nation primarily responsible for the bloodbath ongoing in the Middle East. It was our policy to provoke regime change in Libya and in Syria.
She's going to put a steel toed Ferragamo up his totalitarian ass.
Putin is building bases in Cuba right now.......
As if that will work. We kicked Russian ass out of there before and we are far more powerful now.
Yeah, Russian nukes 3 minutes from DC with our 4 minute response time.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
Putin is building bases in Cuba right now.......
As if that will work. We kicked Russian ass out of there before and we are far more powerful now.
Yeah, Russian nukes 3 minutes from DC with our 4 minute response time.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
So 5 wars Obama has going is not enough for Democrats, they want nuclear war with Russia too.
She's going to put a steel toed Ferragamo up his totalitarian ass.

Or she may get a sub firing a nuke over the US off the coast of Cuba. Hillary sounds like a third world loon out there accusing and threatening Putin.
You sound like a kowtowing 70s liberal who is afraid to antagonize Russia.

Actually, I'm a ten point combat connected veteran who has had his fill of conventional warfare and want no part of a nuclear, biological, or chemical war. You go right ahead and join up today if you are so hell bent on fighting.
I did my time on active duty. 20 years. A good chunk during the Cold War. I've been to all the worst fucking hellholes on the planet.

I well remember the liberals shrieking and wetting their pants when Reagan gave the finger to the USSR. Then they began shitting their pants when we expanded the MX missiles into Europe.

Putin is a fucking paper tiger. He's a Third World impotent tinpot. It is time his bullshit bluffs are called.

I'm sick of these pants shitting pseudocons sucking off Putin. They need to go back to the Democratic Party where they belong. And they need to take Trump with them, back to where he came from.

The truth is though that Putin never threatened America at all until Hillary threatened Russia over her hacked emails which she had put on an unsecured server in the first place. I would wager that even Israel hacked her server.

Putin is just coming up with excuses for public consumption to try to mitigate the world's disgust towards Russia and all their heartless military campaigns.

Hillary, on the other hand, is a left wing puppet who regurgitates meaningless cliches of how bad Russia is just to generate votes. She and Obama have cut illegal deals with these creeps, and they also have let Russia do as they please around the globe. Obama is a giant coward and Hillary is a mental midget and a total fraud.

Trump is just doing what a candidate might do, i.e. say he is willing to negotiate with Russia or other adversaries if there is willingness on both sides to do so. He has praised Putin by comparing his ability to govern vs. phony cowards like Barack or Hillary. That is as far as his so-called "friendship" with Putin has ever gone.

Meanwhile, Hillary secretly sells Russia uranium illegally and profits from it personally. And the idiot voters on the left do not care, nor does the media. This nation is so filled with so many idiots it is easier to count those who are not.
She's going to put a steel toed Ferragamo up his totalitarian ass.

Or she may get a sub firing a nuke over the US off the coast of Cuba. Hillary sounds like a third world loon out there accusing and threatening Putin.
You sound like a kowtowing 70s liberal who is afraid to antagonize Russia.

Actually, I'm a ten point combat connected veteran who has had his fill of conventional warfare and want no part of a nuclear, biological, or chemical war. You go right ahead and join up today if you are so hell bent on fighting.
I did my time on active duty. 20 years. A good chunk during the Cold War. I've been to all the worst fucking hellholes on the planet.

I well remember the liberals shrieking and wetting their pants when Reagan gave the finger to the USSR. Then they began shitting their pants when we expanded the MX missiles into Europe.

Putin is a fucking paper tiger. He's a Third World impotent tinpot. It is time his bullshit bluffs are called.

I'm sick of these pants shitting pseudocons sucking off Putin. They need to go back to the Democratic Party where they belong. And they need to take Trump with them, back to where he came from.

The truth is though that Putin never threatened America at all until Hillary threatened Russia over her hacked emails which she had put on an unsecured server in the first place. I would wager that even Israel hacked her server.
I would wager a thousand 10 year olds hacked Hillary's server.
The love affair you and others on the right are having with the authoritarian thug Putin will forever be funny.

Like I already said, any of you heroes that are hell bent on fighting, go on down to your local Army recruiter's office and sign up. I'll sit this one out.

Putin is just coming up with excuses for public consumption to try to mitigate the world's disgust towards Russia and all their heartless military campaigns.

Hillary, on the other hand, is a left wing puppet who regurgitates meaningless cliches of how bad Russia is just to generate votes. She and Obama have cut illegal deals with these creeps, and they also have let Russia do as they please around the globe. Obama is a giant coward and Hillary is a mental midget and a total fraud.

Trump is just doing what a candidate might do, i.e. say he is willing to negotiate with Russia or other adversaries if there is willingness on both sides to do so. He has praised Putin by comparing his ability to govern vs. phony cowards like Barack or Hillary. That is as far as his so-called "friendship" with Putin has ever gone.

Meanwhile, Hillary secretly sells Russia uranium illegally and profits from it personally. And the idiot voters on the left do not care, nor does the media. This nation is so filled with idiots it is easier to count those who are not.

