It's Not Funny Anymore!

Here is the genesis of Putin's vendetta against Clinton:Clinton calls for Russian poll fraud probe

"Russian voters deserve a full investigation of electoral fraud and manipulation," Clinton said. Russia's top diplomat was present at the meeting in the Lithuanian capital, but the two did not plan to meet separately.

"Regardless of where you live, citizenship requires holding your government accountable," she said. Efforts to bar election monitoring by a Russian organization have undermined public faith, she said.

You think it is a coincidence Donald Trump, an admirer of Putin, is whining about electoral rigging?

You ever stop to wonder why Wikileaks has completely retooled itself into a "get Hillary" organization?


You ever wonder why the hillary is so full of corruption, deceit?
Nothing on the scale of which Putin is. Or Trump.

Choose America.
Actually, I'm a ten point combat connected veteran who has had his fill of conventional warfare and want no part of a nuclear, biological, or chemical war. You go right ahead and join up today if you are so hell bent on fighting.
I did my time on active duty. 20 years. A good chunk during the Cold War. I've been to all the worst fucking hellholes on the planet.

I well remember the liberals shrieking and wetting their pants when Reagan gave the finger to the USSR. Then they began shitting their pants when we expanded the MX missiles into Europe.

Putin is a fucking paper tiger. He's a Third World impotent tinpot. It is time his bullshit bluffs are called. I'm sick of these pants shitting pseudocons sucking off Putin. They need to go back to the Democratic Party where they belong.
Sounds like you sucked some bad salami. The last thing we need is a war with Russia. WTF is wrong with you?
See? You, too. You sound just like those pants shitting liberals when Ronny Reagan expanded the MX missile program in Europe, and got up all in the commies' faces.

Peace Through Strength.

You sound like these pussies: How Reagan Brought the World to the Brink of Nuclear Destruction
You sound like a little teenager throwing a tantrum. Reagan was dealing with the USSR and spreading communism, a real threat.

So instead of slinging shitballs at anyone that has the audacity to actually disagree with your opinion, explain how Russia is anywhere near the threat and what going to war with them would accomplish.
Nobody is going to war with Russia. This discussions amazes me. If we flip the script and put Clintons words/actions about Putin in Trumps mouth and vice versa... I have no doubt you would be defending Trump for being tough on a ruthless dictator and would be criticizing Clinton for pandering to putin and being weak/spineless with her national policy. NO DOUBT.
Really think about it... can you be honest and objective? You know I'm right
I have no doubt you are full of shit. You proved it every day here. You lie about me to support your own opinion. Turning it into a strictly partisan issue is your game, not mine. I don't let ass wipes speak for me.

You have no idea what the outcome would be if tensions escalate, don't pretend you are some kind of expert.
Your love for America really shines through.....
I do love America, which is why I say fuck Putin's Nazi ass and his puppet man-child Trump.
And yet another one, how is Trump Putin's puppet? Lefties never explain or try to back it up. Insults and smears is good enough for the party of corruption.
Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.
I didn't think you could back it up, you stupid goddamn retard. You make statements you can't pretend to support then think you can get away with bluffing your way out of it?

You have a steaming turd for a brain.
I bluff nothing. You tell us why you want an enemy of the US to get his choice for president here instead of the one who scares the little Nazi?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, dufus.

I do love America, which is why I say fuck Putin's Nazi ass and his puppet man-child Trump.
And yet another one, how is Trump Putin's puppet? Lefties never explain or try to back it up. Insults and smears is good enough for the party of corruption.
Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.
I didn't think you could back it up, you stupid goddamn retard. You make statements you can't pretend to support then think you can get away with bluffing your way out of it?

You have a steaming turd for a brain.
I bluff nothing. You tell us why you want an enemy of the US to get his choice for president here instead of the one who scares the little Nazi?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, dufus.
And he was right to do so. So why are all you pseudocons sucking off Putin today? Why are you backing a guy who has a crush on Putin?
And yet another one, how is Trump Putin's puppet? Lefties never explain or try to back it up. Insults and smears is good enough for the party of corruption.
Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.
I didn't think you could back it up, you stupid goddamn retard. You make statements you can't pretend to support then think you can get away with bluffing your way out of it?

You have a steaming turd for a brain.
I bluff nothing. You tell us why you want an enemy of the US to get his choice for president here instead of the one who scares the little Nazi?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, dufus.
And he was right to do so. So why are all you pseudocons sucking off Putin today? Why are you backing a guy who has a crush on Putin?
Why are you running your tongue up an old pig's nasty asshole and coming here to post?
I do love America, which is why I say fuck Putin's Nazi ass and his puppet man-child Trump.
And yet another one, how is Trump Putin's puppet? Lefties never explain or try to back it up. Insults and smears is good enough for the party of corruption.
Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.
I didn't think you could back it up, you stupid goddamn retard. You make statements you can't pretend to support then think you can get away with bluffing your way out of it?

You have a steaming turd for a brain.
I bluff nothing. You tell us why you want an enemy of the US to get his choice for president here instead of the one who scares the little Nazi?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, dufus.
Why the fuck would I care? And tell us why you want an enemy of the US to pick the president of the US?
Your love for America really shines through.....
I do love America, which is why I say fuck Putin's Nazi ass and his puppet man-child Trump.
And yet another one, how is Trump Putin's puppet? Lefties never explain or try to back it up. Insults and smears is good enough for the party of corruption.
Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.

A progressive talking about stealing elections....oh the irony.

almost as ironic as the man thats being sued for fraud bitches about others for being frauds isn't it ?