Finally a man who sees through the bullshit.
As if that will work. We kicked Russian ass out of there before and we are far more powerful now.
Yeah, Russian nukes 3 minutes from DC with our 4 minute response time.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
So 5 wars Obama has going is not enough for Democrats, they want nuclear war with Russia too.
There will be no nuclear war you idiot. Just stop pissing your pants for a change.
Yeah, Russian nukes 3 minutes from DC with our 4 minute response time.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
So 5 wars Obama has going is not enough for Democrats, they want nuclear war with Russia too.
There will be no nuclear are you idiot. Just stop pissing your pants for a change.
You're the one who just called for Hillary to go to war with Russia, ignoramus.
As if that will work. We kicked Russian ass out of there before and we are far more powerful now.
Yeah, Russian nukes 3 minutes from DC with our 4 minute response time.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
So 5 wars Obama has going is not enough for Democrats, they want nuclear war with Russia too.

As long as it is someone else who actually has his/her boots on the ground and not them.
She's going to put a steel toed Ferragamo up his totalitarian ass.

Or she may get a sub firing a nuke over the US off the coast of Cuba. Hillary sounds like a third world loon out there accusing and threatening Putin.
You sound like a kowtowing 70s liberal who is afraid to antagonize Russia.

Actually, I'm a ten point combat connected veteran who has had his fill of conventional warfare and want no part of a nuclear, biological, or chemical war. You go right ahead and join up today if you are so hell bent on fighting.
I did my time on active duty. 20 years. A good chunk during the Cold War. I've been to all the worst fucking hellholes on the planet.

I well remember the liberals shrieking and wetting their pants when Reagan gave the finger to the USSR. Then they began shitting their pants when we expanded the MX missiles into Europe.

Putin is a fucking paper tiger. He's a Third World impotent tinpot. It is time his bullshit bluffs are called.

I'm sick of these pants shitting pseudocons sucking off Putin. They need to go back to the Democratic Party where they belong. And they need to take Trump with them, back to where he came from.

The truth is though that Putin never threatened America at all until Hillary threatened Russia over her hacked emails which she had put on an unsecured server in the first place. I would wager that even Israel hacked her server.
Israel hacks everyone. That's because they care only about Israel, and cashing our checks that you paid for.
Yeah, Russian nukes 3 minutes from DC with our 4 minute response time.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
So 5 wars Obama has going is not enough for Democrats, they want nuclear war with Russia too.
There will be no nuclear are you idiot. Just stop pissing your pants for a change.

Another of the Joint Chiefs on USMB.
Or she may get a sub firing a nuke over the US off the coast of Cuba. Hillary sounds like a third world loon out there accusing and threatening Putin.
You sound like a kowtowing 70s liberal who is afraid to antagonize Russia.

Actually, I'm a ten point combat connected veteran who has had his fill of conventional warfare and want no part of a nuclear, biological, or chemical war. You go right ahead and join up today if you are so hell bent on fighting.
I did my time on active duty. 20 years. A good chunk during the Cold War. I've been to all the worst fucking hellholes on the planet.

I well remember the liberals shrieking and wetting their pants when Reagan gave the finger to the USSR. Then they began shitting their pants when we expanded the MX missiles into Europe.

Putin is a fucking paper tiger. He's a Third World impotent tinpot. It is time his bullshit bluffs are called.

I'm sick of these pants shitting pseudocons sucking off Putin. They need to go back to the Democratic Party where they belong. And they need to take Trump with them, back to where he came from.

The truth is though that Putin never threatened America at all until Hillary threatened Russia over her hacked emails which she had put on an unsecured server in the first place. I would wager that even Israel hacked her server.
Israel hacks everyone. That's because they care only about Israel, and cashing our checks that you paid for.
There goes the anti-Semitic rant of every Nazi.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
So 5 wars Obama has going is not enough for Democrats, they want nuclear war with Russia too.
There will be no nuclear are you idiot. Just stop pissing your pants for a change.
You're the one who just called for Hillary to go to war with Russia, ignoramus.
I didn't call for war but better war than Trump sucking Putin's cock. Fuck both of them.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
So 5 wars Obama has going is not enough for Democrats, they want nuclear war with Russia too.
There will be no nuclear are you idiot. Just stop pissing your pants for a change.

Another of the Joint Chiefs on USMB.
Exactly when was the last time that anyone, anywhere, used a nuke? You people make toddlers in diapers afraid of the closet at bedtime look like fucking Joan of Arc by comparison. Find your goddamned balls and stop living in fear.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.
So 5 wars Obama has going is not enough for Democrats, they want nuclear war with Russia too.
There will be no nuclear are you idiot. Just stop pissing your pants for a change.
You're the one who just called for Hillary to go to war with Russia, ignoramus.
I didn't call for war but better war than Trump sucking Putin's cock. Fuck both of them.
"No wonder Clinton scares him. She'll bomb that shit into next week and his Nazi ass back behind his iron curtain.:
Dufus claims he is not calling for war with Russia.

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