Nah...not really.
And yet another one, how is Trump Putin's puppet? Lefties never explain or try to back it up. Insults and smears is good enough for the party of corruption.
Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.
I didn't think you could back it up, you stupid goddamn retard. You make statements you can't pretend to support then think you can get away with bluffing your way out of it?

You have a steaming turd for a brain.
I bluff nothing. You tell us why you want an enemy of the US to get his choice for president here instead of the one who scares the little Nazi?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, dufus.
And he was right to do so. So why are all you pseudocons sucking off Putin today? Why are you backing a guy who has a crush on Putin?
No one said Obama does not have the right to be an ignorant asshole.
Nukes aren't weapons, they're threats. Don't be a dumbfuck all your life. We are the only terrorist nation to ever use them.

Your love for America really shines through.....
I do love America, which is why I say fuck Putin's Nazi ass and his puppet man-child Trump.
And yet another one, how is Trump Putin's puppet? Lefties never explain or try to back it up. Insults and smears is good enough for the party of corruption.
Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.
I didn't think you could back it up, you stupid goddamn retard. You make statements you can't pretend to support then think you can get away with bluffing your way out of it?

You have a steaming turd for a brain.

You do a diservice to steaming turds....
She's going to put a steel toed Ferragamo up his totalitarian ass.
Putin is building bases in Cuba right now.......
As if that will work. We kicked Russian ass out of there before and we are far more powerful now.
Yeah, Russian nukes 3 minutes from DC with our 4 minute response time.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
These liberal fuckers will even put our national security at risk to win a goddamn election.
The risk to national security is Trump and his loud fucking mouth, not Clinton and here decades of experience. She plays the game just fine you just hate her.
Now that is hilarious.

You think Cankles' experience means something....too funny.

She is Neocon worse than W and Cheney combined, but you lefties don't know it.
And your evidence for that is what exactly?
See? You prove you are uninformed by asking that really dumb question.
I did my time on active duty. 20 years. A good chunk during the Cold War. I've been to all the worst fucking hellholes on the planet.

I well remember the liberals shrieking and wetting their pants when Reagan gave the finger to the USSR. Then they began shitting their pants when we expanded the MX missiles into Europe.

Putin is a fucking paper tiger. He's a Third World impotent tinpot. It is time his bullshit bluffs are called. I'm sick of these pants shitting pseudocons sucking off Putin. They need to go back to the Democratic Party where they belong.
Sounds like you sucked some bad salami. The last thing we need is a war with Russia. WTF is wrong with you?
See? You, too. You sound just like those pants shitting liberals when Ronny Reagan expanded the MX missile program in Europe, and got up all in the commies' faces.

Peace Through Strength.

You sound like these pussies: How Reagan Brought the World to the Brink of Nuclear Destruction
You sound like a little teenager throwing a tantrum. Reagan was dealing with the USSR and spreading communism, a real threat.

So instead of slinging shitballs at anyone that has the audacity to actually disagree with your opinion, explain how Russia is anywhere near the threat and what going to war with them would accomplish.
Nobody is going to war with Russia. This discussions amazes me. If we flip the script and put Clintons words/actions about Putin in Trumps mouth and vice versa... I have no doubt you would be defending Trump for being tough on a ruthless dictator and would be criticizing Clinton for pandering to putin and being weak/spineless with her national policy. NO DOUBT.
Really think about it... can you be honest and objective? You know I'm right
I have no doubt you are full of shit. You proved it every day here. You lie about me to support your own opinion. Turning it into a strictly partisan issue is your game, not mine. I don't let ass wipes speak for me.

You have no idea what the outcome would be if tensions escalate, don't pretend you are some kind of expert.
DO you know what a lie is? I made a prediction and you are welcome to prove me wrong and state your case. But before you give the knee jerk reaction, really think about this position about Putin/Russia and really think about Trump taking the hardline and Clinton taking the pandering side. Can you honestly say that you would support Clinton over Trump in that case?
And yet another one, how is Trump Putin's puppet? Lefties never explain or try to back it up. Insults and smears is good enough for the party of corruption.
Trump admires the little Nazi while Clinton tells the little Nazi to STFU. If Trump wasn't Putin's puppet he wouldn't be working so hard trying to steal the election for him.
I didn't think you could back it up, you stupid goddamn retard. You make statements you can't pretend to support then think you can get away with bluffing your way out of it?

You have a steaming turd for a brain.
I bluff nothing. You tell us why you want an enemy of the US to get his choice for president here instead of the one who scares the little Nazi?
Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary, dufus.
Why the fuck would I care? And tell us why you want an enemy of the US to pick the president of the US?
Russia is an enemy of America?
Tell Vladimir I will have more flexibility after the election..........
She's going to put a steel toed Ferragamo up his totalitarian ass.
Putin is building bases in Cuba right now.......
As if that will work. We kicked Russian ass out of there before and we are far more powerful now.
Yeah, Russian nukes 3 minutes from DC with our 4 minute response time.
They have no nukes there. And the last time they tried to we sent their Nazi asses packing. They could park a nuclear sub closer than that. Get real.
The bases are being built, dufus. And Vladimir has been given the flexibility to build them now after the election..
These liberal fuckers will even put our national security at risk to win a goddamn election.
The risk to national security is Trump and his loud fucking mouth, not Clinton and here decades of experience. She plays the game just fine you just hate her.
Now that is hilarious.

You think Cankles' experience means something....too funny.

She is Neocon worse than W and Cheney combined, but you lefties don't know it.
And your evidence for that is what exactly?
See? You prove you are uninformed by asking that really dumb question.
In other words, you have no evidence at all. Case closed.

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